Last update: 3 hours ago
As of the 3/30/2023 update a lot of commands received a devonly + defensive flag. You can use these commands only if you set DefensiveConCommands
to 0 in csgo_core/
Developmentonly commands without the defensive flag cannot be used even with DefensiveConCommands "0"
List of all commands
Name | Description | Flags |
_record | Record a demo incrementally. | dontrecord release |
_resetgamestats | Erases current game stats and writes out a blank stats file | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
-bugvoice | Finish recording bug voice attachment. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
-camdistance | developmentonly clientdll defensive | |
-cammousemove | developmentonly clientdll defensive | |
-cl_show_team_equipment | clientdll release | |
-lookatweapon | clientdll release | |
-quickbuyradial | clientdll release | |
-quickgearradial | developmentonly clientdll defensive | |
-quickgrenaderadial | clientdll release | |
-quickinv | clientdll release | |
-radialradio | clientdll release | |
-radialradio2 | clientdll release | |
-radialradio3 | clientdll release | |
-spray_menu | clientdll release | |
+bugvoice | Start recording bug voice attachment. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
+camdistance | developmentonly clientdll defensive | |
+cammousemove | developmentonly clientdll defensive | |
+cl_show_team_equipment | clientdll release | |
+lookatweapon | clientdll release | |
+quickbuyradial | clientdll release | |
+quickgearradial | developmentonly clientdll defensive | |
+quickgrenaderadial | clientdll release | |
+quickinv | clientdll release | |
+radialradio | clientdll release | |
+radialradio2 | clientdll release | |
+radialradio3 | clientdll release | |
+spray_menu | clientdll release | |
addip | Add an IP address to the ban list. | developmentonly defensive |
addons | list current addon info. | developmentonly defensive |
alias | Alias a command. | release |
anim_eval_stats | Displays stats about how many EvaluatePose calls are unused | developmentonly gamedll |
animevents_dump | List all the currently registered anim events. | gamedll cheat |
animgraph_dump_update_list | Displays stats about which animations are updating | developmentonly gamedll |
animgraph_set_parameter_bool | Specified entities will have the specified bool parameter set to the value specified. Useful for animators to test. Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity> | gamedll cheat |
animgraph_set_parameter_enum | Specified entities will have the specified enum parameter set to the value specified. Useful for animators to test. Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity> | gamedll cheat |
animgraph_set_parameter_float | Specified entities will have the specified float parameter set to the value specified. Useful for animators to test. Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity> | gamedll cheat |
animgraph_set_parameter_int | Specified entities will have the specified int parameter set to the value specified. Useful for animators to test. Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity> | gamedll cheat |
animgraph_set_parameter_string | Specified entities will have the specified bool parameter set to the value specified. Useful for animators to test. Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity> | gamedll cheat |
animgraph_set_parameter_vector | Specified entities will have the specified vector parameter set to the value specified. Useful for animators to test. Arguments: <entity> <parameter name> <value you want to send to animgraph for the entity> | gamedll cheat |
annotation_append | Load annotation to a file without clearing existing annotations | clientdll release |
annotation_clear | Clear all annotation | clientdll release |
annotation_create | Creates an annotation | clientdll release |
annotation_delete_previous_node_set | Delete the last node set created | clientdll release |
annotation_load | Load annotation to a file after first clearing existing annotations | clientdll release |
annotation_reload | Reload the annotation file | clientdll release |
annotation_reload_language_file | Creates an annotation | clientdll release |
annotation_save | Save annotation to a file | clientdll release |
apply_crosshair_code | Apply a crosshair code to the current crosshair settings. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
auto_bug | auto_bug : create non-interactive bug report. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
autobuy | Attempt to purchase items with the order listed in cl_autobuy | clientdll clientcmd_can_execute |
autosave | Autosave | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
autosavedangerous | AutoSaveDangerous | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
autosavedangerousissafe | developmentonly gamedll defensive | |
axis | Draw an axis Arguments: x y z pitch yaw roll <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a> | gamedll cheat |
banid | Add a user ID to the ban list. | developmentonly defensive |
banip | Add an IP address to the ban list. | developmentonly defensive |
benchframe | Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo. | release |
bind | Bind a key. | release |
binddefaults | Bind all keys to their default values. | release |
bindss | Bind a key for a particular splitscreen player. | release |
bindtoggle | Performs a bind <key> "increment var <cvar> 0 1 1". | developmentonly defensive |
blink | Blink specified convar value between two values at the specified duration. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
bot_add | bot_add <t|ct> <type> <difficulty> <name> - Adds a bot matching the given criteria. | gamedll release |
bot_add_ct | bot_add_ct <type> <difficulty> <name> - Adds a Counter-Terrorist bot matching the given criteria. | gamedll release |
bot_add_t | bot_add_t <type> <difficulty> <name> - Adds a terrorist bot matching the given criteria. | gamedll release |
bot_all_weapons | Allows the bots to use all weapons | gamedll release |
bot_goto_mark | Sends a bot to the marked nav area (useful for testing navigation meshes) | gamedll cheat |
bot_goto_selected | Sends a bot to the selected nav area (useful for testing navigation meshes) | gamedll cheat |
bot_kick | bot_kick <all> <t|ct> <type> <difficulty> <name> - Kicks a specific bot, or all bots, matching the given criteria. | gamedll release |
bot_kill | bot_kill <all> <t|ct> <type> <difficulty> <name> - Kills a specific bot, or all bots, matching the given criteria. | gamedll cheat |
bot_knives_only | Restricts the bots to only using knives | gamedll release |
bot_pistols_only | Restricts the bots to only using pistols | gamedll release |
bot_place | bot_place - Places a bot from the map at where the local player is pointing. | gamedll cheat |
bot_snipers_only | Restricts the bots to only using sniper rifles | gamedll release |
box | Draw a bbox Arguments: minx miny miny maxx maxy maxz <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a> | gamedll cheat |
breakable_force_break | Force a breakable to break | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
bug | bug [auto_fill_tokens] [-title <text>] [-noscreenshot] : Activate the bug reporter. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
bugvoice_clear | Clear voice attachment data. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
bugvoice_save | Write buffered voice attachment data to file. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
buildcubemaps | Build Cubemaps | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
buildsparseshadowtree | Build Sparse Shadow Tree | developmentonly clientdll hidden |
button_info | Display information about the specified key or button. | release |
buymenu | Show or hide main buy menu | clientdll server_can_execute |
buyrandom | Buy random primary and secondary. Primarily for deathmatch where cost is not an issue. | gamedll client_can_execute |
callvote | Start a vote on an issue. | gamedll client_can_execute |
cam_command | Tells camera to change modes | clientdll cheat |
camera_cut_to_datadriven_camera | developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive | |
camerazoomin | developmentonly clientdll defensive | |
camerazoomout | developmentonly clientdll defensive | |
camortho | Switch to orthographic camera. | clientdll cheat |
cancelselect | clientdll server_can_execute | |
capturecubemap | Capture Cubemap | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cast_aabb | Tests box collision detection | gamedll cheat |
cast_bullet | Tests bullet cast | gamedll cheat |
cast_capsule | Tests capsule collision detection | gamedll cheat |
cast_convex | Tests convex hull collision detection | gamedll cheat |
cast_cylinder | Tests cylinder collision detection | gamedll cheat |
cast_intervals | Tests interval ray cast | gamedll cheat |
cast_obb | Tests cylinder collision detection | gamedll cheat |
cast_physics | Tests physics shape collision detection | gamedll cheat |
cast_ray | Tests ray cast | gamedll cheat |
cast_sphere | Tests sphere cast | gamedll cheat |
cc_emit | Emits a closed caption | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cc_findsound | Searches for soundname which emits specified text. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cc_flush | Flushes async'd captions. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cc_random | Emits a random caption | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cc_showblocks | Toggles showing which blocks are pending/loaded async. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_anim_eval_stats | Displays stats about how many EvaluatePose calls are unused | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_animgraph_dump_update_list | Displays stats about which animations are updating | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_avatar_convert_png | Converts all rgb avatars in the avatars directory to png | clientdll cheat release |
cl_avatar_convert_rgb | Converts all png avatars in the avatars directory to rgb | clientdll cheat release |
cl_axis | Draw an axis Arguments: x y z pitch yaw roll <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a> | clientdll cheat |
cl_box | Draw a bbox Arguments: minx miny miny maxx maxy maxz <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a> | clientdll cheat |
cl_break_on_missing_resource | Break in debugger when missing resource match is found. Format: cl_break_on_missing_resource <substring> /(empty to break on all) / 0 to turn off. | developmentonly |
cl_commandtool_exec | Runs a command from the command tool | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_cs_dump_econ_item_stringtable | cl_cs_dump_econ_item_stringtable | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_debugoverlay_cycle_domain | Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system. | clientdll cheat |
cl_debugoverlay_cycle_state | Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system. | clientdll cheat |
cl_debugoverlay_dashboard | Makes the debug overlay dashboard visible. | clientdll cheat |
cl_debugoverlay_hide_imgui | Hides the overlay. | clientdll cheat |
cl_debugoverlay_toggle | Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system. | clientdll cheat |
cl_destroy_ragdolls | Destroys all client-side ragdolls | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_dev_decaltrace_blood | Shoot out a decal spray that shoots blood. | developmentonly clientdll cheat |
cl_drawcross | Draws a cross at the given location Arguments: x y z | clientdll cheat |
cl_drawline | Draws line between two 3D Points. Green if no collision Red is collides with something Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 | clientdll cheat |
cl_dump_player_animgraph_state | Dumps the local player's animgraph state to console | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_dump_projected_texture_count | Print out number of active projected textures | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_dump_response_symbols | print all response symbols to the console | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_dumpentity | Dumps info about an entity | clientdll cheat |
cl_dumpsplithacks | Dump split screen workarounds. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_ent_absbox | Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_actornames | Displays the entity name for all entities that have ShouldDisplayInActorNames true in code | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_animgraph_debug | Displays debug draws about the given entity(ies) animgraph Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_animgraph_record | Toggles recording of animgraph replay of the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_attachments | Displays the attachment points on an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_bbox | Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_call | ent_call <funcname> <option:entname> calls function on current look target or filtername, checks on ent, then root, then mode, then map scope | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_clear_debug_overlays | Clears all debug overlays | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_find | Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substrings. Format: find_ent <substring> | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_find_index | Display data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index> | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_grab | grabs the object in front of the player. Options: -loose -multiple -toggle | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_hierarchy | Prints the entity hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s) | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_hitbox | Displays the hitboxes for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_joints | Displays the joint names + axes an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_messages | Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies). The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any messages that it sends or receives. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_name | Displays the entity name | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_picker | Toggles 'picker' mode. When picker is on, the bounding box, pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the player is looking at. Arguments: full - enables all debug information | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_pivot | Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies). (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_remove | Removes the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_remove_all | Removes all entities of the specified type Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_scale | Scales entities. Arguments: <scale factor> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}> | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_scenehierarchy | Prints the entity scenenode hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s) | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_script_dump | Dumps the names and values of this entity's script scope to the console Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_select | Select or deselects the given entities(s) for later manipulation Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_setang | Set entity angles | clientdll cheat client_can_execute |
cl_ent_setname | Sets the targetname of the given entity(s) Arguments: <new entity name> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}> | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_setpos | Move entity to position | clientdll cheat client_can_execute |
cl_ent_show_damage | Sets damage display mode. When on, you will see the amount of damage dealt over the target's head. | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_skeleton | Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_spew_derived_classes | Prints out all entity classes which inherit from a specified base class | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_ent_text | Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
cl_ent_text_clear | Hide text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_text_filter | Set which ent_text filters you want: | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_text_radius | Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [near the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) 2 Arguments: <Radius> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}> | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_text_sticky_add | Adds to list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_text_sticky_clear | Clears the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_text_sticky_dump | Spews the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_text_sticky_remove | Removes from the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_text256 | Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [within 256 units of the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_ungrab | un-grabs all objects | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_vcollide_wireframe | Displays the interpolated vcollide wireframe pm am entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_viewoffset | Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_ent_visibility_traces | Displays visibility traces for the given entity Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
cl_entityreport | Reports all extant entities. Optional 2nd arg is a substring of a classname that the list will be filtered by. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_entitysummary | Summarizes (by class) all extant entities. Optional 2nd arg is a substring of a classname that the list will be filtered by. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_ents | List client entities, sorted by spawn group | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_fullupdate | Force uncompressed update | cheat |
cl_game_mode_convars | Display the values of the convars for the current game_mode. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_groups | Show status of all spawn groups. | clientdll cheat |
cl_checkdeclareclasses | Check game code serializers | cheat |
cl_imgui_debug_entity | Shows the entity browswer, focused on the entity you specify. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cl_imgui_set_selection | Sets ImGui selection | clientdll cheat |
cl_imgui_set_status_text | Sets ImGui header status text | clientdll cheat |
cl_in_forcebuttonstate | Forces a button to be a particular state - WHEN PROCESSING USERCOMMANDS | developmentonly clientdll vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
cl_interp | Read the effective client simulation interpolation amount in terms of time. | clientdll release |
cl_mainmenu_hide_blog | Show the news panel and hide blog | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
cl_mainmenu_show_blog | Show the blog and hide news panel | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
cl_matchstats_print_own_data | cl_matchstats_print_own_data RANGENAME | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_net_printsummary | Print a summary report of Source2 engine networking statistics. (Ticks, netchan messages, etc.) | dontrecord release |
cl_particles_dump_effects | developmentonly clientdll defensive | |
cl_particles_dumplist | Dump all new particles, optional name substring. | linked_concommand developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_particles_dumpsimlist | Dump all simulating particles, optional name substring. | linked_concommand developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_phys_create_test_character_proxy | Create test character proxy | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_phys_dump_intersection_controller | Dump intersection controller status | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_phys_dump_main_world | Dump physics main world to file | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_phys_dump_memory | Dump memory usage | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_phys_list | List all physics component contents of every entity in the game; -stream [1|0] : initiate|terminate streaming to physics debugger -allents: include non-physical entities -classes: print class names -sdk : Rubikon build -world : current state of the world -world -touch: list body pairs (bodies in contact) -world -save <name>: save world to a file -world -mem: memory dump -world -snapshots: Start/Stop dumping snapshots of the world into the current directory -world -profiletraces: ProfileRecordedTraces -world -agg: current aggregate data registry (loaded resources) | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_phys_record_rays | Dump physics main world to file | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_phys_record_rays_and_world | Dump traces physics main world to file | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_phys_sleep | Put all physics in all the worlds to sleep | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_phys_wakeup | Wake all physics objects in the Main physics up | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_physics_add_test | add test object | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_physics_highlight_active | Turns on the absbox for all active physics objects. 0 : un-highlight. | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_physics_remove_test | remove test object | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_physics_report_active | Lists all active physics objects -more : extra info | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_precacheinfo | Show precache info (client). | developmentonly defensive |
cl_pred_track | <entindex> <fieldname>: Track changes to entity index entindex, for field fieldname. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_pred_track_off | clear field track changes. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_predictioncopy_describe | Describe datamap_t for entindex | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_predictioncopy_print | Print simple description of prediction copy fields for entindex | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_printfps | Print information from cl_showfps. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_prop_debug | Toggle prop debug mode. If on, props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond physically to damage but never break. Green maps health in the range of 100 down to 1. | clientdll cheat |
cl_querycache_stats | Display status of the query cache (client only) | clientdll cheat |
cl_reload_hud | Reloads the hud scale and resets scale and borders | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_removedecals | Remove the decals from the entity under the crosshair. | clientdll cheat |
cl_report_entities | Lists all entities | developmentonly clientdll cheat |
cl_report_predcopy_overrides | Report prediction copy overrides | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_report_simthinklist | Lists all simulating/thinking entities | developmentonly clientdll |
cl_report_soundpatch | reports client-side sound patch count | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_resetfps | Reset information from cl_showfps. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_rr_reloadresponsesystems | Reload all response system scripts. | clientdll cheat |
cl_save_animgraph_recording | Saves all active animgraph recordings to disk | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_add_debug_filter | Add a filter to the game debug overlay | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_add_watch | Add a watch to the game debug overlay | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_add_watch_pattern | Add a watch to the game debug overlay | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_attach_debugger | Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_clear_watches | Clear all watches from the game debug overlay | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_debug | Toggle the in-game script debug features | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_dump_all | Dump the state of the VM to the console | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_find | Find a key in the VM | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_help | Output help for script functions | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_help2 | Output help for script functions suitable for auto-completion | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_script_reload | Reload scripts | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_reload_code | Execute a vscript file, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_reload_entity_code | Execute all of this entity's VScripts, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_remove_debug_filter | Remove a filter from the game debug overlay | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_remove_watch | Remove a watch from the game debug overlay | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_remove_watch_pattern | Remove a watch from the game debug overlay | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_resurrect_unreachable | Use the garbage collector to track down reference cycles | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_trace_disable | Turn off a particular trace output by file or function name | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_trace_disable_all | Turn off all trace output | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_trace_disable_key | Turn off a particular trace output by table/instance | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_trace_enable | Turn on a particular trace output by file or function name | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_trace_enable_all | Turn on all trace output | clientdll cheat |
cl_script_trace_enable_key | Turn on a particular trace output by table/instance | clientdll cheat |
cl_showents | Dump entity list to console. | clientdll cheat |
cl_sim_grenade_trajectory | Draw trajectory of the deployed grenade if thrown from this position. Takes an optional parameter for how long the drawn trajectory will last. | clientdll cheat |
cl_sos_test_get_opvar | clientdll cheat | |
cl_sos_test_set_opvar | clientdll cheat | |
cl_soundscape_flush | Flushes the client side soundscapes | clientdll cheat server_can_execute |
cl_soundscape_printdebuginfo | print soundscapes | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_spewserializers | Spew serializers | cheat |
cl_spewworldgroups | Spew world groups (client) | developmentonly |
cl_ss_origin | print origin in script format | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_steamscreenshots | Enable/disable saving screenshots to Steam | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_test_list_entities | test-list entities | clientdll cheat |
cl_ticktiming | {print|<interval>} [summary|detail] Print timing stats now, or set report interval | dontrecord release |
cl_tree_sway_dir | sets tree sway wind direction and strength | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cl_updatevisibility | Updates visibility bits. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
clear | Clear console output. | dontrecord release |
clear_bombs | gamedll cheat | |
clearall | Clear console output from all views. | dontrecord release |
cli_ent_attachments | Displays the interpolated attachment points on an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cli_ent_hitbox | Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cli_ent_pivot | Displays the interpolated pivot for the given entity(ies). (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cli_ent_skeleton | Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
cli_ent_vcollide_wireframe | Displays the interpolated vcollide wireframe pm am entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
clutch_mode_toggle | Toggle clutch mode convar | clientdll release |
cmd | Forward command to server. | developmentonly defensive |
collect_entity_model_name | Collect model names of the entities you're pointing at | gamedll cheat |
commandtool_exec | Runs a command from the command tool | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
commentary_cvarsnotchanging | developmentonly gamedll defensive | |
commentary_finishnode | gamedll client_can_execute | |
condump | dump the text currently in the console to condumpXX.log | release |
confirm_abandon_match | Confirm that we wish to abandon match | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
confirm_activate_itemid_now | Confirm item activation by item id | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
confirm_join_friend_session_exit_current | Confirm that we wish to join a friend session, destroying a previous session | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
confirm_join_new_session_exit_current | Confirm that we wish to join a new session, destroying a previous session | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
confirm_join_party_session_exit_current | Confirm that we wish to join a party session, destroying a previous session | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
confirm_watch_friend_session_exit_current | Confirm that we wish to watch a friend session, destroying a previous session | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
connect | Connect to a remote server. | release |
connect_hltv | Connect to a remote HLTV server. | release |
console_test | Output text to test console | developmentonly |
consoletool | Open a VConsole subtool. | dontrecord release |
convert_steamid | Convert SteamID into multiple formats | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
cpuinfo | Print CPU configuration information | developmentonly defensive |
crash | Crash the client. Optional parameter -- type of crash: 0: read from NULL 1: write to NULL 2: force an Assert 3: infinite loop 4: stack buffer overrun 5: multiple asserts across multiple threads | cheat |
crash_error | Cause the engine to crash by Plat_FatalError on main thread (Debug!!) | cheat |
crash_error_job | Cause the engine to crash by Plat_FatalError on job thread (Debug!!) | cheat |
crash_error_thread | Cause the engine to crash by Plat_FatalError on non-main thread (Debug!!) | cheat |
crash_job | Cause the engine to crash in a job thread (Debug!!) | cheat |
crash_thread | Cause the engine to crash in a brand new non-main thread (Debug!!) | cheat |
create_flashlight | gamedll cheat | |
create_radius_damage | Causes radius damage where you're looking, at the passed in radius. | gamedll cheat |
CreatePredictionError | Create a prediction error | gamedll cheat |
creditsdone | developmentonly gamedll defensive | |
cs_quit_prompt | Quit the game | clientdll release |
csgo_download_match | Downloads a match via serial code and starts playback | clientdll dontrecord clientcmd_can_execute |
csgo_econ_action_preview | Preview an economy item | clientdll hidden dontrecord clientcmd_can_execute |
csgo_watch_friend_session_exit_current | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute | |
cvarlist | Show the list of convars/concommands. | release |
cyclevar | Cycle through specified convar values. | dontrecord release |
dbghist_addline | Add a line to the debug history. Format: <category id> <line> | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
dbghist_dump | Dump the debug history to the console. Format: <category id> Categories: 0: Entity I/O 1: AI Decisions 2: Scene Print 3: Alyx Blind 4: Log of damage done to player 5: Player Teleport 6: Blind Zombie Sounds 7: Player Continuous | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
debug_purchase_defidx | Purchase an item by defindex | clientdll release clientcmd_can_execute |
debugoverlay_cycle_domain | Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system. | gamedll cheat |
debugoverlay_cycle_state | Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system. | gamedll cheat |
debugoverlay_dashboard | Makes the debug overlay dashboard visible. | gamedll cheat |
debugoverlay_hide_imgui | Hides the overlay. | gamedll cheat |
debugoverlay_toggle | Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system. | gamedll cheat |
demo_goto | Skips to location in demo. | release |
demo_gotomark | Skips the current demo playback to the marked tick | release |
demo_gototick | Skips to a tick in demo. | release |
demo_info | Print information about currently playing demo. | release |
demo_marktick | Marks the current demo playback tick for later use | release |
demo_pause | Pauses demo playback. | release |
demo_resume | Resumes demo playback. | release |
demo_timescale | Sets demo replay speed. | release |
demo_togglepause | Toggles demo playback. | release |
demo_writemetafile | save current meta file demo_<version>.meta file for use in demo upconversion. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
demolist | Print demo sequence list. | release |
demoui | Show/hide demo playback ui | clientdll release |
destructible_parts_force_destroy | Force a destructible part to break | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
dev_send_gc_message | <msgid> Send a blank body message with a given ID to gc for routing tests | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
dev_send_gc_message_server | <msgid> Send a blank body message with a given ID to gc for routing tests | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
dev_simulate_gcdown | <state> Turn on/off simulated GC communications failure (GC is down in a way that we know it is down) | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
differences | Show all convars which are not at their default values (optional restricted to specific flags). | release |
disable_priority_boost | Disable focus based priority boost | developmentonly defensive |
disconnect | Disconnect from server | release |
dlight_debug | Creates a dlight in front of the player | clientdll cheat |
dm_reset_spawns | developmentonly gamedll defensive | |
dm_togglerandomweapons | Turns random weapons in deathmatch on/off | clientdll server_can_execute clientcmd_can_execute |
drawcross | Draws a cross at the given location Arguments: x y z | gamedll cheat |
drawline | Draws line between two 3D Points. Green if no collision Red is collides with something Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 | gamedll cheat |
drawoverviewmap | Draws the overview map | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
drawradar | Draws HUD radar | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
drop_hostage | drop held hostage | developmentonly gamedll cheat |
ds_workshop_changelevel | Changelevel to an available workshop map by name | gamedll release |
ds_workshop_listmaps | Dump workshop maps available on this server | gamedll release |
dump_entity_report | List all client-side entities in the scene | clientdll cheat |
dump_globals | Dump all global entities/states | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
dump_loc_token | List information on the given token | developmentonly defensive |
dump_localization_files | List all loaded localization files | developmentonly defensive |
dump_panorama_css_properties | Prints out all valid panorama CSS properties and their documentation | release |
dump_panorama_events | print panorama event types and their documentation | release |
dump_panorama_render_command_stats | developmentonly defensive | |
dump_response_symbols | print all response symbols to the console | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
dump_secondary_scene_worlds | Lists secondary scene worlds and ref counts | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
dumpparticlelist | Print out information on existing particle systems | cheat |
dumpstringtable | Usage: dumpstringtable <tablename |all> <sv | cl> <verbose | simple> <element> Print string tables to console, verbose to dump data, simple to show name and count only, can specifiy a single numeric element index to restrict spew. | developmentonly defensive |
econ_build_pinboard_images_from_collection_name | Renders and saves images for all models in a collection. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
econ_clear_inventory_images | clear the local inventory images (they will regenerate) | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
econ_show_items_with_tag | Lists the item definitions that have a specified tag. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
echo | Echo text to console. | server_can_execute |
echoln | Echo the command arguments on the console | release |
enable_priority_boost | Disable focus based priority boost | developmentonly defensive |
endmatch_votenextmap | Votes for the next map at the end of the match | clientdll clientcmd_can_execute |
endmovie | Stop recording movie frames. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
endround | End the current round. | gamedll cheat |
engine_frametime_print_report | Print a performance report from the current data in the vprof 'lite' profiler | developmentonly defensive |
ent_absbox | Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_actornames | Displays the entity name for all entities that have ShouldDisplayInActorNames true in code | gamedll cheat |
ent_animgraph_debug | Displays debug draws about the given entity(ies) animgraph Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_animgraph_record | Toggles recording of animgraph replay of the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_animgraph_setvar | Sets a variable on the animgraph of the given entity(s) Arguments: <varname>=<value> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}> | gamedll cheat |
ent_attachments | Displays the attachment points on an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_autoaim | Displays the entity's autoaim radius. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_bbox | Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_call | ent_call <funcname> <option:entname> calls function on current look target or filtername, checks on ent, then root, then mode, then map scope | gamedll cheat |
ent_cancelpendingentfires | Cancels all ent_fire created outputs that are currently waiting for their delay to expire. | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
ent_clear_debug_overlays | Clears all debug overlays | gamedll cheat |
ent_create | Creates an entity of the given designer or subclass name where the player is looking. | gamedll cheat vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
ent_debug_anim | Use the specified entity for animation debugging. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
ent_debug_origin_changes | turn on, off, or toggle origin changes on server for entity by index | developmentonly gamedll |
ent_find | Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substrings. Format: find_ent <substring> | gamedll cheat |
ent_find_index | Display data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index> | gamedll cheat |
ent_fire | Usage: ent_fire <target> [action] [value] [delay] | gamedll cheat vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
ent_fire_output | Usage: ent_fire_output <target> [output name] [value] [delay] | gamedll cheat vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
ent_grab | grabs the object in front of the player. Options: -loose -multiple -toggle | gamedll cheat |
ent_hierarchy | Prints the entity hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s) | gamedll cheat |
ent_hitbox | Displays the hitboxes for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_characterize | Spew PVS debug info for entity | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
ent_info | Usage: ent_info <class name> | gamedll cheat |
ent_joints | Displays the joint names + axes an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_kill | Kills the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_list_report | Reports all list of all entities in a map, one by one | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
ent_messages | Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies). The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any messages that it sends or receives. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_name | Displays the entity name | gamedll cheat |
ent_orient | Orient the specified entity to match the player's angles. By default, only orients target entity's YAW. Use the 'allangles' option to orient on all axis. Format: ent_orient <entity name> <optional: allangles> | gamedll cheat |
ent_picker | Toggles 'picker' mode. When picker is on, the bounding box, pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the player is looking at. Arguments: full - enables all debug information | gamedll cheat |
ent_pivot | Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies). (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_rbox | Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | clientdll cheat |
ent_remove | Removes the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_remove_all | Removes all entities of the specified type Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} | gamedll cheat |
ent_rotate | Rotates an entity by a specified # of degrees | gamedll cheat |
ent_scale | Scales entities. Arguments: <scale factor> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}> | gamedll cheat |
ent_scenehierarchy | Prints the entity scenenode hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s) | gamedll cheat |
ent_script_dump | Dumps the names and values of this entity's script scope to the console Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_select | Select or deselects the given entities(s) for later manipulation Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_setang | Set entity angles | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
ent_setname | Sets the targetname of the given entity(s) Arguments: <new entity name> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}> | gamedll cheat |
ent_setpos | Move entity to position | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
ent_show_damage | Sets damage display mode. When on, you will see the amount of damage dealt over the target's head. | gamedll cheat |
ent_show_response_criteria | Print, to the console, an entity's current criteria set used to select responses. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_skeleton | Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_spew_derived_classes | Prints out all entity classes which inherit from a specified base class | developmentonly gamedll |
ent_teleport | Teleport the specified entity to where the player is looking. Format: ent_teleport <entity name> | gamedll cheat |
ent_text | Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
ent_text_clear | Hide text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_text_filter | Set which ent_text filters you want: | gamedll cheat |
ent_text_radius | Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [near the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) 2 Arguments: <Radius> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}> | gamedll cheat |
ent_text_sticky_add | Adds to list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_text_sticky_clear | Clears the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_text_sticky_dump | Spews the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_text_sticky_remove | Removes from the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_text256 | Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [within 256 units of the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_ungrab | un-grabs all objects | gamedll cheat |
ent_vcollide_wireframe | Displays the interpolated vcollide wireframe pm am entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_viewentity | Selects the picked entity as the view entity | developmentonly gamedll |
ent_viewoffset | Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
ent_viewpunch | Used to debug ViewPunch | developmentonly gamedll |
ent_visibility_traces | Displays visibility traces for the given entity Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
entity_lump_list | List all known entity lumps | developmentonly defensive |
entity_lump_spew | Dump the contents of an entity lump | developmentonly defensive |
entityreport | Reports all extant entities. Optional 2nd arg is a substring of a classname that the list will be filtered by. | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
entitysummary | Summarizes (by class) all extant entities. Optional 2nd arg is a substring of a classname that the list will be filtered by. | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
ents | List server entities, sorted by spawn group | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
error_message_explain_pure | Take user to Steam support article | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
error_message_explain_unsigned | Take user to Steam support article | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
error_message_explain_vac | Take user to Steam support article | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
escape | Escape key pressed. | release clientcmd_can_execute |
exec | Execute a cfg file | dontrecord release |
exec_async | Execute a cfg file over time | cheat dontrecord |
execifexists | Execute a cfg file if file exists | dontrecord release |
explode | Kills the player with explosive damage | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
explodevector | Kills a player applying an explosive force. Usage: explodevector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value> | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
fadein | fadein {time r g b}: Fades the screen in from black or from the specified color over the given number of seconds. | gamedll cheat |
fadeout | fadeout {time r g b}: Fades the screen to black or to the specified color over the given number of seconds. | gamedll cheat |
find | Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text. | release |
findflags | Find concommands by flags. | release |
firetarget | gamedll cheat | |
firstperson | Switch to firstperson camera. | clientdll release execute_per_tick |
fog_override_color | Sets the fog color override | cheat |
force_assert | Fire an assertion failure | developmentonly |
force_fatal_error | Fire a fatal error | developmentonly |
force_floating_point_exceptions | Enable floating point exceptions to find bugs | developmentonly |
force_hibernate | Force toggle hibernation state | developmentonly |
fp_trace | Toggle field path tracing to file | developmentonly defensive |
fs_clear_open_duplicate_times | Clear the list of files that have been opened. | developmentonly defensive |
fs_dump_open_duplicate_times | Set fs_report_long_reads 1 before loading to use this. Prints a list of files that were opened more than once and ~how long was spent reading from them. | developmentonly defensive |
fs_spew_readfieldlist | index <threshold bytes>: spew changes to ent index, optionally only spewing if update is > than threshold bytes | cheat |
game_alias | Set the configuration of game type and mode based on game alias like "deathmatch". | release |
game_particle_manager_dump_requeue | Dump contents of particle manager requeue | developmentonly clientdll |
game_particle_manager_list_active | Dump counts of active particles | developmentonly clientdll |
gameevents_analyze | compare game events across all mods | developmentonly gamedll |
gameevents_dumptofile | write gameevents keyvalues (sorted by name) to gameevents_<modname>.txt | developmentonly gamedll |
gameinstructor_dump_open_lessons | Gives a list of all currently open lessons. | clientdll cheat |
gameinstructor_dump_run_lesson_counts | Gives a list of lessons that been completed or shown | clientdll cheat |
gameinstructor_reload_lessons | Shuts down all open lessons and reloads them from the script file. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
gameinstructor_reset_counts | Resets all display and success counts to zero. | developmentonly clientdll |
gameinstructor_teach_lesson | Force a specific lesson to be triggered | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
gameui_activate | Shows the game UI | hidden release |
gameui_allowescape | Escape key allowed to hide game UI | hidden release |
gameui_allowescapetoshow | Escape key allowed to show game UI | hidden release |
gameui_hide | Hides the game UI | release |
gameui_preventescape | Escape key doesn't hide game UI | hidden release |
gameui_preventescapetoshow | Escape key doesn't show game UI | hidden release |
gcmd | Generate a command | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
generate_minidump_comment | Generate a minidump comment and spew the results to the console | developmentonly |
generate_null_container | Generated a nulled out container. | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
generate_trash_synth | Args: [Asset directory Path] | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
getpos | dump position and angles to the console | clientdll cheat |
getpos_exact | dump origin and angles to the console | clientdll cheat |
give | Give item to player. Arguments: <item_name> | gamedll vconsole_fuzzy_matching client_can_execute |
give_oriented | Give item oriented to player angles. Arguments: <item_name> | gamedll vconsole_fuzzy_matching client_can_execute |
givecurrentammo | Give a supply of ammo for current weapon.. | gamedll cheat |
global_set | global_set <globalname> <state>: Sets the state of the given env_global (0 = OFF, 1 = ON, 2 = DEAD). | gamedll cheat |
god | Toggle by default, or 0 to disable and 1 to enable. Player becomes invulnerable. | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
graphcontroller_dumpparams | Print all anim graph parameters for the specified entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | developmentonly gamedll |
grep | grep line for pattern, print out matching lines only | release |
groundlist | Display ground entity list <index> | developmentonly gamedll cheat |
groups | Show status of all spawn groups. | gamedll cheat |
gui | Opens server GUI | linked_concommand gamedll sponly release client_can_execute |
help | Find help about a convar/concommand. | release |
hideconsole | Hide the console. | dontrecord release |
hideoverviewmap | Hides the overview map | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
hideradar | Hides HUD radar | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
host_timescale_dec | Decrement the timescale by one step | cheat |
host_timescale_inc | Increment the timescale by one step | cheat |
host_workshop_collection | Host a workshop map collection as a mapgroup | gamedll release |
host_workshop_map | Get the latest version of the map and host it on this server. | gamedll release |
host_writeconfig | Saves out the user config values. | release |
hud_reloadscheme | Reloads hud layout and animation scripts. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
hurtme | Hurts the player. Arguments: <health to lose> | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
changelevel | changelevel <mapname> :Multiplayer change level. | release |
check_nofilefd | Print the current number of FDs reported by getrlimit | developmentonly defensive |
ic | interp entity count | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
ik_debug_fabrik_backwards_iteration_toggle | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive | |
ik_debug_fabrik_forwards_iteration_toggle | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive | |
ime_hkl_info | Spew IME HKL info. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
ime_info | Spew IME info. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
ime_installed_names | Spew list of installed IMEs. | hidden dontrecord release |
ime_supported_info | Spew IME Supported info. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
imgui_cycle_undocked_window_focus | Cycles focus between the game window and undocked imgui windows | developmentonly defensive |
imgui_debug_entity | Shows the entity browswer, focused on the entity you specify. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
imgui_set_selection | Sets ImGui selection | gamedll cheat |
imgui_set_status_text | Sets ImGui header status text | gamedll cheat |
import_csgo_config | Imports an existing CS:GO configuration file into CS2 | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
impulse | Triggers impulse command | clientdll release |
in_forcebuttonstate | Forces a button to be a particular state - WHEN PROCESSING USERCOMMANDS | developmentonly gamedll vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
in_forceinput | Forces a button to be a particular state -- WHEN SAMPLING INPUT | developmentonly clientdll vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
incrementvar | Increment specified convar value. | dontrecord release |
input_state | input_state | developmentonly |
instant_replay_goto_tick | Goto a direct timestamp of the replay | developmentonly defensive |
instant_replay_goto_tick_relative | Goto a direct timestamp of the replay | developmentonly defensive |
instant_replay_live | If in replay, jumps back to live | developmentonly defensive |
instant_replay_pause | Pauses instant replay. | developmentonly defensive |
instant_replay_resume | Resumes instant replay. | developmentonly defensive |
instant_replay_skip | Number of seconds to skip back to instant replay from current position | developmentonly defensive |
instant_replay_skip_live | Number of seconds to skip back to instant replay from live | developmentonly defensive |
instant_replay_timescale | Sets instant replay speed. | developmentonly defensive |
instant_replay_togglepause | Toggles instant replay. | developmentonly defensive |
invnext | clientdll server_can_execute | |
invnextselect | clientdll server_can_execute | |
invprev | clientdll server_can_execute | |
invprevselect | clientdll server_can_execute | |
iv_debug | Spew interpolated var info for entity. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
iv_interp | Spew interpolated var info for entity. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
iv_off | Turn off all interpolation variable spew. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
iv_on | Spew both interpolated var debug info and history for entity. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
jpeg_screenshot | Take a jpeg screenshot: jpeg_screenshot [filename] [quality 1-100]. | developmentonly defensive |
key_findbinding | Find key bound to specified command string. | release |
key_listboundkeys | List bound keys with bindings. | release |
key_updatelayout | Updates game keyboard layout to current windows keyboard setting. | developmentonly defensive |
kick | Kick a player by name. | dontrecord release |
kickid | Kick a player by userid or uniqueid, with a message. | dontrecord release |
kickid_hltv | Kick a player by userid or uniqueid, with a message. | dontrecord release |
kill | Kills the player with generic damage | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
killvector | Kills a player applying force. Usage: killvector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value> | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
lastinv | clientdll server_can_execute | |
launch_warmup_map | Launches warmup map | clientdll dontrecord clientcmd_can_execute |
listdemo | List demo file contents. | release |
listid | Lists banned users. | developmentonly defensive |
listip | List IP addresses on the ban list. | developmentonly defensive |
listissues | List all the issues that can be voted on. | gamedll client_can_execute |
listRecentNPCSpeech | Displays a list of the last 5 lines of speech from NPCs. | developmentonly gamedll dontrecord defensive |
load | Usage: load [save file name] | developmentonly dontrecord vconsole_fuzzy_matching defensive |
localization_quest_item_string_printout | localization_quest_item_string_printout | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
log | Enables logging to file, console, and udp < on | off >. | release |
log_color | Set the color of a logging channel. | dontrecord release |
log_dumpchannels | Dumps information about all logging channels. | dontrecord release |
log_flags | Set the flags on a logging channel. | dontrecord release |
log_level | Set the spew level of a logging channel. | dontrecord release |
log_verbosity | Set the verbosity of a logging channel. | dontrecord release |
logaddress_add_http | Set URI of a listener to receive logs via http post. Wrap URI in double quotes. | gamedll unlogged release |
logaddress_add_http_delayed | Set a delay and URI of a listener to receive logs via http post. Wrap URI in double quotes. | gamedll unlogged release |
logaddress_del_http | Remove http listener by URI. Wrap URI in double quotes. | gamedll unlogged release |
logaddress_delall_http | Remove all http listeners from the dispatch list. | gamedll unlogged release |
logaddress_list_http | List all URIs currently receiving server logs | gamedll unlogged release |
loop_dump | Print the listeners of the current loop mode | developmentonly defensive |
lrucache_flush | Flushes the specified cache | developmentonly defensive |
lrucache_reset_stats | Resets stats for the specified CUtlLRUCaches (or all if none specified) | developmentonly defensive |
lrucache_set_size | Sets the specified cache to the specified size | developmentonly defensive |
lrucache_stats | Spews information about all CUtlLRUCaches | developmentonly defensive |
lua_report_memory | developmentonly defensive | |
map | map <mapname> :Load a new map. | release vconsole_fuzzy_matching vconsole_set_focus |
map_enable_portrait_worlds | Enables/disables portrait worlds | clientdll cheat |
map_setbombradius | Sets the bomb radius for the map. | gamedll cheat |
map_showbombradius | Shows bomb radius from the center of each bomb site and planted bomb. | gamedll cheat |
map_showspawnpoints | Shows player spawn points (red=invalid). Optionally pass in the duration. | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
map_workshop | Launch a workshop map | clientdll release vconsole_fuzzy_matching vconsole_set_focus |
mapgroup | Specify a map group | gamedll dontrecord release |
maps | Displays list of maps. | release |
markup_group_ent_bbox | markup_group_ent_bbox <markup_group name> -> toggle ent_bbox for all members of the named markup group | gamedll cheat |
markup_group_ent_text | markup_group_ent_text <markup_group name> -> toggle ent_text for all members of the named markup group | gamedll cheat |
markup_group_spew | Spew all current markup groups and their members | gamedll cheat |
mat_assert_on_shader_use | Assert on shader used based on substring of shader name | developmentonly |
mat_clearshadercache | Clears the shader cache used for dynamic shader compile. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_debug | Sets a mat_fullbright debug visualization mode | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
mat_disable_dynamic_shader_compile | Reloads all shaders from vcs files until the next time mat_reloadshaders is called | developmentonly defensive |
mat_forcereloadshaders | Force reloads all shaders (skips MD5 check). Takes optional substrings of shader names to recompile as arguments. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_dead_materials | Print loaded materials that have no valid layers due to not supporting any of the modes in | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_error_materials | Print loaded materials that are using the error shader or material. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_expensive_materials | Print materials sorted by cost heuristic | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_material_info | Print info about a specific material | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_materials | Print loaded materials. Takes an optional substring as an argument. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_materials_last_frame | Print materials used last frame | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_materials_unused | Print materials that have never been used | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_modes | Print supported rendering modes. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_shader_info | Print detailed info about a single shader. Takes a shader name (hero.vfx) as an argument. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_shader_quality | Print current shader quality setting | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_shaders | Print loaded shaders. Takes a substring as an argument. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_textures | Print loaded textures in alphabetical order. Takes an optional substring as an argument. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_textures_size | Print loaded textures in ascending size order. Takes an optional substring as an argument. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_print_textures_size_in_memory | Print loaded textures in ascending size order as they are in memory. Takes an optional substring as an argument. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_reinitmaterials | Reinitializes all loaded materials, reloading their shaders. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_reloadmaterials | Reloads all materials. Takes an optional substring as an argument. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_reloadshaders | Reloads all shaders. Takes optional substrings of shader names to recompile as arguments. | developmentonly defensive |
mat_reset_material_costs | Reset material cost heuristic | developmentonly defensive |
mat_set_shader_quality | Force shader quality setting (valid values are 0 or 1) | developmentonly defensive |
matchdraft_debug_sendlog | Print debug draft into HTTP log | clientdll hidden dontrecord release clientcmd_can_execute |
mem_compact | Compacts the heap | developmentonly defensive |
mem_dump | Dump memory stats to text file or <stdout>. | developmentonly defensive |
mem_test | developmentonly defensive | |
memory | Print memory stats. | developmentonly defensive |
memory_check_limit | Assert if peak memory use is over the limit. | developmentonly |
menuselect | menuselect | clientdll clientcmd_can_execute |
meta | Metamod:Source control options | release |
minimap_create | Does a bunch of work to create a minimap | clientdll cheat |
mm_datacenter_debugprint | Shows information retrieved from data center | developmentonly defensive |
mm_debugprint | Show debug information about current matchmaking session | developmentonly defensive |
mm_ignored_sessions_reset | Reset ignored sessions | developmentonly |
mm_queue_draft_show | Display current draft | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
mm_queue_show_stats | Display global server stats | clientdll clientcmd_can_execute |
model_dump_convert_info | Print model load-time conversion info | linked_concommand developmentonly gamedll clientdll defensive |
movie_fixwave | Fixup corrupted .wav file if engine crashed during startmovie/endmovie, etc. | developmentonly defensive |
mp_backup_restore_list_files | Lists recent backup round files matching the prefix, most recent files first, accepts a numeric parameter to limit the number of files displayed | gamedll release |
mp_backup_restore_load_file | Loads player cash, KDA, scores and team scores; resets to the next round after the backup | gamedll release |
mp_bot_ai_bt_clear_cache | Clears the cache for behavior tree files. | gamedll release |
mp_debug_timeouts | Prints time outs to the console for debugging | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
mp_disable_autokick | Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked | gamedll release |
mp_dump_timers | Prints round timers to the console for debugging | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
mp_modify_timeouts | mp_modify_timeouts <CT|T> <N>, e.g., mp_modify ct -1 | gamedll release |
mp_pause_match | Pause the match in the next freeze time | gamedll release |
mp_scrambleteams | Scramble the teams and restart the game | gamedll release |
mp_swapteams | Swap the teams and restart the game | gamedll release |
mp_unpause_match | Resume the match | gamedll release |
mp_warmup_end | End warmup immediately. | gamedll release |
mp_warmup_start | Start warmup. | gamedll release |
multvar | Multiply specified convar value. | dontrecord release |
nav_add_to_selected_set | Add current area to the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_add_to_selected_set_by_id | Add specified area id to the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_avoid | Toggles the 'avoid this area when possible' flag used by the AI system. | gamedll cheat |
nav_begin_deselecting | Start continuously removing from the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_begin_drag_deselecting | Start dragging a selection area. | gamedll cheat |
nav_begin_drag_selecting | Start dragging a selection area. | gamedll cheat |
nav_begin_selecting | Start continuously adding to the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_clear_attribute | Remove given nav attribute from all areas in the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_clear_attributes | Clear all nav attributes of selected area. | gamedll cheat |
nav_clear_selected_set | Clear the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_create_indirect_connection | Create a connection between the selected area and the area pointed at by the crosshair. | gamedll cheat |
nav_delete | Deletes the currently highlighted Area. | gamedll cheat |
nav_delete_all_hull | Deletes all areas with given hull category. | gamedll cheat |
nav_delete_marked | Deletes the currently marked Area (if any). | gamedll cheat |
nav_disconnect | To disconnect two Areas, mark an Area, highlight a second Area, then invoke the disconnect command. This will remove all connections between the two Areas. | gamedll cheat |
nav_end_deselecting | Stop continuously removing from the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_end_drag_deselecting | Stop dragging a selection area. | gamedll cheat |
nav_end_drag_selecting | Stop dragging a selection area. | gamedll cheat |
nav_end_selecting | Stop continuously adding to the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_check_connectivity | Checks to be sure every (or just the marked) nav area can get to every goal area for the map (hostages or bomb site). | gamedll cheat |
nav_lower_drag_volume_max | Lower the top of the drag select volume. | gamedll cheat |
nav_lower_drag_volume_min | Lower the bottom of the drag select volume. | gamedll cheat |
nav_mark | Marks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands. | gamedll cheat |
nav_mark_attribute | Set nav attribute for all areas in the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_precise | Toggles the 'dont avoid obstacles' flag used by the AI system. | gamedll cheat |
nav_raise_drag_volume_max | Raise the top of the drag select volume. | gamedll cheat |
nav_raise_drag_volume_min | Raise the bottom of the drag select volume. | gamedll cheat |
nav_recall_selected_set | Re-selects the stored selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_remove_from_selected_set | Remove current area from the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_select_radius | Adds all areas in a radius to the selection set | gamedll cheat |
nav_select_with_attribute | Selects areas with the given attribute. | gamedll cheat |
nav_split | To split an Area into two, align the split line using your cursor and invoke the split command. | gamedll cheat |
nav_store_selected_set | Stores the current selected set for later retrieval. | gamedll cheat |
nav_switch | Switches to navmesh for the specified spawngroup | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
nav_test_level_hull | Find entities that intrude into the nav mesh. List those entities in console output, and display bounding boxes around them for a while. | gamedll cheat |
nav_test_level_hull_move | gamedll cheat | |
nav_toggle_deselecting | Start or stop continuously removing from the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_toggle_in_selected_set | Remove current area from the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_toggle_selected_set | Toggles all areas into/out of the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_toggle_selecting | Start or stop continuously adding to the selected set. | gamedll cheat |
nav_unmark | Clears the marked Area or Ladder. | gamedll cheat |
net_captureculldata | Captures low-level data to replay path culling algorithm behavior in controlled unit test environment | developmentonly defensive |
net_connections_stats | Print detailed network statistics for each network connection | release |
net_fakeclear | Clear all simulated network conditions | release |
net_fakejitter | Shortcut to set jitter net options. Run with no arguments for usage. | release |
net_fakelag | Shortcut to set both FakePacketLag_Recv and FakePacketLag_Send net options | release |
net_fakeloss | Shortcut to set both FakePacketLoss_Recv and FakePacketLoss_Send net options | release |
net_fakestatus | Print current simulated network condifions | release |
net_channels | Shows net channel info | release |
net_listallmessages | List all registered net messages | cheat |
net_messageinfo | Display info about a message (by classname or id) | cheat |
net_option | Get or set SteamNetworkingSockets options such as fake packet lag and loss | release |
net_print_sdr_ping_times | Print current ping times to SDR points of presence, and selected route | release |
net_reloadgameevents | Reload the game events | developmentonly gamedll |
net_serializedentitymemory | Spew CSerializedEntity memory | developmentonly defensive |
net_serializedentitymetadatainfo | Spew CSerializedEntity metadata information | developmentonly defensive |
net_spewcounts | Spew serializer counts, client only by default, specify server to spew server counts | developmentonly defensive |
net_spewserializer | Spew serializer info | developmentonly |
net_stats_json | Output server networking statistics in json format | developmentonly defensive |
net_status | Shows current network status | release |
net_validatemessages | Activates/deactivates net message validation | cheat |
net_why_field_excluded | <classname> <fieldname>: spew why field was excluded from networking for classname. | developmentonly |
nextdemo | Play next demo in sequence. | release |
noclip | Toggle. Player becomes non-solid and flies. Optional argument of 0 or 1 to force enable/disable | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
notarget | Toggle. Player becomes hidden to NPCs. | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
open_asset | Opens an asset in it's primary editor of choice. Specify the full path to the asset from the mod directory. | developmentonly defensive |
p2p_listpeers | List currently known peers. | developmentonly defensive |
p2p_ping | Ping a peer. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
panorama_dispatch_event | Dispatch the event defined by the argument string. No creating panel is specified. | developmentonly defensive |
panorama_dump_symbols | <ESymbolType> Dump all of the symbols in the Panorama symbol table | developmentonly defensive |
panorama_generate_layout_xsd | Generate the Layout XML Schema Definition for the current run-time (types are dependent on which game DLL is running). | developmentonly defensive |
panorama_print_cache_status | Print internal panorama refcounts for every file | developmentonly defensive |
panorama_print_svg_stats | developmentonly | |
particle_profile | Profile particle | developmentonly defensive |
particle_profile_spike | Profile particle spike | developmentonly defensive |
particle_reset_assertions | Causes all single-fire particle assertions to trigger once more. | developmentonly |
particle_stop_all | Stops all particle systems currently playing | developmentonly clientdll cheat |
particle_test_create | Creates the named particle system where the player is looking. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
particle_test_destroy | Destroys all particle systems matching the specified name. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
particle_test_start | Dispatches the test particle system with the parameters specified in particle_test_file, particle_test_attach_mode and particle_test_attach_param on the entity the player is looking at. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
particle_test_stop | Stops all particle systems on the selected entities. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
path | Show the filesystem path. | developmentonly defensive |
pause | Toggle the server pause state. | release |
perfectworld_replenish_funds | Opens Perfect World funds replenishment page for account. | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
phys_create_test_character_proxy | Create test character proxy | developmentonly gamedll |
phys_debug_draw | Set up debug-draw of physics internal state | developmentonly defensive |
phys_dump_intersection_controller | Dump intersection controller status | developmentonly gamedll |
phys_dump_main_world | Dump physics main world to file | developmentonly gamedll |
phys_dump_memory | Dump memory usage | developmentonly gamedll |
phys_list | List all physics component contents of every entity in the game; -stream [1|0] : initiate|terminate streaming to physics debugger -allents: include non-physical entities -classes: print class names -sdk : Rubikon build -world : current state of the world -world -touch: list body pairs (bodies in contact) -world -save <name>: save world to a file -world -mem: memory dump -world -snapshots: Start/Stop dumping snapshots of the world into the current directory -world -profiletraces: ProfileRecordedTraces -world -agg: current aggregate data registry (loaded resources) | developmentonly gamedll |
phys_mark_debug | Mark object for debug | gamedll cheat |
phys_record_rays | Dump physics main world to file | developmentonly gamedll |
phys_record_rays_and_world | Dump traces physics main world to file | developmentonly gamedll |
phys_shoot | Shoots a phys object. | gamedll cheat |
phys_sleep | Put all physics in all the worlds to sleep | developmentonly gamedll |
phys_wakeup | Wake all physics objects in the Main physics up | developmentonly gamedll |
physics_add_test | add test object | developmentonly gamedll |
physics_debug_entity | Dumps debug info for an entity | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
physics_highlight_active | Turns on the absbox for all active physics objects. 0 : un-highlight. | developmentonly gamedll |
physics_remove_test | remove test object | developmentonly gamedll |
physics_report_active | Lists all active physics objects -more : extra info | developmentonly gamedll |
pixelvis_debug | Dump debug info | cheat |
plant_bomb | Plant a bomb where the player is looking. | gamedll cheat |
play | Play a sound. | server_can_execute |
playcast | Play a broadcast | release |
playdemo | Play a recorded demo file (.dem ). | release |
player_ping | Creates a ping notification where the player is looking. | gamedll client_can_execute |
playsound | playsound <soundname> | developmentonly defensive |
playsoundscape | Forces a soundscape to play | clientdll cheat |
playvol | Play a sound at a specified volume. | developmentonly defensive |
png_screenshot | Take a .png screenshot: png_screenshot [filename] | developmentonly defensive |
pop_var_values | Restore previously pushed convars and config values | developmentonly defensive |
print_changed_convars | Prints all convars that have changed from their default value | release |
print_mapgroup | Prints the current mapgroup and the contained maps | clientdll release |
print_mapgroup_sv | Prints the current mapgroup and the contained maps | gamedll release |
print_model_bind_pose | Prints the bind pose of the specified model. Optionally limits to a particular bone and its parent chain, otherwise prints the entire skeleton. | developmentonly defensive |
progress_enable | developmentonly defensive | |
prop_debug | Toggle prop debug mode. If on, props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond physically to damage but never break. Green maps health in the range of 100 down to 1. | gamedll cheat |
prop_dynamic_create | Creates a dynamic prop with a specific .vmdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.vmdl name} | gamedll cheat |
prop_physics_create | Creates a physics prop with a specific .vmdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.vmdl name} | gamedll cheat |
pulse_debug_entity | Opens a graph referencing the selected entity. If it is referenced by more than 1 graph, list all the active pulse graph instances referring to that entity so you can pick which one you want. | gamedll cheat vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
pulse_debug_print | Usage: pulse_debug_print <vpulse_resource> | developmentonly |
pulse_list_graphs | List all the active pulse graph instances | cheat |
pulse_open_graph_id | Open a specific graph instance by id | cheat |
pulse_print_graph_execution_history | Prints the execution history of a graph by filename or instanceid | cheat |
push_var_values | Save convars and config values | developmentonly defensive |
quit | Quit the game | release vconsole_set_focus |
r_camerapos | Prints out the current camera position + orientation to the console | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
r_dx11_report_live_objects | Prints out live D3D11 objects (requires -dx11debug) | developmentonly defensive |
r_entpos | Moves the camera position + orientation to the named entity | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
r_force_engine_render_frame | Force a single render of the engine viewport. | developmentonly defensive |
r_gpu_mem_stats | Display GPU memory usage. | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
r_print_buffers | Print Vertex/Index/GPU buffers. | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
r_print_texture_stats | Texture stats | developmentonly defensive |
r_render_coordination_state | Prints out the current render coordination state. | developmentonly defensive |
r_renderdoc_capture_frame | Triggers a RenderDoc capture | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
r_renderdoc_capture_window_dx11 | Triggers a RenderDoc capture of a specific Window | developmentonly |
r_setpos | Moves the camera position + orientation to the specified position | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
r_textures_evict_all | Evict all resident texture. | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
r_toggleviewportsize | Toggles viewport size between small + full window. | developmentonly defensive |
r_viewport | Slams viewport size to a specified value. | developmentonly defensive |
radio | Opens a radio menu | clientdll release |
radio1 | Opens a radio menu | clientdll release |
radio2 | Opens a radio menu | clientdll release |
radio3 | Opens a radio menu | clientdll release |
rangefinder | Measures distance along a ray | gamedll cheat |
rangefinder2d | Measures distance along a ray, only measuring along XY plane. | gamedll cheat |
ray_bench | Load the rays and run the benchmark | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
rcon | Issue an rcon command. | dontrecord release |
rebuy | Attempt to repurchase items with the order listed in cl_rebuy | clientdll clientcmd_can_execute |
record | Record a demo. | dontrecord release |
redirectend | Redirect server console output | hidden release |
redirectstart | Redirect server console output | hidden release |
refresh_ui_audio_state | Restores audio DSP state for the UI. | clientdll cheat |
regenerate_weapon_skins | clientdll cheat | |
reload_model | Force a reload of a vmdl resource | developmentonly defensive |
reload_store_config | developmentonly clientdll defensive | |
reloadgame | Reload the most recent saved game. | cheat vconsole_set_focus |
remove_weapon | Remove a weapon held by the player. Arguments: <weapon subclass name> | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
removeid | Remove a user ID from the ban list. | developmentonly defensive |
removeip | Remove an IP address from the ban list. | developmentonly defensive |
repeat_last_console_command | Repeat last console command. | release |
replay_death | start hltv replay of last death | gamedll cheat |
replay_start | Start GOTV replay: replay_start <delay> [<player name or index>] | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
replay_stop | stop hltv replay | gamedll client_can_execute |
report_entities | Lists all entities | developmentonly gamedll cheat |
report_simthinklist | Lists all simulating/thinking entities | developmentonly gamedll |
report_soundpatch | reports sound patch count | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
reset_gameconvars | Reset game convars to default values | cheat |
resource_leaks | resource_leaks <resource_name>: Show resource leaks for the named resource | developmentonly defensive |
resource_list | List loaded resources matching a substring | developmentonly defensive |
resource_log_allocate_timing | Log time spent in Allocate for all resource types | developmentonly defensive |
resource_manifest_validate_modules | Scan all of the loaded modules and validate any resource manifests found | developmentonly defensive |
resource_repeated_reload | resource_repeated_reload <count> <resource_name> (<resource name> ...): Load and unload the specified resource(s) | developmentonly defensive |
resource_reset_allocate_timing | Reset tracked time spent in Allocate (see resource_log_allocate_timing) | developmentonly defensive |
respawn_player | Respawns the player from death! | gamedll cheat |
restart | Poor man's restart: reload the current map from disk. | cheat vconsole_set_focus |
restart_in_insecure | Restart in insecure mode | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
restart_in_trusted | Restart in trusted mode | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
restart_in_untrusted | Restart in untrusted mode | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
restart_normal | Restart | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
rr_forceconcept | fire a response concept directly at a given character. USAGE: rr_forceconcept <target name or index> <concept> "criteria1:value1,criteria2:value2,..." criteria values are optional. | gamedll cheat |
rr_reloadresponsesystems | Reload all response system scripts. | gamedll cheat |
rs_dump_stats | rs_dump_stats - Dump resourcesystem stats. | developmentonly |
run_perftest | Execute perftest.cfg | cheat dontrecord |
save | Save Game | developmentonly gamedll dontrecord defensive |
save_animgraph_recording | Saves all active animgraph recordings to disk | gamedll cheat |
save_clear_subdirectory | developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive | |
save_finish_async | developmentonly gamedll defensive | |
save_set_subdirectory | developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive | |
save_showelapsedtime | display up-to-date elapsed play time | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
save_watchclass | Restrict spew to entities with matching classname | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
save_watchentity | Restrict spew to entity index | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
say | Display player message | gamedll client_can_execute |
say_team | Display player message to team | gamedll client_can_execute |
sc_dumpworld | Dump a list of the objects in a sceneworld (Usage: sc_dumpworld <world_index>) | cheat |
sc_dumpworld3d | Dump the objects in a sceneworld into a 3d geoview buffer (Usage: sc_dumpworld3d <world_index>) | cheat |
sc_list_extradata_allocations | Prints out the overall extra data allocation counts | developmentonly defensive |
sc_listworlds | List all the active sceneworlds | cheat |
sc_setclassflags | Low level command to set the flags byte associated with an object class. sc_SetClassFlags <classname> <value> | cheat |
sc_showclasses | List the object class names known by scenesystem | cheat |
scene_flush | Flush all .vcds from the cache and reload from disk. | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
scene_playvcd | Play the given VCD as an instanced scripted scene. | gamedll cheat |
screenshot | Take a screenshot: screenshot [filename] | developmentonly defensive |
script_add_debug_filter | Add a filter to the game debug overlay | gamedll cheat |
script_add_watch | Add a watch to the game debug overlay | gamedll cheat |
script_add_watch_pattern | Add a watch to the game debug overlay | gamedll cheat |
script_attach_debugger | Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger | gamedll cheat |
script_clear_watches | Clear all watches from the game debug overlay | gamedll cheat |
script_debug | Toggle the in-game script debug features | gamedll cheat |
script_dump_all | Dump the state of the VM to the console | gamedll cheat |
script_find | Find a key in the VM | gamedll cheat |
script_help | Output help for script functions | gamedll cheat |
script_help2 | Output help for script functions suitable for auto-completion | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
script_reload | Reload scripts | gamedll cheat |
script_reload_code | Execute a vscript file, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script | gamedll cheat |
script_reload_entity_code | Execute all of this entity's VScripts, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts | gamedll cheat |
script_remove_debug_filter | Remove a filter from the game debug overlay | gamedll cheat |
script_remove_watch | Remove a watch from the game debug overlay | gamedll cheat |
script_remove_watch_pattern | Remove a watch from the game debug overlay | gamedll cheat |
script_resurrect_unreachable | Use the garbage collector to track down reference cycles | gamedll cheat |
script_trace_disable | Turn off a particular trace output by file or function name | gamedll cheat |
script_trace_disable_all | Turn off all trace output | gamedll cheat |
script_trace_disable_key | Turn off a particular trace output by table/instance | gamedll cheat |
script_trace_enable | Turn on a particular trace output by file or function name | gamedll cheat |
script_trace_enable_all | Turn on all trace output | gamedll cheat |
script_trace_enable_key | Turn on a particular trace output by table/instance | gamedll cheat |
scrubber | Scrub system off - not a dev build | developmentonly defensive |
sdr | An old command that has been renamed to 'net_option' | release |
sellbackall | Attempt to refund all equipment | clientdll clientcmd_can_execute |
send_round_backup_file_list | gamedll hidden release | |
server_game_time | Gives the game time in seconds (server's curtime) | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
server_snd_cast | Casts a ray and starts a sound event where the ray hits. The sound event will retrigger periodically. Usage: snd_cast <eventname> [<retrigger time>] [<max distance>]. Arguments that are specified will become defaults for the remainder of the session. | gamedll cheat |
servervoice_clear | servervoice_clear | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
servervoice_dump | servervoice_dump | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
setang | Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats). | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
setang_exact | Snap player eyes and orientation to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats). | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
setinfo | Adds a new user info value | clientcmd_can_execute |
setmodel | Changes's player's model | gamedll cheat |
setpause | Set the pause state of the server. | release |
setpos | Move player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats). | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
setpos_exact | Move player to an exact specified origin (must have sv_cheats). | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
setpos_player | Move specified player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats). | gamedll cheat client_can_execute |
shake | Shake the screen. | gamedll cheat |
shake_stop | Stops all active screen shakes. | clientdll cheat |
shake_testpunch | Test a punch-style screen shake. | clientdll cheat |
shatterglass_break | gamedll cheat | |
shatterglass_restore | gamedll cheat | |
show_loadout_toggle | Toggles loadout display | clientdll clientcmd_can_execute |
show_untrusted_warning_again | Show untrusted warning again | clientdll hidden clientcmd_can_execute |
showconsole | Show the console. | dontrecord release |
ShowSteamStatsSessionID | Prints out the game stats session ID's (developer convar must be set to non-zero). | developmentonly clientdll |
showtriggers | Enable or Disable showing trigger entities | gamedll cheat |
showtriggers_toggle | Displays the movement bounding box for the triggers in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat |
schema_all_list_bindings | schema_all_list_bindings <substring> - List all scopes registered schema bindings (classes & enums). If no substring, list them all. | developmentonly |
schema_detailed_class_layout | schema_detailed_class_layout <class_name> - Print a detailed memory layout of the class (including inline structs). | developmentonly |
schema_dump_binding | schema_dump_binding <class_or_enum_name> - Print information about the named class or enum. | developmentonly |
schema_list_bindings | schema_list_bindings <substring> - List registered global-scope schema bindings (classes & enums). If no substring, list them all. | developmentonly |
schema_meta_stats | schema_meta_stats [<options>]- Print a summary of schemasystem metadata statistics. | developmentonly |
schema_stats | schema_stats - Print a summary of various schemasystem statistics. | developmentonly |
slot0 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot1 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot10 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot11 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot12 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot13 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot2 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot3 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot4 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot5 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot6 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot7 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot8 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
slot9 | clientdll server_can_execute | |
snapto | developmentonly clientdll defensive | |
snd_arrangement_start | Starts the specified arrangement. | cheat |
snd_async_flush | Flush all unlocked async audio data | developmentonly defensive |
snd_async_showmem | Show async memory stats | developmentonly defensive |
snd_async_showmem_music | Show async memory stats for just non-streamed music | developmentonly defensive |
snd_async_showmem_summary | Show brief async memory stats | developmentonly defensive |
snd_cast | Casts a ray and starts a sound event where the ray hits. The sound event will retrigger periodically if cl_snd_cast_retrigger is set. The sound event will clear previous snd_cast events if cl_snd_cast_clear is set. Usage: snd_cast <eventname> [<retrigger time>] [<max distance>]. Arguments that are specified will become defaults for the remainder of the session. | cheat |
snd_compare_soundevents | Compare the compiled and loaded contents of 2 soundevents. | developmentonly cheat |
snd_cs_duck_reverb | One shot trigger to duck reverb for a few seconds. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
snd_front_headphone_position | Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual front left/right headphones. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_front_stereo_speaker_position | Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual front left/right speakers. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_front_surround_speaker_position | Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual front left/right speakers. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_get_physics_surface_properties | Get physics surface properties for all the materials. | cheat |
snd_headphone_pan_exponent | Specifies the exponent for the pan xfade from phone to phone if the "exp" pan law is being used. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight | Apply cos(angle) * weight before pan law | developmentonly defensive |
snd_list_deferred_soundevents | List all current deferred load soundevents | developmentonly cheat |
snd_list_soundevents | List all available soundevents | developmentonly cheat |
snd_list_soundevents_by_stack | List all available soundevents using specified stack name | developmentonly cheat |
snd_print_activetracks | List all active tracks | cheat |
snd_print_arrangements | List all available sequence arrangments | cheat |
snd_print_current_mixer_mixgroup | Get data related to mix group matching string | developmentonly defensive |
snd_print_samplers | List all available samplers | cheat |
snd_print_sequences | List all available midi sequences | cheat |
snd_print_soundevent | Print the data associated with the specified soundevent. | developmentonly vconsole_fuzzy_matching vconsole_set_focus |
snd_print_soundevent_default_public_properties | Print the default public properties of a specified soundevent. Values do not reflect values set on the soundevent. For that see "snd_print_soundevent" | developmentonly vconsole_fuzzy_matching vconsole_set_focus |
snd_rear_headphone_position | Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual rear left/right headphones. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_rear_stereo_speaker_position | Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual rear left/right speakers. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_rear_surround_speaker_position | Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual rear left/right speakers. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_remove_all_soundevents | Remove all soundevents | developmentonly cheat |
snd_remove_soundevent | Remove the specified soundevent | developmentonly cheat |
snd_samplers_play_note | Play a note from a specified sampler | cheat |
snd_samplers_stop_note | Stop a note from a specified sampler | cheat |
snd_sequence_set_track_bpm | Sets the tempo of the specified track | cheat |
snd_sequence_set_track_transpose | Sets the transposition of the specified track | cheat |
snd_sequence_stop_all_tracks | Stops all currently playing sequences | cheat |
snd_sequence_stop_track | Stops the specified track | cheat |
snd_set_physics_surface_properties | Set physics surface properties for materials. Usage: <heuristic #> <commit> | cheat |
snd_setmixer | Set named Mixgroup of current mixer to mix vol, mute, solo. | cheat |
snd_setmixlayer | Set named Mixgroup of named mix layer to mix vol, mute, solo. | cheat |
snd_side_surround_speaker_position | Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual rear left/right speakers. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_sos_cl_soundevent_pause_last | Test | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
snd_sos_cl_soundevent_start | Test | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
snd_sos_cl_soundevent_stop_last | Test | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
snd_sos_cl_soundevent_unpause_last | Test | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
snd_sos_compare_operator_stacks | Compares 2 operator stacks and spews any errors | cheat |
snd_sos_flush_operators | Flush and re-parse the sound operator system | cheat |
snd_sos_get_operator_field_info | Currently gets info for a single operator field | cheat |
snd_sos_pause_soundevent | Pause the specified soundevent in the list | cheat |
snd_sos_print_class_sizes | Prints the sizes of relevant sos classes. | cheat |
snd_sos_print_field_name_strings | Prints a list of currently cached field name strings | cheat |
snd_sos_print_groups | Prints the current state of the groups system | cheat |
snd_sos_print_operator_stack | Prints a master list of currently exposed variables | cheat |
snd_sos_print_operator_stack_operator | Prints an operator from a stack | cheat |
snd_sos_print_operator_stacks | Prints a list of currently available stacks | cheat |
snd_sos_print_operators | Prints a list of currently available operators | cheat |
snd_sos_print_stack_exec_list | Prints the current stack execution list | cheat |
snd_sos_print_strings | Prints a list of currently cached strings | cheat |
snd_sos_print_tool_properties | Prints the current state of tool properties. | cheat |
snd_sos_resolve_execute_operator | Resolve the inputs and execute one specified operator from a specified stack | cheat |
snd_sos_set_operator_field | Currently sets a single float operator field | cheat |
snd_sos_set_operator_field_by_guid | Currently sets a single float operator field | cheat |
snd_sos_soundevent_profile | Dump a record of current soundevents and profile data | cheat |
snd_sos_start_soundevent | Starts a specified soundevent | cheat |
snd_sos_start_soundevent_at_pos | Starts a specified soundevent at the given position | cheat |
snd_sos_start_stack | Starts a specified stack via an empty soundevent | cheat |
snd_sos_stop_all_soundevents | Stops all soundevents currently on the execution list | cheat |
snd_sos_stop_soundevent_guid | Stops a specified soundevent | cheat |
snd_sos_stop_soundevent_index | Stops a specified soundevent | cheat |
snd_sos_sv_soundevent_pause_last | Test | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
snd_sos_sv_soundevent_start | Test | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
snd_sos_sv_soundevent_stop_last | Test | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
snd_sos_sv_soundevent_unpause_last | Test | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
snd_sos_sv_test_gender | Test | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
snd_sos_test_soundmessage | test | cheat |
snd_sos_unpause_soundevent | UnPause the first soundevent in the list | cheat |
snd_soundevent_clear_deferred | Clear the list of deferred soundevents for loading. | developmentonly cheat |
snd_soundmixer_flush | Reload soundmixers.txt file. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_soundmixer_list_mix_groups | List all mix groups to dev console. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_soundmixer_list_mix_layers | List all mix layers to dev console. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_soundmixer_list_mixers | List all mixers to dev console. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_soundmixer_set_trigger_factor | Set named mix layer / mix group, trigger amount. | cheat |
snd_soundmixer_setmixlayer_amount | Set named mix layer mix amount. | cheat |
snd_steamaudio_baked_data_stats | Display baked data stats for the current mod. | cheat |
snd_steamaudio_display_probes | Load all the probes from a file and display probes based on the passed on arguments. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_steamaudio_enable_spatial_blend_fix | Toggles the speculative fix for low-frequency issues when using spatial blend. | cheat |
snd_steamaudio_export_scene | Exports scene currently used by Steam Audio as a phononscene file. | cheat |
snd_steamaudio_halton_sequence | Generate Halton Sequence for a given order and number of samples. | cheat |
snd_stereo_speaker_pan_exponent | Specifies the exponent for the pan xfade from speaker to speaker if the "exp" pan law is being used. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_stereo_speaker_pan_radial_weight | Apply cos(angle) * weight before pan law | developmentonly defensive |
snd_surround_speaker_pan_exponent | Specifies the exponent for the pan xfade from speaker to speaker if the "exp" pan law is being used. | developmentonly defensive |
snd_surround_speaker_pan_radial_weight | Apply cos(angle) * weight before pan law | developmentonly defensive |
snd_vmidi_flush | Purge and reload all vmidi data and files. | cheat |
sndplaydelay | developmentonly defensive | |
soundinfo | Describe the current sound device with an active voice list. | release |
soundlist | List all known sounds. | developmentonly defensive |
soundscape_dumpclient | Dumps the client's soundscape data. | clientdll cheat |
soundscape_flush | Flushes the server & client side soundscapes | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
soundsysteminfo | Describe the current sound device without an active voice list. | developmentonly defensive |
spawn_group_activate | Activate specified spawngroup. | gamedll cheat |
spawn_group_load | Load named spawn group. | gamedll cheat |
spawn_group_unload | Unload named spawn group. | gamedll cheat |
spec_goto | Move the spectator camera to a specific location. `spec_goto x y z pitch yaw` | clientdll clientcmd_can_execute |
spec_lock_to_current_player | As an observer, lock the spectator target to the currently observed target | developmentonly clientdll |
spec_mode | Set spectator mode | clientdll clientcmd_can_execute |
spec_next | Spectate next player | clientdll clientcmd_can_execute |
spec_player | Spectate a player by name or slot | clientdll clientcmd_can_execute |
spec_pos | dump position and angles to the console | clientdll cheat |
spec_prev | Spectate previous player | clientdll clientcmd_can_execute |
spew_fonts | Spew information about font manager fonts | developmentonly defensive |
splitscreen_testreadconfigconflict | developmentonly defensive | |
ss_add | Adds a splitscreen user. | developmentonly defensive |
ss_remove | Removes a splitscreen user. | developmentonly defensive |
ss_teleport | Teleport other splitscreen player to my location. | developmentonly clientdll cheat |
StackStats_Dump | Dump a named stackstats structure to disk. Usage: stackstats_dump "structname" ["filename"] | developmentonly |
startdemos | Play demos in demo sequence. | release |
startmovie | Start recording movie frames. | developmentonly dontrecord defensive |
stats | Prints server performance variables | developmentonly defensive |
stats_print | Prints out perf statistics to the console, clears perf history | developmentonly defensive |
stats_print_gpu | Prints out GPU perf statistics to the console. Requires stats_display > 0, and stats_collect_gpu = true. Optional argument of CSV filename | developmentonly defensive |
status | Print connection status | release |
status_json | Print status in JSON format | release |
steamvrevent_quit | steamvrevent_quit | developmentonly gamedll hidden defensive |
stop | Finish recording demo. | release |
stopdemos | Stop looping demos (current demo will complete). | release |
stopsound | cheat | |
stopsoundscape | Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds | clientdll cheat |
subclass_create | Creates an entity of the given subclass where the player is looking. | gamedll cheat vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
subclass_change | Changes the subclass of the given entity. Arguments: <new_subclass> {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} | gamedll cheat vconsole_fuzzy_matching |
surfaceprop | Reports the surface properties at the cursor | gamedll cheat |
sv_annotation_give_weapon | Give weapon required by annotation | gamedll hidden release |
sv_annotation_remove_weapon | Remove weapon given by annotation | gamedll hidden release |
sv_clientrates | Show client rates. | developmentonly defensive |
sv_cs_dump_econ_item_stringtable | sv_cs_dump_econ_item_stringtable | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
sv_dev_simulate_gcdown | <state> Turn on/off simulated GC communications failure (GC is down in a way that we know it is down) | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
sv_explode_inferno_at_crosshair | explodes molotov(0) or Incendiary (1) at crosshair location with single param | developmentonly gamedll cheat |
sv_explode_smokegrenade_at_crosshair | explodes smoke grenade at crosshair location | developmentonly gamedll cheat |
sv_fullupdate | Force a full update for all clients. | developmentonly defensive |
sv_game_mode_convars | Display the values of the convars for the current game_mode. | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
sv_kill_smokegrenade | kill all smoke grenades | developmentonly gamedll cheat |
sv_load_forced_client_names_file | Loads a file containing SteamID64 names for clients | gamedll release |
sv_load_random_client_names_file | Loads a file containing random name words for clients | gamedll release |
sv_metaduplication | Check serializer meta for duplication, add verbose to command for full spew | cheat |
sv_packstats | Show entity packing stats, pass 'clear' as argument to reset counts. | release |
sv_pure | Show user data. | release |
sv_querycache_stats | Display status of the query cache (client only) | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
sv_rethrow_last_grenade | Emit the last grenade thrown on the server. | gamedll cheat |
sv_setsteamaccount | token Set game server account token to use for logging in to a persistent game server account | release |
sv_showtags | Describe current gametags. | developmentonly defensive |
sv_shutdown | Sets the server to shutdown when all games have completed | release |
sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo | print soundscapes | gamedll cheat |
sv_spewmeta | Spew serializer meta | cheat |
sv_spewworldgroups | Spew world groups (server) | developmentonly |
sv_throw_decoygrenade | throw decoy grenade with parmas. | developmentonly gamedll cheat |
sv_throw_flashgrenade | throw flash grenade with parmas. | developmentonly gamedll cheat |
sv_throw_hegrenade | throw HEgrenade with parmas. | developmentonly gamedll cheat |
sv_throw_molotov | throw molotov grenade with parmas. | developmentonly gamedll cheat |
sv_throw_smokegrenade | throw smoke grenade with parmas. | developmentonly gamedll cheat |
switchhands | clientdll release | |
switchhandsleft | clientdll release | |
switchhandsright | clientdll release | |
sys_info | Print system information to the console | release |
teammenu | Show team selection window | clientdll server_can_execute |
telemetry_message | Place a message in the telemetry timeline | gamedll cheat |
telemetry_toggle_timespan | Starts/stops a timespan with an ever increasing name. | gamedll cheat |
Test_CreateEntity | gamedll cheat | |
test_dispatcheffect | Test a clientside dispatch effect. Usage: test_dispatcheffect <effect name> <distance away> <flags> <magnitude> <scale> Defaults are: <distance 1024> <flags 0> <magnitude 0> <scale 0> | gamedll cheat |
Test_EHandle | gamedll cheat | |
test_entity_blocker | Test command that drops an entity blocker out in front of the player. | gamedll cheat |
Test_ExitProcess | Test_ExitProcess <exit code> - immediately kill the process. | cheat |
Test_Checkpoint | Indicate to a test script that a checkpoint has been reached | developmentonly defensive |
test_list_entities | test-list entities | gamedll cheat |
Test_Loop | Test_Loop <loop name> - loop back to the specified loop start point unconditionally. | developmentonly defensive |
Test_LoopCount | Test_LoopCount <loop name> <count> - loop back to the specified loop start point the specified # of times. | developmentonly defensive |
Test_LoopForNumSeconds | Test_LoopForNumSeconds <loop name> <time> - loop back to the specified start point for the specified # of seconds. | developmentonly defensive |
Test_RandomChance | Test_RandomChance <percent chance, 0-100> <token1> <token2...> - Roll the dice and maybe run the command following the percentage chance. | developmentonly defensive |
Test_RandomPlayerPosition | gamedll cheat | |
Test_StartLoop | Test_StartLoop <loop name> - Denote the start of a loop. Really just defines a named point you can jump to. | developmentonly defensive |
Test_StartScript | Start a test script running.. | developmentonly defensive |
test_voice_container_nesting | Test nesting voice containers. | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
test_voice_containers | Quick example for how we'd derive traits from voice containers. | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
thirdperson | Switch to thirdperson camera. | clientdll cheat execute_per_tick |
thirdperson_mayamode | Switch to thirdperson Maya-like camera controls. | clientdll cheat |
thirdpersonshoulder | Switch to thirdperson-shoulder camera. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
timedemo | Play a demo and report performance info. | release |
timedemoquit | Play a demo, report performance info, and then exit | release |
timeleft | prints the time remaining in the match | gamedll client_can_execute |
timeout_ct_start | gamedll release | |
timeout_terrorist_start | gamedll release | |
toggle | Toggles specified convar value on and off. | dontrecord release |
toggleconsole | Show/hide the console. | dontrecord release |
toggleradarscale | Toggles the radar scale | clientdll release |
toggleRdrOpt | developmentonly clientdll | |
traceattack | traceattack damage hitgroup | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
tv_broadcast_resend | resend broadcast data to broadcast relay | developmentonly defensive |
tv_broadcast_status | Print out broadcast status | release |
tv_clients | Shows list of connected SourceTV clients. | release |
tv_mem | hltv memory statistics. Use with "ent 10" (dump entity 10 memory usage) or "top 8" (dump top 8 memory users) or "class" CWorld (dump CWorld class) | release |
tv_msg | Send a screen message to all clients. | developmentonly gamedll defensive |
tv_record | Starts SourceTV demo recording. | release |
tv_relay | Connect to SourceTV server and relay broadcast. | release |
tv_retry | Reconnects the SourceTV relay proxy. | release |
tv_status | Show SourceTV server status. | release |
tv_stop | Stops the SourceTV broadcast. | release |
tv_stoprecord | Stops SourceTV demo recording. | release |
unbind | Unbind a key. | release |
unbindall | Unbind all keys. | release |
unpause | Clear the pause state of the server. | release |
url_execute | Executes url-based commands, used for incoming commands from url-based launches when the game's already running. | developmentonly clientdll defensive |
users | Show user info for players on server. | developmentonly defensive |
v8_write_heap_stats | Dump output of v8::Isolate::GetHeapStatistics. | developmentonly |
vis_debug_currentcluster | Show the current cluster number | developmentonly defensive |
vis_debug_drawcluster | Add cluster # to visualization, (-1) to clear | developmentonly defensive |
vis_debug_dumpvisibleclusters | Show the list of visible clusters | developmentonly defensive |
vis_debug_find_los | Find or clear the vis LOS to here | developmentonly defensive |
vis_debug_lock | Lock vis LOS origin to current | developmentonly defensive |
vis_debug_record_start | Record a path to debug vis | developmentonly defensive |
vis_debug_record_stop | Record a path to debug vis | developmentonly defensive |
vis_debug_show | Show/hide the vis debug visualization | developmentonly defensive |
vis_debug_sunclusters | Showing clusters for sun/csm rendering. Red (full sun csm & lighting), Orange (no viewmodel sun or csm), Green (no sun at all) | developmentonly defensive |
vis_debug_tracelos | Trace rays and check vis from the current camera | developmentonly defensive |
vmem_dump | Dump memory stats to log. | developmentonly defensive |
vmix_debug_list | Debug dump the list of available vmix graphs | developmentonly defensive |
vmix_input | Set an input mix value | cheat |
vmix_output | Dump main graph control output values | cheat |
voice_containers_get_instance_args | Args: [Voice Container Path] | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
voice_containers_get_instance_params | Args: [Voice Container Path] | linked_concommand developmentonly defensive |
voice_modenable_toggle | Toggle the voice_modenable convar. | clientdll release |
voice_mute | Mute a specific Steam user | developmentonly defensive |
voice_reset_mutelist | Reset all mute information for all players who were ever muted. | developmentonly defensive |
voice_show_mute | Show whether current players are muted. | developmentonly defensive |
voice_status_test_toggle | Test voice and status notices | developmentonly clientdll |
voice_unmute | Unmute a specific Steam user, or `all` to unmute all connected players. | developmentonly defensive |
vprof_dump_counters | Dump vprof counters to the console | developmentonly defensive |
vprof_generate_report | Generate a report to the console. | developmentonly defensive |
vprof_generate_report_budget | Generate a report to the console based on budget group. | developmentonly defensive |
vprof_generate_report_hierarchy | Generate a report to the console. | developmentonly defensive |
vprof_loadhitstore_scale | Scale used when displaying load-hit-stores (0 = use default) | developmentonly hidden |
vprof_off | Disable vprof | developmentonly defensive |
vprof_on | Enable vprof | developmentonly defensive |
vprof_remote_start | Request a VProf data stream from the remote server (requires authentication) | developmentonly defensive |
vprof_remote_stop | Stop an existing remote VProf data request | developmentonly defensive |
vprof_reset | Reset the stats in VProf profiler | developmentonly defensive |
vprof_reset_peaks | Reset just the peak time in VProf profiler | developmentonly defensive |
vprof_time_scale | Scale used when displaying time (0 = use default) | developmentonly hidden |
vtune | Controls VTune's sampling. | developmentonly defensive |
weapon_switch | Use a particular weapon Arguments: <weapon_name> | developmentonly gamedll |
workshop_annotation_submit | Submit annotation to workshop. To update an existing submission add its ID number from the workshop URL as a second argument. | clientdll release |
workshop_item_submit | clientdll hidden release | |
workshop_tournament_item_submit | clientdll hidden release | |
world_dump_loaded_worlds | Dump all of the worlds that we know about | developmentonly defensive |
world_layer_list | List all world layers | developmentonly defensive |
world_layer_set_visible | Show or hide the specified world layer | developmentonly defensive |
writeid | Writes a list of permanently-banned user IDs to file. | developmentonly defensive |
writeip | Save the ban list to file. | developmentonly defensive |
writekeybindings | Saves current key bindings to disk. | release |