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Last update: 3 hours ago

List of all ConVars

_fov 0Automates fov command to server. developmentonly clientdll defensive
adsp_alley_min 122 developmentonly defensive
adsp_courtyard_min 126 developmentonly defensive
adsp_debug 0 archive
adsp_door_height 112 developmentonly defensive
adsp_duct_min 106 developmentonly defensive
adsp_hall_min 110 developmentonly defensive
adsp_low_ceiling 108 developmentonly defensive
adsp_opencourtyard_min 126 developmentonly defensive
adsp_openspace_min 130 developmentonly defensive
adsp_openstreet_min 118 developmentonly defensive
adsp_openwall_min 130 developmentonly defensive
adsp_room_min 102 developmentonly defensive
adsp_street_min 118 developmentonly defensive
adsp_tunnel_min 114 developmentonly defensive
adsp_wall_height 128 developmentonly defensive
ai_debug_dyninteractions 0Debug the NPC dynamic interaction system. gamedll cheat
ai_debug_los 0NPC Line-Of-Sight debug mode. If 1, solid entities that block NPC LOC will be highlighted with white bounding boxes. If 2, it'll show non-solid entities that would do it if they were solid. gamedll cheat
ai_debug_ragdoll_magnets false developmentonly gamedll defensive
ai_debug_scripted_sequence false gamedll cheat
ai_debug_shoot_positions 0 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ai_debug_soundent 0Reports sounds being entered into the AI sound list. Set to 1 to see all sounds, set to 2 to only see DANGER sounds. developmentonly gamedll defensive
ai_debug_soundent_duration 0.100000Length of time to display ai_debug_soundent visual displays. developmentonly gamedll defensive
ai_debug_speech 0 developmentonly gamedll defensive
ai_disabled false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ai_expression_frametime 0.050000Maximum frametime to still play background expressions. developmentonly gamedll defensive
ai_expression_optimization falseDisable npc background expressions when you can't see them. developmentonly gamedll defensive
ai_force_serverside_ragdoll false developmentonly gamedll defensive
ai_off_nav_show_nearest false gamedll cheat
ai_sequence_debug false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ai_use_visibility_cache 1Sets whether or not NPCs can cache their Visibility checks against other entities. If set to 2, also tests to make sure that NPC->Target results match that of Target->NPC. developmentonly gamedll defensive
ai_use_visibility_cache_reciprocation trueSets whether or not the visibility check cache should be reciprocal. developmentonly gamedll defensive
ammo_338mag_headshot_mult 1.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_338mag_impulse 2800.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_338mag_max 30 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_357sig_headshot_mult 1.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_357sig_impulse 2000.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_357sig_max 52 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_357sig_min_max 12 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_357sig_p250_max 26 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_357sig_small_max 24 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_45acp_headshot_mult 1.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_45acp_impulse 2100.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_45acp_max 100 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_50AE_headshot_mult 1.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_50AE_impulse 2400.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_50AE_max 35 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_556mm_box_headshot_mult 1.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_556mm_box_impulse 2400.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_556mm_box_max 200 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_556mm_headshot_mult 1.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_556mm_impulse 2400.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_556mm_max 90 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_556mm_small_max 40 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_57mm_headshot_mult 1.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_57mm_impulse 2000.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_57mm_max 100 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_762mm_headshot_mult 1.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_762mm_impulse 2400.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_762mm_max 90 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_9mm_headshot_mult 1.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_9mm_impulse 2000.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_9mm_max 120 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_buckshot_headshot_mult 1.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_buckshot_impulse 600.000000You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ammo_buckshot_max 32 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_grenade_limit_breachcharge 3 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_grenade_limit_bumpmine 3 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_grenade_limit_default 1 gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang 1 gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
ammo_grenade_limit_snowballs 3 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_grenade_limit_total 3 gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
ammo_grenade_limit_tripwirefire 1 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_item_limit_adrenaline 5 gamedll clientdll replicated release
ammo_item_limit_healthshot 4 gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
anim_damped_move_speed_timewindow 0.200000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
anim_dampedaccel16_scale 0.850000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
anim_dampedaccel16_timewindow 0.250000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
anim_decode_forcewritealltransforms falseForce BatchAnimationDecode to write transformations for all bones developmentonly
anim_disable false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
anim_resource_validate_on_load trueValidates the animation group channel list against the animations on load for every animation release
anim_scale_wasd_input_hip_dip 0.800000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
anim_scale_wasd_input_hip_swivel 0.800000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
animated_material_attributes true clientdll cheat
animgraph_debug falseDebug animation graph gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
animgraph_debug_animevents falsePrint info about animevents emitted by AnimGraph developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
animgraph_debug_entindex 0The entity to specifically debug gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
animgraph_debug_filterent 0Filter setting for animgraph_debug_variables output. If set to -1, show debug for all entities. If set to 0, show debug for any NPCs that have been npc_selected. If set to >0, something other than 0, show debug for the entity with the matching entindex. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
animgraph_debug_max_poseop_count false reference
animgraph_debug_set_filter_params Comma separated list of params to filter against when drawing debug text overlays developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
animgraph_debug_show_unreferenced_params false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
animgraph_debug_tags false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
animgraph_debug_variables falseTurn on to see animgraph variable changes for entities passing animgraph_debug_filterent. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
animgraph_debug_variables_ignore_missing trueIf set, animgraph_debug_variables won't show debug for warnings about sets to missing variables. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
animgraph_debug_variables_ignore_nonchanges trueIf set, animgraph_debug_variables won't show debug for variable sets that don't change the value. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
animgraph_draw_traces false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
animgraph_enable trueEnable animation graph developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
animgraph_enable_dirty_netvar_optimization true developmentonly defensive
animgraph_enable_parallel_op_evaluation false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
animgraph_enable_parallel_update true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
animgraph_footlock_auto_ledge_detection trueAttempt to detect when the foot is partially hanging off a ledge and stop it tilting to reach the bottom developmentonly replicated defensive
animgraph_footlock_auto_stair_detection trueAttempt to detect when the foot is on a stair and will stop it from tilting to reach the next step developmentonly replicated defensive
animgraph_footlock_calculate_tilt true developmentonly replicated defensive
animgraph_footlock_debug_foot_index -1 developmentonly replicated defensive
animgraph_footlock_debug_type 2 developmentonly replicated defensive
animgraph_footlock_draw_footbase false developmentonly defensive
animgraph_footlock_enabled trueA master convar that effectively disables the entire footlock node. developmentonly replicated defensive
animgraph_footlock_ground_roll true developmentonly defensive
animgraph_footlock_hip_offset_enable true developmentonly defensive
animgraph_footlock_ik_enable trueEnable IK. cheat
animgraph_footlock_tilt_mode 1 developmentonly defensive
animgraph_footlock_trace_ground_enabled trueConvar for toggling foot lock ground tracking. developmentonly replicated defensive
animgraph_footlock_use_hip_shift true developmentonly defensive
animgraph_force_full_network_updates false developmentonly defensive
animgraph_force_tick_all_graphs false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
animgraph_ik_debug false developmentonly defensive
animgraph_motionmatching_print_compressionstats false developmentonly replicated defensive
animgraph_network_enable trueEnable animation graph networking. The setting is only read at graph creation time; to use please set on the command line. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
animgraph_record_all falseAutomatically start recording AnimGraphs when they get created, and save them to disk when they are destroyed gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
animgraph_slope_draw_raycasts false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
animgraph_slope_enable true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
animgraph_slowdownonslopes_enabled true developmentonly replicated defensive
animgraph_trace_ignore_prop_physics true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
animgraph_trace_static_only false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
animgraph_verify_dirty_netvar_optimization false developmentonly defensive
annotation_auto_load false clientdll release commandline_enforced
async_serialize falseForce async reads to serialize for profiling developmentonly defensive
attached_output_stall_ms 250.000000 developmentonly defensive
audio_input_test_signal falseFor testing the audio input pathway with a sine tone instead of SDL3. developmentonly
autosave_fully_async trueSet to 1 to have autosaves execute completely on the save thread, forces 'render only' mode while the save completes developmentonly gamedll defensive
battery_saver falseOBSOLETE replaced by mobile_fps_* - Battery saver mode. 0=off, 1=on archive
blink_duration 0.500000How many seconds an eye blink will last. developmentonly clientdll defensive
bot_allow_grenades trueIf nonzero, bots may use grenades. gamedll release
bot_allow_machine_guns trueIf nonzero, bots may use the machine gun. gamedll release
bot_allow_pistols trueIf nonzero, bots may use pistols. gamedll release
bot_allow_rifles trueIf nonzero, bots may use rifles. gamedll release
bot_allow_rogues trueIf nonzero, bots may occasionally go 'rogue'. Rogue bots do not obey radio commands, nor pursue scenario goals. gamedll release commandline_enforced
bot_allow_shotguns trueIf nonzero, bots may use shotguns. gamedll release
bot_allow_snipers trueIf nonzero, bots may use sniper rifles. gamedll release
bot_allow_sub_machine_guns trueIf nonzero, bots may use sub-machine guns. gamedll release
bot_auto_follow falseIf nonzero, bots with high co-op may automatically follow a nearby human player. gamedll release
bot_auto_vacate trueIf nonzero, bots will automatically leave to make room for human players. gamedll release
bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high 5.000000Upper bound above Average Human Contribution Score that a bot must be above to change its difficulty
Min: -20.000000

Max: 20.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low -2.000000Lower bound below Average Human Contribution Score that a bot must be below to change its difficulty
Min: -20.000000

Max: 20.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
bot_controllable trueDetermines whether bots can be controlled by players gamedll release
bot_coop_idle_max_vision_distance 1400.000000Max distance bots can see targets (in coop) when they are idle, dormant, hiding or asleep.
Min: -1.000000
gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
bot_crouch false gamedll cheat
bot_debug 0For internal testing purposes. gamedll cheat
bot_debug_target 0For internal testing purposes. gamedll cheat
bot_defer_to_human_goals falseIf nonzero and there is a human on the team, the bots will not do the scenario tasks. gamedll release commandline_enforced
bot_defer_to_human_items trueIf nonzero and there is a human on the team, the bots will not get scenario items. gamedll release commandline_enforced
bot_difficulty 1Defines the skill of bots joining the game. Values are: 0=easy, 1=normal, 2=hard, 3=expert. gamedll release commandline_enforced
bot_dont_shoot falseIf nonzero, bots will not fire weapons (for debugging). gamedll cheat release
bot_eco_limit 2000.000000If nonzero, bots will not buy if their money falls below this amount. gamedll release
bot_flipout falseIf nonzero, bots use no CPU for AI. Instead, they run around randomly. gamedll release
bot_force_duck false developmentonly gamedll defensive
bot_freeze false gamedll cheat
bot_chatter normalControl how bots talk. Allowed values: 'off', 'radio', 'minimal', or 'normal'. gamedll release commandline_enforced
bot_chatter_use_rr true0 = Use old bot chatter system, 1 = Use response rules developmentonly gamedll
bot_ignore_enemies falseIf nonzero, bots will ignore enemies (for debugging). gamedll cheat
bot_ignore_players falseBots will not see non-bot players. gamedll cheat
bot_join_after_player trueIf nonzero, bots wait until a player joins before entering the game. gamedll release
bot_join_delay 0Prevents bots from joining the server for this many seconds after a map change. developmentonly gamedll defensive
bot_join_in_warmup truePrevents bots from joining the server while warmup phase is active. developmentonly gamedll defensive
bot_join_team anyDetermines the team bots will join into. Allowed values: 'any', 'T', or 'CT'. gamedll release
bot_loadout bots are given these items at round start gamedll cheat
bot_max_visible_smoke_length 200.000000Bots will see players through smoke clouds up to this length. gamedll replicated release
bot_max_vision_distance_override -1.000000Max distance bots can see targets.
Min: -1.000000
gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
bot_mimic 0Bot uses usercmd of player by index. gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
bot_mimic_spec_buttons true+attack, +jump etc are used for spectator control instead of being passed on to spectated bot clientdll cheat
bot_mimic_yaw_offset 180.000000 gamedll cheat
bot_prefix This string is prefixed to the name of all bots that join the game. <difficulty> will be replaced with the bot's difficulty. <weaponclass> will be replaced with the bot's desired weapon class. <skill> will be replaced with a 0-100 representation of the bot's skill. gamedll release
bot_quota 10Determines the total number of bots in the game. gamedll release commandline_enforced
bot_quota_mode normalDetermines the type of quota. Allowed values: 'normal', 'fill', and 'match'. If 'fill', the server will adjust bots to keep N players in the game, where N is bot_quota. If 'match', the server will maintain a 1:N ratio of humans to bots, where N is bot_quota. gamedll release commandline_enforced
bot_randombuy falseshould bots ignore their prefered weapons and just buy weapons at random? gamedll cheat
bot_show_battlefront falseShow areas where rushing players will initially meet. gamedll cheat
bot_show_nav falseFor internal testing purposes. gamedll cheat
bot_show_occupy_time falseShow when each nav area can first be reached by each team. gamedll cheat
bot_stop 0bot_stop <1|all> | <not_bomber> | <t> | <ct> gamedll cheat
bot_traceview 0For internal testing purposes. gamedll cheat
bot_walk falseIf nonzero, bots can only walk, not run. gamedll release
bot_zombie falseIf nonzero, bots will stay in idle mode and not attack. gamedll cheat
break_damage_inherit_scale 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
break_invulnerable_spawn_duration 0.500000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
breakable_multiplayer true developmentonly gamedll defensive
buddha falsePlayer takes damage but won't die gamedll notify cheat
buddha_ignore_bots falseBots always buddha 0 gamedll notify cheat
buddha_reset_hp 1HP to set when damaged below zero in Buddha Mode gamedll notify cheat
bug_submitter_override archive
buildcubemaps_renderdoc_capture -1Capture a specific cubemap with RenderDoc during buildcubemaps. developmentonly clientdll
c_maxdistance 200.000000 clientdll archive
c_maxpitch 90.000000 clientdll archive
c_maxyaw 135.000000 clientdll archive
c_mindistance 30.000000 clientdll archive
c_minpitch 0.000000 clientdll archive
c_minyaw -135.000000 clientdll archive
c_orthoheight 100.000000 clientdll archive
c_orthowidth 100.000000 clientdll archive
c_thirdpersonshoulder false clientdll archive
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist 120.000000 clientdll archive
c_thirdpersonshoulderdist 40.000000 clientdll archive
c_thirdpersonshoulderheight 5.000000 clientdll archive
c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset 20.000000 clientdll archive
cachedvalue_count_partybrowser 0 clientdll hidden archive
cachedvalue_count_teammates 0 clientdll hidden archive
cam_collision 1When in thirdperson and cam_collision is set to 1, an attempt is made to keep the camera from passing though walls. clientdll archive
cam_head_constraint_debug falseShow camera head constraint debug info developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
cam_head_constraint_distance 12.000000Distance to constrain first/thirdperson camera and head developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
cam_head_constraint_soft_transition 4.000000Constraint soft transition distance developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
cam_idealdelta 4.000000Controls the speed when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view clientdll archive
cam_idealdist 150.000000 clientdll archive
cam_ideallag 4.000000Amount of lag used when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view clientdll archive
cam_idealpitch 0.000000 clientdll archive
cam_idealyaw 0.000000 clientdll archive
cam_showangles falseWhen in thirdperson, print viewangles/idealangles/cameraoffsets to the console. clientdll cheat
cam_snapto false clientdll archive
camera_datadriven_debug false developmentonly clientdll cheat
camera_datadriven_disable_cache false developmentonly gamedll cheat
camera_jolt_fix truecamera jolt fix developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
cash_player_bomb_defused 300 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_player_bomb_planted 300 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_player_damage_hostage -30 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_player_get_killed 0 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_player_interact_with_hostage 150 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_player_killed_enemy_default 300 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_player_killed_enemy_factor 1.000000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_player_killed_hostage -1000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_player_killed_teammate -300 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_player_rescued_hostage 1000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_player_respawn_amount 0 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_bonus_shorthanded 0 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_elimination_bomb_map 3250 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_ct 2000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_t 1000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_hostage_alive 0 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_hostage_interaction 500 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_loser_bonus 1400 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds 500 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused 600 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_rescued_hostage 0 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb 3500 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb 3250 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue 3500 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_bomb 3250 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_hostage 3250 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
cash_team_winner_bonus_consecutive_rounds 0 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
cc_captiontrace 1Show missing closecaptions (0 = no, 1 = devconsole, 2 = show in hud) developmentonly clientdll defensive
cc_delay_time 0.250000Close caption delay before showing caption. clientdll archive
cc_lang Current close caption language (emtpy = use game UI language) clientdll archive
cc_linger_time 1.000000Close caption linger time. clientdll archive
cc_log 0Log caption names and contents (0 = off, 1 = found captions, 2 = unfound captions, 3 = all captions) developmentonly clientdll defensive
cc_norepeat 5.000000In multiplayer games, don't repeat captions more often than this many seconds. developmentonly gamedll defensive
cc_showmissing falseShow missing closecaption entries. developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
cc_spectator_only false clientdll archive
cc_subtitles falseIf set, don't show sound effect captions, just voice overs (i.e., won't help hearing impaired players). clientdll archive
cc_vr_caption_catchup_interval 0.300000Duration it takes for attached caption to ideal point
Min: 0.010000
developmentonly clientdll defensive
cc_vr_caption_speed 10 = slow, 1 = medium (default), 2 = fast
Min: 0

Max: 2
clientdll archive
cc_vr_debug falseDebug visualization of VR closed caption placement developmentonly clientdll defensive
cc_vr_depth_test falseHave closed caption Panorama panel perform depth testing against the scene developmentonly clientdll defensive
cc_vr_epsilon 2.500000Epsilon to trigger movement of VR subtitle panel in world space developmentonly clientdll defensive
cc_vr_font_size 10 = small, 1 = med (default), 2 = large
Min: 0

Max: 2
clientdll archive
cc_vr_forward_offset 30.000000Subtitle offset distance (forward, in front of player) developmentonly clientdll defensive
cc_vr_vertical_offset -6.500000Subtitle vertical offset distance (positive is up) developmentonly clientdll defensive
cc_vr_width 10 = narrow, 1 = med (default), 2 = wide
Min: 0

Max: 2
clientdll archive
cl_access_all_missions false developmentonly clientdll
cl_aggregate_particles false developmentonly defensive
cl_allow_animated_avatars trueWhether or not to allow animated avatars clientdll archive release
cl_allow_multi_input_binds false clientdll cheat release
cl_anglespeedkey 0.670000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_animgraph_history_force_temporal_consistency true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_async_client_shatter truespawn client glass shards asynchronously during demos or when remotely connected. developmentonly clientdll
cl_auto_cursor_scale trueAutomatic cursor size scaling. archive
cl_autobuy The order in which autobuy will attempt to purchase items clientdll release
cl_autohelp trueAuto-help clientdll archive userinfo
cl_bone_cache_optimization true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_borrow_music_from_player_slot -1 clientdll release
cl_boxmove 0run in a square, # represents how many usercommands to run before turning. developmentonly clientdll
cl_boxmove_speed 1.000000how fast to run (1 to use player max run speed). developmentonly clientdll
cl_buymenu_ct_nextround_high 5000 clientdll archive per_user release
cl_buymenu_ct_nextround_low 1400 clientdll archive per_user release
cl_buymenu_t_nextround_high 5000 clientdll archive per_user release
cl_buymenu_t_nextround_low 1400 clientdll archive per_user release
cl_buywheel_donate_key 0Set the key to use for donation in the buy menu. 0: Left Control; 1: Left Alt; 2: Left Shift. clientdll archive per_user release
cl_buywheel_nonumberpurchasing falseSet non-zero to prevent buy wheel from purchasing via number keys clientdll archive per_user release
cl_cache_sendtable trueCache sendtables developmentonly defensive
cl_cameraoverride_fade_in_amount 0.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_cameraoverride_shadow_depth_bias 0.006000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_cameraoverride_shadow_end 0.800000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_clanid 0Current clan ID for name decoration clientdll hidden archive userinfo
cl_clock_buffer_ticks 0.000000Clock sync will try to maintain an additional margin of N ticks. This is intended to smooth over packet loss, and is a replacement for cl_interp_ratio / cl_interp. This value is simply added to cl_clock_recvmargin_desired developmentonly
cl_clock_correction trueEnable/disable clock correction on the client. cheat
cl_clock_recvmargin_adjust_limit_slowdown 93.000000Clock sync will not slow down time slower than N%
Min: 66.000000

Max: 100.000000
cl_clock_recvmargin_adjust_limit_speedup 106.000000Clock sync will not speed up time faster than N%
Min: 100.000000

Max: 150.000000
cl_clock_recvmargin_desired 5.000000Clock sync will try to maintain N ms margin between tick arrival and polling network. The effective value is the sum of this and the time implied by cl_clock_buffer_ticks developmentonly
cl_clock_recvmargin_minsamples_slowdown 3Clock sync will not slow down unless we have N indicating samples developmentonly
cl_clock_recvmargin_minsamples_speedup 0.500000Clock sync will not speed up unless we have N seconds of indicating samples developmentonly
cl_clock_recvmargin_spew_interval 0 release
cl_clock_recvmargin_timeconstant_slowdown 0.300000Clock sync will remove 63.2% of the error in N seconds developmentonly
cl_clock_recvmargin_timeconstant_speedup 0.600000Clock sync will remove 63.2% of the error in N seconds developmentonly
cl_clock_recvmargin_window 4.000000Clock sync will use past N seconds developmentonly
cl_clockdbg false developmentonly defensive
cl_clockdrift_max_ticks 3Maximum number of ticks the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's.
Min: 0
cl_clutch_mode falseSilence voice and other distracting sounds until the end of round or next death. clientdll release
cl_color 3Preferred teammate color
Min: 0

Max: 4
clientdll archive userinfo
cl_connectionretrytime_p2p 20.000000Number of seconds over which to spread retry attempts for P2P. release
cl_cq_min_queue 0Used by the client to inform the server of their desired queue length. Derived from cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_desired and cl_tickpacket_desired_queuelength userinfo
cl_crosshair_drawoutline trueDraws a black outline around the crosshair for better visibility clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio 1.000000If using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this is the ratio used to determine how long the inner and outer xhair pips will be. [inner = cl_crosshairsize*(1-cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio), outer = cl_crosshairsize*cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio] [0 - 1]
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod 0.000000If using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this is the alpha modification that will be used for the INNER crosshair pips once they've split. [0 - 1]
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod 1.000000If using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this is the alpha modification that will be used for the OUTER crosshair pips once they've split. [0.3 - 1]
Min: 0.300000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist 3If using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this is the distance that the crosshair pips will split into 2. (default is 7) clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshair_friendly_warning 10: off, 1: on
Min: 0

Max: 1
clientdll archive release
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 1.000000Set how thick you want your crosshair outline to draw (0-3)
Min: 0.000000

Max: 3.000000
clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshair_recoil true clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1If >1 sniper scope cross lines gain extra width (1 for single-pixel hairline) clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshair_t falseT style crosshair clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshairalpha 200
Min: 0

Max: 255
clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshaircolor 5Set crosshair color as defined in game_options.consoles.txt clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshaircolor_b 0
Min: 0

Max: 255
clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshaircolor_g 255
Min: 0

Max: 255
clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshaircolor_r 0
Min: 0

Max: 255
clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshairdot false clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshairgap -2.200000 clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue trueIf set to 1, the gap will update dynamically based on which weapon is currently equipped clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshairsize 3.900000 clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshairstyle 20 = DEFAULT (DISABLED), 1 = DEFAULT STATIC (DISABLED), 2 = DEFAULT (accurate recoil/spread feedback with a fixed inner part), 3 = ACCURATE DYNAMIC (DISABLED) (accurate recoil/spread feedback), 4 = DEFAULT STATIC, 5 = LEGACY (fake recoil - inaccurate feedback) clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshairthickness 0.600000 clientdll archive per_user
cl_crosshairusealpha true clientdll archive per_user
cl_csgo_shoot_debugvis_rdp_text_l 10 developmentonly clientdll
cl_csgo_shoot_debugvis_rdp_text_x 45 developmentonly clientdll
cl_csgo_shoot_debugvis_show_los falseShow line of last shot. developmentonly clientdll
cl_csgo_shoot_debugvis_show_rdp false developmentonly clientdll
cl_csgo_shoot_trim_input_frames true developmentonly clientdll
cl_cursor_scale 1.000000Cursor size scaling factor. archive
cl_dangerzone_approaching_sound_radius 700.000000 clientdll cheat release
cl_dangerzone_moving_sound_volume 0.500000 clientdll cheat release
cl_dangerzone_sound_volume 0.200000 clientdll cheat release
cl_death_anim_viewmodel_drop_rate 50.000000 developmentonly clientdll
cl_death_anim_viewmodel_pitch_rate 60.000000 developmentonly clientdll
cl_deathcam_audio_mix_phase1_fade_amount 0.150000Sets the amount of ducking to do on death cam fade out. When set to 1, full DeathFadeLayer is applied. clientdll release
cl_deathcam_audio_mix_phase1_fade_time 2.000000Sets the amount of time we fade out over. clientdll release
cl_deathcam_audio_mix_phase2_fade_amount 0.500000Sets the amount of ducking to do on death cam fade out. When set to 1, full DeathFadeLayer is applied. clientdll release
cl_deathcam_audio_mix_phase2_fade_time 0.400000Sets the amount of time we fade out over. clientdll release
cl_deathcampanel_position_dynamic 1Turn on/off deathcam's kill panel dynamic Y movement clientdll archive
cl_deathnotices_show_numbers 00: default; 1: draw names as just numbers; 2: append number on killer and victim to the name clientdll release
cl_debounce_zoom trueWhether or not to disable holding secondary fire to cycle zoom levels clientdll archive userinfo per_user
cl_debug_client_gamestats true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_debug_force_push_to_talk false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_debug_overlay_fullposition false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_debug_overlays_broadcast falseRender debug overlays from server. release
cl_debug_round_stat_submission false developmentonly clientdll
cl_debugviewangle falsePlots view angles yaw at various stages of the frame/tick in Tracy. developmentonly clientdll
cl_demo_steadycam_blendframes 5blend over this many frames developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_demo_steadycam_deflection 5.000000if camera orientation changes this much update orientation developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_demo_steadycam_enable 0Stabilize camera orientation/position during demo playback. 1 == remove roll, 2 == steadycam developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_demo_steadycam_radius 16.000000if camera moves this much from last anchor update anchor developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_demo_view_offset_left 0.000000View offset during demo playback (+/- 1.25 is a good default for human average left/right eye offset) developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_demoviewoverride 0.000000Override view during demo playback developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_disable_deathcam_audio_mix_fade_out falseWhen set to true, disables audio being silenced while the death cam fades out. clientdll release
cl_disable_postprocessing false clientdll cheat
cl_disable_ragdolls false clientdll cheat
cl_disable_round_end_report false clientdll archive release
cl_disconnect_soundevent StopSoundEvents.StopAllExceptMusicThis soundevent is called to stop the desired soundevents when the game is disconnected. developmentonly defensive
cl_disconnect_voice_fade -1.000000This is a fade of current voices that is called when the game is disconnected. -1.f for no fade on disconnect developmentonly defensive
cl_display_flashbang_values false developmentonly clientdll
cl_display_game_events false clientdll cheat
cl_display_player_visibilty false developmentonly clientdll
cl_dm_buyrandomweapons truePlayer will automatically receive a random weapon on spawn in deathmatch if this is set to 1 (otherwise, they will receive the last weapon) clientdll archive release
cl_dormant_spew falseSpew state on when client entities become dormant or active. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_draw_only_deathnotices falseFor drawing only the crosshair and death notices (used for moviemaking) clientdll release
cl_draw_simulating_entities false clientdll cheat
cl_draw_simulating_entities_distance false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_drawhud trueEnable the rendering of the hud clientdll cheat
cl_drawhud_force_deathnotices 00: default; 1: draw deathnotices even if hud disabled; -1: force no deathnotices clientdll release
cl_drawhud_force_radar 00: default; 1: draw radar even if hud disabled; -1: force no radar clientdll release
cl_drawhud_force_teamid_overhead 00: default; 1: draw teamid even if hud disabled; -1: force no teamid clientdll release
cl_drawhud_specvote true1: default; 0: disables vote UI for spectators clientdll release
cl_embedded_stream_audio_volume 0.000000Embedded stream audio volume
Min: 0.000000

Max: 100.000000
clientdll hidden archive
cl_embedded_stream_audio_volume_xmaster trueWhether embedded stream audio volume gets multiplied by master volume clientdll hidden archive
cl_embedded_stream_video_playing 0.000000Embedded stream video playing state developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
cl_enable_eye_occlusion true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_ent_joint_axis_size 4.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_ent_joint_filter_substring developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_ent_joint_names true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_ent_joint_only_ik_joints false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_ent_joint_use_bind_pose false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_ent_pivot_size 20.000000 clientdll archive cheat
cl_ent_show_contexts falseShow entity contexts in ent_text display clientdll cheat
cl_ent_showonlyattachment clientdll cheat
cl_ent_showonlyhitbox -1 clientdll cheat
cl_ent_skeleton_only_ik_joints false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_ent_text_flags_active -1 clientdll archive cheat
cl_ent_text_no_name_really_i_mean_it false clientdll cheat
cl_error_report_time 0.000000Minimum time in seconds that must elapse before printing prediction error summary. 0 to disable. clientdll release
cl_extrapolate trueEnable/disable extrapolation if interpolation history runs out. clientdll cheat
cl_extrapolate_amount 0.250000Set how many seconds the client will extrapolate entities for. clientdll cheat
cl_eye_occlusion_debug false clientdll cheat
cl_eye_sin_wave false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_eye_target_override 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_eye_yaw_multiplier 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_fake_timeout false developmentonly clientdll
cl_fasttempentcollision 5 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_firstperson_legs true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_firstperson_legs_aoproxy true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_fixedcrosshairgap 3.000000For crosshair style 1: How big to make the gap between the pips in the fixed crosshair clientdll archive per_user
cl_flushentitypacket 0For debugging. Force the engine to flush an entity packet. cheat
cl_force_next_signon_to_reset false developmentonly
cl_frametime_summary_report_detailed trueWhen a perf report is dumped at the end of the session, should it be detailed? clientdll release
cl_globallight_debug false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_globallight_depth_bias -999.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_globallight_expansion 200.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_globallight_freeze false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_globallight_orig_calc_frustum true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_globallight_shadow_mode 2 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_globallight_slope_scale_depth_bias -999.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_globallight_use_alt_focus_region false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_globallight_use_optimized_calc_frustum true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_globallight_use_shaadow_near_offset true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_globallight_world_bottom_height 0.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_globallight_world_top_height 4096.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_glow_brightness 1.000000Brightness of player halos clientdll cheat
cl_glow_item_far_b 1.000000 clientdll release
cl_glow_item_far_g 0.400000 clientdll release
cl_glow_item_far_r 0.300000 clientdll release
cl_graphics_driver_warning_dont_show_again false clientdll archive release
cl_grenadecrosshair_decoy trueIs the grenade crosshair enabled clientdll archive per_user
cl_grenadecrosshair_explosive trueIs the grenade crosshair enabled clientdll archive per_user
cl_grenadecrosshair_fire trueIs the grenade crosshair enabled clientdll archive per_user
cl_grenadecrosshair_flash trueIs the grenade crosshair enabled clientdll archive per_user
cl_grenadecrosshair_keepusercrosshair trueKeep the user's crosshair when the grenade crosshair is enabled clientdll archive per_user
cl_grenadecrosshair_smoke trueIs the grenade crosshair enabled clientdll archive per_user
cl_grenadecrosshair_tickinterval 10.000000
Min: 1.000000

Max: 45.000000
developmentonly clientdll
cl_grenadecrosshair_ticklabels true developmentonly clientdll
cl_grenadecrosshair_tickscaling 1.100000
Min: 0.500000

Max: 2.000000
developmentonly clientdll
cl_grenadecrosshairdelay_decoy 2.000000How long should the pin be pulled for before showing the grenade crosshair clientdll archive per_user
cl_grenadecrosshairdelay_explosive 2.000000How long should the pin be pulled for before showing the grenade crosshair clientdll archive per_user
cl_grenadecrosshairdelay_fire 2.000000How long should the pin be pulled for before showing the grenade crosshair clientdll archive per_user
cl_grenadecrosshairdelay_flash 2.000000How long should the pin be pulled for before showing the grenade crosshair clientdll archive per_user
cl_grenadecrosshairdelay_smoke 2.000000How long should the pin be pulled for before showing the grenade crosshair clientdll archive per_user
cl_gunlowerangle 2.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_gunlowerspeed 0.100000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_hide_avatar_images 0Hide avatar images for other players. 0 - Off. 1 - Block All 2 - Block all but friends clientdll archive
cl_hitbox_debug false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_hold_game_events_force_delay_ticks 0Debugging convar to force late dispatch of game events. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_hold_game_events_until_server_tick trueHolds game events until client has received the tick the event was fired on. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_http_log_enable falseAllows sending HTTP log from client main menu. clientdll dontrecord release clientcmd_can_execute
cl_hud_color 00 = team color, 1 = white, 2 = bright white, 3 = light blue, 4 = blue, 5 = purple, 6 = red, 7 = orange, 8 = yellow, 9 = green, 10 = aqua, 11 = pink, 12 = teammate color. clientdll archive release
cl_hud_radar_background_alpha 0.627000
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive release
cl_hud_radar_map_additive trueBlend Hud radar map additively on top of background. clientdll archive release
cl_hud_radar_scale 1.000000
Min: 0.800000

Max: 1.300000
clientdll archive release
cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_poor 100.000000Frame time greater than this is considered 'poor'.
Min: 1.000000

Max: 100.000000
clientdll archive release
cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_show 1Show frame time (FPS) in the HUD. 0=never, 1=only if poor, 2=always clientdll archive release
cl_hud_telemetry_net_detailed 0Show breakdown network misdelivery (loss, late delivery, and peak jitter). 0=never, 1=only in poor network conditions, 2=always clientdll archive release
cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_poor 5.000000Packet delivery anomaly rate (0..100) higher than this is considered 'poor'. clientdll archive release
cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_show 1Show percentage of user commands & server snapshots that are missed due to network conditions. 0=never, 1=only in poor conditions, 2=always clientdll archive release
cl_hud_telemetry_net_quality_graph_show 0Show packet jitter and netframe loss/reordering in the HUD. 0=never, 1=only in poor conditions, 2=always clientdll archive release
cl_hud_telemetry_ping_poor 100.000000Ping higher than this (ms) is considered 'poor'. clientdll archive release
cl_hud_telemetry_ping_show 1Show ping in the HUD. 0=never, 1=only in poor conditions, 2=always clientdll archive release
cl_hud_telemetry_serverrecvmargin_graph_show 0Show graph of the server recv margin in the HUD. (How early/late user commands are arriving at the server before they are executed.) 0=never, 1=only when there are command queue problems, 2=always clientdll archive release
cl_change_callback_limit 0.200000change callback msec warning limit clientdll release
cl_chat_active 0 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_ignore_campaign_completion_requirements falseIgnores campaign progression requirements when granting quests. developmentonly clientdll
cl_ignorepackets falseForce client to ignore packets (for debugging). cheat
cl_import_csgo_config true clientdll archive release
cl_inferno_bodyburn true developmentonly clientdll
cl_input_enable_raw_keyboard falseEnable raw keyboard input release
cl_instant_death_anim false developmentonly clientdll
cl_interp_all falseDisable interpolation list optimizations. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_interp_animationvars trueInterpolate LATCH_ANIMATION_BIT vars if interpolation interval is greater than simulation interval developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_interp_hermite trueSet to zero do disable hermite interpolation. clientdll cheat
cl_interp_npcs 0.000000Interpolate NPC positions starting this many seconds in past (or the value as per cl_interp_ratio, if greater) developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_interp_ratio 0.000000Set number of client simulation interpolation ticks.
Min: 0.000000

Max: 19.000000
clientdll userinfo
cl_interp_simulationvars trueInterpolate LATCH_SIMULATION_BIT vars if interpolation interval is greater than animation interval developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_interp_threadmodeticks 0Additional interpolation ticks to use when interpolating with threaded engine mode set. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_interpolate trueInterpolate entities on the client. developmentonly clientdll userinfo
cl_interpolate_report falseEnable to show interpolation profile timing clientdll archive
cl_inventory_debug_tooltip false clientdll release
cl_inventory_radial_immediate_select trueIn inventory selection radials. Select weapons the moment the cursor highlights them. Otherwise, only select the selected item on exit. clientdll archive per_user
cl_inventory_radial_tap_to_cycle trueIn inventory selection radials. Select weapons the moment the cursor highlights them. Otherwise, only select the selected item on exit. clientdll archive per_user
cl_inventory_saved_filter2 all clientdll archive release
cl_inventory_saved_sort2 inv_sort_age clientdll archive release
cl_invites_only_friends falseIf turned on, will ignore in-game invites from recent teammates or other non-friends clientdll archive release
cl_invites_only_mainmenu falseIf turned on, will ignore all invites when user is playing a match clientdll archive release
cl_ironsight_filter_alpha 1.000000Ironsight filter alpha
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
developmentonly clientdll
cl_ironsight_min_channel_color 0.300000Ironsight min channel color value
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
developmentonly clientdll
cl_ironsight_usecrosshaircolor falseShould the scope dot match the user's crosshair color clientdll archive per_user
cl_itemimages_dynamically_generated 22: use render-targets, fallback to cache and disk; 1: no render targets, but use cache and fallback to disk; 0: disk assets only clientdll archive release
cl_jiggle_bone_debug falseDisplay physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information cheat
cl_jiggle_bone_debug_pitch_constraints falseDisplay physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information cheat
cl_jiggle_bone_debug_yaw_constraints falseDisplay physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information cheat
cl_jiggle_bone_invert false cheat
cl_jiggle_bone_sanity truePrevent jiggle bones from pointing directly away from their target in case of numerical instability. developmentonly defensive
cl_jitter_bad_threshold_up 20.000000When upstream packet jitter in a frame exceeds this threshold (ms), the frame is considered to have 'irregular delivery'. This is a derived value and should not be modified manually
Min: 1.000000

Max: 100.000000
cl_join_advertise 1Advertise joinable game in progress to Steam friends, otherwise need a Steam invite (2: all servers, 1: official servers, 0: none) clientdll archive
cl_joystick_enabled falseEnable joystick input archive
cl_lagcompensation_test_auto_target falseAuto-pick value of cl_lagcompensation_test_target. developmentonly clientdll
cl_lagcompensation_test_target -1Player whose head is tracked to test lag compensation. developmentonly clientdll
cl_language englishLanguage developmentonly defensive
cl_latch_report falseEnable to output stats about latching clientdll archive
cl_leveloverview 0.000000 clientdll cheat
cl_lightquery_debug false clientdll cheat
cl_loadout_saved_sort inv_sort_age clientdll archive release
cl_lock_camera false clientdll cheat
cl_log_tick falseLog when a tick is received developmentonly defensive
cl_log_tick_skips 0Log when the tick delta >= this developmentonly defensive
cl_low_latency_vsync_recommendation_dont_show_again false clientdll archive release
cl_mantle_gunloweramt 20.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_mantle_gunlowerspeed 1.400000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_map_preview_debug_jitter false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_massreport false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_matchlist_controlroom_aid 0 clientdll hidden release
cl_max_particle_pvs_aabb_edge_length 0.000000 release
cl_min_china_movie_time 6.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_min_movie_time 4.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_mouselook trueSet to 1 to use mouse for look, 0 for keyboard look. Cannot be set while connected to a server. clientdll archive userinfo per_user notconnected
cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party 0Only allow communication from friends and matchmaking party members. Set to 1 to apply the in non-competitive game modes. Set to 2 will apply the setting in all modes. clientdll archive
cl_mute_enemy_team falseBlock all communication from players on the enemy team. clientdll archive
cl_mute_player_after_reporting_abuse trueMute players reported for abuse automatically. developmentonly clientdll
cl_names_debug false developmentonly
cl_net_buffer_ticks 0Number of ticks of delay for server snapshots and user commands. This value controls the value of cl_interp_ratio, which you should not modify directly.
Min: 0

Max: 2
clientdll archive release
cl_net_buffer_ticks_use_interp falseIf false, we smooth over packet loss by adjusting the clock synchronization to buffer packets. If true, we process packets immediately and use cl_interp to delay their effects clientdll release
cl_net_showeventlisteners falseShow listening addition/removals developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_net_showevents 0Dump game events to console (1=client only, 2=all). developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_new_user_phase 00: Not Started, 1: Needs Training, 2: Training Complete, -1: Disabled clientdll archive release
cl_obs_interp_angle_progress_headstart 0.025000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_obs_interp_dist_to_turn_to_face 500.000000Changing to a target further than this will cause the camera to face the direction of travel developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_obs_interp_enable trueEnables interpolation between observer targets clientdll archive
cl_obs_interp_obstruction_behavior 2 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_obs_interp_pos_halflife 0.260000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_obs_interp_pos_rate 0.270000 clientdll archive
cl_obs_interp_settle_dist 16.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_obs_interp_snap_dist 0.010000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_obs_interp_turn_to_face_end_frac 0.650000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_obs_interp_turn_to_face_start_frac 0.100000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_observed_bot_crosshair 2Control the crosshair shown when observing a bot. 0: Show player crosshair. 1: Show player crosshair only when bot can be taken over, otherwise show default.. 2: Always show default crosshair for bots. clientdll archive release
cl_paintkit_override clientdll cheat release
cl_panel_freeze_time_after_press 0.500000time to freeze mouse/pointer motion after a mouse button press developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_parallel_readpacketentities trueSet to 1 to use threading snapshot reading (if game supports and server is sending bitcounts). developmentonly defensive
cl_parallel_readpacketentities_threshold 2Use parallel processing of snapshot reading if above this many entries. developmentonly defensive
cl_particle_batch_mode 1 developmentonly defensive
cl_particle_fallback_base 0Base for falling back to cheaper effects under load. developmentonly defensive
cl_particle_fallback_multiplier 0.000000Multiplier for falling back to cheaper effects under load. developmentonly defensive
cl_particle_log_creates falsePrint debug message every time a particle collection is created developmentonly defensive
cl_particle_max_count 0 developmentonly defensive
cl_particle_retire_cost 0.000000 cheat
cl_particle_sim_fallback_base_multiplier 5.000000How aggressive the switch to fallbacks will be depending on how far over the cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms the sim time is. Higher numbers are more aggressive. developmentonly defensive
cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms 6.000000Amount of simulation time that can elapse before new systems start falling back to cheaper versions developmentonly defensive
cl_particle_simulate trueEnables/Disables Particle Simulation cheat
cl_pclass Dump entity by prediction classname. clientdll cheat
cl_pdump -1Dump info about this entity to screen. clientdll cheat
cl_phys_animated_hierarchy true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_phys_block_dist 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_phys_block_fraction 0.100000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_phys_debug_callback_entities falsePrint all entities that get touch callbacks. Each entity is printed only once. clientdll cheat
cl_phys_enabled trueEnable all physics simulation clientdll cheat
cl_phys_networked_start_sleep false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_phys_sleep_enable trueEnable sleeping for dynamic physics bodies. clientdll cheat
cl_phys_stop_at_collision clientdll cheat
cl_phys_timescale 1.000000Scale time for physics developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_phys_visualize_awake false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_ping_fade_deadzone 60.000000Distance from the crosshair over which the ping is completely invisible clientdll archive release
cl_ping_fade_distance 300.000000Distance from the crosshair over which the ping fades clientdll archive release
cl_pitchdown 89.000000 clientdll cheat
cl_pitchspeed 225.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_pitchup 89.000000 clientdll cheat
cl_playback_screenshots falseAllows the client to playback screenshot and jpeg commands in demos. developmentonly defensive
cl_player_lighting_origin_offset 32.000000 developmentonly clientdll
cl_player_ping_mute 0If 1, player pinging will make a sound, if 0, pings will be silent clientdll archive release
cl_player_proximity_debug false clientdll replicated cheat
cl_player_ragdolls_collide false clientdll cheat release
cl_player_visibility_far 700.000000distance at which proxy scale is maximized developmentonly clientdll
cl_player_visibility_far_scale 1.300000proxy scale multiplier at max dist (is 1.0 at mindist) developmentonly clientdll
cl_player_visibility_near 200.000000cull characters nearer than this developmentonly clientdll
cl_player_visibility_show_stencil_proxy false developmentonly clientdll
cl_player_visibility_stencil_bloat_amount 1.400000 developmentonly clientdll
cl_player_visibility_stencil_proxy_min_dist 3.000000 developmentonly clientdll
cl_player_visibility_stencil_proxy_min_dist_box 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll
cl_player_visibility_stencil_proxy_type 10 - box, 1 - dodecahedron developmentonly clientdll
cl_playerspraydisable falseDisable player sprays. clientdll archive
cl_poll_network_early trueEnable polling for network messages every frame, instead of every tick developmentonly
cl_pred_always_latch false clientdll release
cl_pred_build_verbose falseVerbose spew when building prediction optimized data runs. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_pred_checkstuck falsePerform the additional 'stuck' traces on the client side during prediction. developmentonly clientdll
cl_pred_optimize 2Optimize for not copying data if didn't receive a network update (1), and also for not repredicting if there were no errors (2). developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_pred_parallel_postnetwork true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_pred_print_every_cmd falsePrint something every time we predict a command clientdll release
cl_predict_after_every_createmove truerun prediction after every CreateMove instead of only after CreateMove for the final tick in a frame. developmentonly
cl_predict_body_shot_fx false clientdll archive release
cl_predict_bomb_defusal true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_predict_head_shot_fx false clientdll archive release
cl_predict_kill_ragdolls true clientdll archive release
cl_predict_weapon_drop true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_predictioncopy_runs true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_prefer_lefthanded falseLeft handed preference clientdll archive userinfo per_user
cl_promoted_settings_acknowledged 0:0 clientdll archive
cl_quickinventory_filename radial_quickinventory.txt clientdll archive release
cl_quickinventory_lastinv true clientdll archive release
cl_quickinventory_line_update_speed 65.000000 clientdll archive release
cl_radar_always_centered trueIf set to 0, the radar is maximally used. Otherwise the player is always centered, even at map extents. clientdll archive release
cl_radar_fast_transforms trueFaster way of placing icons on the mini map. developmentonly clientdll
cl_radar_icon_scale_min 0.600000Sets the minimum icon scale. Valid values are 0.4 to 1.25.
Min: 0.400000

Max: 1.250000
clientdll archive release
cl_radar_rotate true1 clientdll archive release
cl_radar_scale 0.700000Sets the radar scale. Valid values are 0.25 to 1.0.
Min: 0.250000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive release
cl_radar_scale_alternate 1.000000Sets the alternate radar scale. Valid values are 0.25 to 1.0.
Min: 0.250000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive release
cl_radar_scale_dynamic falseToggles between a radar that scales dynamically to encompass all the detected elements on the map. clientdll archive release
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard trueIf set, the radar will toggle to square when the scoreboard is visible. clientdll archive release
cl_radial_coyote_time 0.150000Selection lenience: How long in seconds the last selected radial segment is used if no segment is selected. developmentonly clientdll
cl_radial_menu_icon_radius 200.000000 developmentonly clientdll
cl_radial_menu_tap_duration 0.200000If nothing in a radial menu is selected, and the button engaging the radial menu is released within this duration, fallback on the radial's tap functionality developmentonly clientdll
cl_radial_radio_tab 0 clientdll release
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_1 #Chatwheel_quiet clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_2 #Chatwheel_requestecoround clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_3 #Chatwheel_bplan clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_4 #Chatwheel_requestweapon clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_5 #Chatwheel_midplan clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_6 #Chatwheel_droppedbomb clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_7 #Chatwheel_aplan clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_8 #Chatwheel_requestspend clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_1 #Chatwheel_bombcarrierspotted clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_2 #Chatwheel_requestecoround clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_3 #Chatwheel_multipleenemieshere clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_4 #Chatwheel_requestweapon clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_5 #Chatwheel_rotatetome clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_6 #Chatwheel_ihavethebomb clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_7 #Chatwheel_oneenemyhere clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_8 #Chatwheel_requestspend clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_1 #Chatwheel_bombcarrierspotted clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_2 #Chatwheel_requestecoround clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_3 #Chatwheel_multipleenemieshere clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_4 #Chatwheel_requestweapon clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_5 #Chatwheel_rotatetome clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_6 #Chatwheel_ihavethebomb clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_7 #Chatwheel_oneenemyhere clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_8 #Chatwheel_requestspend clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_tap_to_ping trueWhen tapping the radial radio button, leave a ping if nothing is selected within the time in seconds set in cl_radial_menu_tap_duration clientdll archive release
cl_radial_radio_version_reset 2 clientdll archive release
cl_radialmenu_deadzone_size 0.400000
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll release
cl_radialmenu_deadzone_size_joystick 0.170000
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive release
cl_ragdoll_default_scale 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll
cl_ragdoll_limit 20Maximum number of ragdolls to show (-1 disables limit) clientdll archive
cl_ragdoll_lru_debug false clientdll replicated cheat
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1Enable/disable ragdoll physics. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_ragdoll_reload false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_ragdoll_workaround_threshold 4.000000Mainly cosmetic, client-only effect: when client doesn't know the last position of another player that spawns a ragdoll, the ragdoll creation is simplified and ragdoll is created in the right place. If you increase this significantly, ragdoll positions on your client may be dramatically wrong, but it won't affect other clients clientdll release
cl_random_taser_bone_y -1.000000The Y position used for the random taser force. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_random_taser_force_y -1.000000The Y position used for the random taser force. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_random_taser_power 4000.000000Power used when applying the taser effect. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_rebuy The order in which rebuy will attempt to repurchase items clientdll release
cl_redemption_reset_timestamp 0 clientdll archive release
cl_refresh_rate_recommendation_dont_show_again false clientdll archive release
cl_resend 0.500000Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt
Min: 0.100000

Max: 2.000000
cl_retire_low_priority_lights falseLow priority dlights are replaced by high priority ones developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_sanitize_muted_players trueHide names and avatars of muted players. clientdll release
cl_sanitize_player_names falseReplace names of other players with something non-offensive. clientdll archive
cl_sceneentity_debug falseDisplay all thinking scene entities and its data. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding +attack2Name of the binding to enable mouse selection in the scoreboard clientdll archive
cl_scoreboard_survivors_always_on false clientdll archive release
cl_scoreboard_toggle_enable false developmentonly clientdll
cl_screenmessage_notifytime 8.000000How long to display screen message text developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_script_attach_debugger_at_startup false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_script_break_in_native_debugger_on_error false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_search_key_token Development search key token. clientdll hidden release
cl_sendtable_cache_filename sendtables.binSend tables cache file developmentonly defensive
cl_sequence_debug -1 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_sequence_debug2 -1 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_sequence_model_substring developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_server_graphic1_enable trueWhen enabled, 360x60 (<16kb) image file will be displayed to on-server spectators. clientdll release
cl_server_graphic2_enable trueWhen enabled, 220x45 (<16kb) image file will be displayed to on-server spectators. clientdll release
cl_session developmentonly hidden server_can_execute
cl_show_camera_position false developmentonly clientdll
cl_show_clan_in_death_notice trueIs set, the clan name will show next to player names in the death notices. clientdll archive release
cl_show_enemy_avatar_colors true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_show_equipment_value false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_show_equipped_character_for_player_avatars false clientdll archive
cl_show_head_trajectory 0.000000 developmentonly clientdll
cl_show_matchmaking_stat_spew false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_show_observer_crosshair 2Show the crosshair of the player being observed. 0: off 1: friends and party 2: everyone clientdll archive release
cl_show_playernames_max_chars_console falseShows all player names (including bots) as 16 W's. developmentonly clientdll
cl_show_quest_info false developmentonly clientdll
cl_show_splashes true developmentonly clientdll
cl_ShowBoneSetupEnts falseShow which entities are having their bones setup each frame. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_showdemooverlay 0.000000How often to flash demo recording/playback overlay (0 - disable overlay, -1 - show always) developmentonly defensive
cl_showerror 0Show prediction errors, 2 for above plus detailed field deltas, 3 to filter out serverside known prediction errors, -entindex for specific entity. clientdll release
cl_showfps 0Draw fps meter at top of screen (1 = fps, 2 = smooth fps, 3 = server MS, 4 = Show FPS and Log to file ) clientdll release
cl_showloadout trueToggles display of current loadout. clientdll archive per_user
cl_showmem 0Draw approximate memory use at top of screen clientdll release
cl_showpos 0Draw current position at top of screen clientdll cheat release
cl_showtextmsg trueEnable/disable text messages printing on the screen. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_showusercmd falseShow user command encoding developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_silencer_mode 00: cannot detach; 1: press secondary fire to detach clientdll archive userinfo per_user
cl_simulate_dormant_entities true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_skel_constraints_enable true replicated cheat
cl_skeleton_instance_smear_boneflags falseSmear boneflags across the model. Costs computation, but tests to make sure your bone flags are consistent. clientdll cheat
cl_skip_hierarchy_update_for_unchanged_entities trueSkip updating hierarchy information in PostDataUpdate for entities that have not changed developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
cl_skip_update_animations falseEnable to skip game animations developmentonly clientdll
cl_smoke_edge_feather 21.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
cl_smoke_lower_speed 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
cl_smoke_origin_height 68.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
cl_smoke_player_particle_effect false clientdll cheat
cl_smoke_torus_ring_radius 61.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
cl_smoke_torus_ring_subradius 88.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
cl_smoke_volume_growth 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_smoke_volumeprop true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_smooth trueSmooth view/eye origin after prediction errors developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_smooth_targetspeed 150.000000 developmentonly clientdll
cl_smoothtime 0.200000Smooth client's view after prediction error over this many seconds
Min: 0.010000

Max: 2.000000
developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_snd_cast_clear true developmentonly defensive
cl_snd_cast_retrigger true developmentonly defensive
cl_snd_new_visualize falseDisplays soundevent name played at it's 3d position clientdll cheat
cl_sniper_auto_rezoom trueAuto-rezoom snipers after a shot clientdll archive userinfo per_user
cl_sniper_delay_unscope false clientdll archive release
cl_spawngroup_log falseDump the contents of the next spawngroup manifest to file. developmentonly
cl_spawngroup_spewresources falseSpew all manifest add/updates. developmentonly
cl_spec_show_bindings trueToggle the visibility of the spectator bindings. clientdll release clientcmd_can_execute
cl_spec_stats true clientdll release
cl_spec_use_tournament_content_standards false clientdll release
cl_streams_image_sfurl img://loadjpeg:(640x360):Format of Scaleform image representing the stream developmentonly clientdll
cl_streams_mytwitchtv_channel account channel URL developmentonly clientdll
cl_streams_mytwitchtv_nolink account linking URL developmentonly clientdll
cl_streams_refresh_interval 300.000000How often to refresh streams list developmentonly clientdll
cl_streams_request_accept application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+jsonHeader for api request developmentonly clientdll
cl_streams_request_url of streams requested for display developmentonly clientdll
cl_streams_write_response_file When set will save streams info file for diagnostics developmentonly clientdll
cl_teamcounter_playercount_instead_of_avatars false clientdll archive release
cl_teamid_overhead_colors_show trueShow team overhead id in teammate color clientdll archive release
cl_teamid_overhead_fade_near_crosshair 0.500000The amount to fade teamid when near the crosshair. Range is 0.0-1.0. 0: off clientdll archive release
cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist 6000max distance at which the overhead team id icons will show clientdll cheat per_user
cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec 4000max distance at which the overhead team id icons will show when a spectator clientdll cheat per_user
cl_teamid_overhead_mode 3Always show team id over teammates. 0 = off, 1 = pips; 2 = +name, 3 = +equipment clientdll archive release
cl_teammate_color_1 136 206 245 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_teammate_color_2 0 158 128 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_teammate_color_3 241 228 65 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_teammate_color_4 230 128 42 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_teammate_color_5 189 44 150 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_teammate_colors_show 1In competitive, 1 = show teammates as separate colors in the radar, scoreboard, etc., 2 = show colors and letters clientdll archive release
cl_tickpacket_desired_queuelength 0.000000This value, multiplied by the tick interval, is added to cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_desired to obtain the effective desired recv margin.
Min: 0.000000

Max: 5.000000
cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_adjust_limit 5.000000Recvmargin-based usercommand pacing will not speed up or slow down command pacing by more than N% compared to realtime developmentonly
cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_desired 5.000000Recvmargin-based usercommand pacing will try to maintain N ms margin between user command arriving at the server and the server needing that user command. See also cl_tickpacket_desired_queuelength. developmentonly
cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_minsamples 10Recvmargin-based usercommand pacing will not take action unless we have N samples developmentonly
cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_spew_interval 0 release
cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_timeconstant 0.400000Recvmargin-based usercommand pacing will remove 63.2% of the error in N seconds developmentonly
cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_window 4.000000Recvmargin-based usercommand pacing will use past N seconds developmentonly
cl_tickpacket_send_every_tick trueSend a network packet each time we generate a new usercommand, even if our frame rate is slow and we generate multiple commands in one frame developmentonly
cl_ticks_net_print_threshold 2.000000Print a message if network issues cause problems with server snapshots of user commands not being available when needed, if the percentage (0...100) exceeds this value. A value of 0 will cause the message to always print each time it is calculated release
cl_ticks_warning_level 0Print a message about problems with ticks and interpolation. 0=never, 1=warnings, 2=all, even if hidden by interpolation release
cl_timeout 30.000000After this many seconds without receiving a packet from the server, the client will disconnect itself archive
cl_tracer_frequency_override 1Override tracer frequency (-1 to disable) developmentonly clientdll
cl_tracer_whiz_distance 72.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_tracer_whiz_infront_distance 32.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_track_aim_head_log_closest falseLog when closest distance to head was reached and what it was developmentonly clientdll
cl_track_aim_head_threshold 0.000000Notify render device when rendering a frame with enemy head within threshold distance developmentonly clientdll
cl_track_render_eye_angles falseSpew render eye angles clientdll cheat
cl_true_sight_spectate true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_ui_particles_destroy_when_not_painting true developmentonly clientdll
cl_use_entity_as_targetid true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_use_old_wearable_shoulddraw false developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_use_opens_buy_menu falsePressing the +use key will open the buy menu if in a buy zone (just as if you pressed the 'buy' key). clientdll archive userinfo per_user
cl_usercmd_dbg 0show usercmd payload sizing info for packets with more than this many usercmds developmentonly
cl_usercmd_max_per_movemsg 4max number of CUserCmds to send in one client move message
Min: 4
cl_usercmd_showsize false developmentonly
cl_usesocketsforloopback falseWhen connecting to local listen server (for example, using the 'map' command), default to loopback=false, which connects to '' instead of 'loopback'. This uses the network stack so that fake lag/loss can be simulated. developmentonly defensive
cl_versus_intro true clientdll archive release
cl_view_near_hud_player_eye_dist 20.000000 developmentonly clientdll
cl_view_near_other_player_eye_dist 16.000000 developmentonly clientdll
cl_viewmodel_reprediction_override 0Disable reprediction for CS2 viewmodels. 0 = Leave it as-is, 1 = allow prediction errors, 2 = ignore prediction errors, 3 = ignore prediction errors and copy corrections forward developmentonly clientdll
cl_viewmodel_reprediction_override_early_prediction_handling 0Choose how to handle early predictions when disabling reprediction. 0 = allow reprediction of early commands, 1 = skip early prediction and wait for full predictions, 2 = early predictions are considered final predictions developmentonly clientdll
cl_viewmodel_reprediction_override_restore_during_skips trueWhen skipping prediction for the viewmodel. Should we restore the predicted data for that predicted command? developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_viewmodelsclonedasworld true developmentonly clientdll
cl_viewtarget_clamp true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_voiceenabled true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_voip_lobby_audio_volume 0Lobby voip stream audio volume
Min: 0

Max: 100
developmentonly clientdll hidden
cl_vrr_recommendation_dont_show_again false clientdll archive release
cl_vsnd_morph_override_ease_enabled trueControls whether the compiled in vsnd morph data ease in/out values are used or values set from the convars (cl_vsnd_morph_override_ease_in, cl_vsnd_morph_override_ease_out) are used developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_vsnd_morph_override_ease_in 0.200000If cl_enable_vsnd_morph_override_ease_enabled is true, ease into vsnd morph driven animation over the specified number of seconds. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_vsnd_morph_override_ease_out 0.200000If cl_enable_vsnd_morph_override_ease_enabled is true, ease out of vsnd morph driven animation over the specified number of seconds. developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_wallbang_heavy_threshold 22The Threshold where to switch from Light to Heavy Wallbang tracer clientdll cheat release
cl_weapon_clip_thinwalls true clientdll replicated cheat
cl_weapon_clip_thinwalls_debug false clientdll replicated cheat
cl_weapon_clip_thinwalls_lock false clientdll replicated cheat
cl_weapon_clip_thinwalls_pitchlimit_down 67.000000 clientdll replicated cheat
cl_weapon_clip_thinwalls_pitchlimit_up 77.000000 clientdll replicated cheat
cl_weapon_debug_print_accuracy false developmentonly clientdll replicated
cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy 0Draws a circle representing the effective range with every shot. clientdll cheat release
cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy_duration 10.000000 clientdll cheat release
cl_weapon_pickup_lerp 2 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_workshop_map_download_timeout 120.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cl_yawspeed 210.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
clDrawTargetIDTrace falsevisualizing line trace for target ID developmentonly clientdll
clientport 0If non-zero, client binds port to specific address. Usually you should leave this blank to use a different random system-assigned port for each connection. release
closecaption falseEnable close captioning. clientdll archive userinfo
cloth_approximate_collide true developmentonly defensive
cloth_batch 32 developmentonly defensive
cloth_cdt_mul 0.100000 developmentonly
cloth_damping_bias 0.000000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_damping_multiplier 1.000000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_debug 0 developmentonly defensive
cloth_debug_draw 0 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cloth_debug_draw_nodepth_alpha 16 developmentonly defensive
cloth_dry_drag 0.000000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_dry_drag_soften 1.000000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_filter_transform_stateless falseEnable the new, stateless version of FilterTransform developmentonly defensive
cloth_ground_offset 0.000000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_ground_plane_thickness 3.000000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_guard_threshold 1000.000000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_interpolation_strategy 0 developmentonly
cloth_iv_dump 4 developmentonly clientdll defensive
cloth_iv_store_back false developmentonly clientdll replicated defensive
cloth_legacy_stretch_force 0.950000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_legacy_support 1.000000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_max_ticks_per_frame 8.000000 developmentonly
cloth_node_debug_axis_length 1.000000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_quad_smooth_iterations -1 developmentonly defensive
cloth_quad_smooth_rate -1.000000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_quasistatic_iters 0 developmentonly
cloth_reload_immediately trueReload and reconstruct cloth on the fly after phsyics has been reloaded (usually due to having been recompiled). When set to 0, and the bones change, crashes may occur due to de-sychronization between animation/model state in the game, particles and rendering and cloth state developmentonly defensive
cloth_resim_after 0.500000 developmentonly
cloth_rigid_update false developmentonly
cloth_rod_smooth_iterations -1 developmentonly defensive
cloth_rod_smooth_rate -1.000000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_sdf_antitunnel 1 developmentonly
cloth_sdf_collision 1 developmentonly
cloth_sim_on_tick true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cloth_simulate true developmentonly defensive
cloth_sleep_threshold 30 developmentonly
cloth_solver 0 developmentonly defensive
cloth_step 1.000000 developmentonly
cloth_step_variability 0.050000 developmentonly
cloth_update true developmentonly clientdll defensive
cloth_watch 1 developmentonly replicated defensive
cloth_wind 0.000000 developmentonly defensive
cloth_wind_pitch 0.000000 developmentonly defensive
cojob_lock_hold_warning_threshold_ms 10000How long in milliseconds before we warn about lock hold duration developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
cojob_max_no_yield_time_us 3000Will spew if a job takes longer than the specified number of microseconds developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
commentary falseDesired commentary mode state. gamedll archive
commentary_available falseAutomatically set by the game when a commentary file is available for the current map. developmentonly gamedll defensive
commentary_node_use_viewfacing false developmentonly clientdll defensive
composite_material_cache_count_max 16 developmentonly clientdll
composite_material_dump_images false developmentonly clientdll
composite_material_save_to_disk false developmentonly clientdll
composite_material_use_bc7 false developmentonly clientdll
composite_material_use_gpu true developmentonly clientdll
composite_material_use_gpu_endpoint_optimization false developmentonly clientdll
composite_material_use_gpu_perceptual_error_metric true developmentonly clientdll
compositematerial_showdebugwindow falseSource2/Composite Material Debug developmentonly clientdll archive replicated cheat menubar_item
con_enable falseAllows the console to be activated. archive per_user
con_logfile_suffix Suffix to append to the console log, may be changed to reopen the log developmentonly defensive
connect_lobby 0Sets the lobby ID to connect to on start. developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
contributionscore_assist 1amount of contribution score added for an assist gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_assist_reqs 0extra requirements to earn contribution score for an assist gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_bomb_defuse_major 3amount of contribution score for defusing a bomb while at least one enemy remains alive gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_bomb_defuse_minor 1amount of contribution score for defusing a bomb after eliminating enemy team gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_bomb_exploded 1amount of contribution score awarded to bomb planter and terrorists remaining alive if bomb explosion wins the round gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_bomb_planted 2amount of contribution score for planting a bomb gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_cash_bundle 0amount of contribution score for picking up a cash bundle gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_crate_break 0amount of contribution score for breaking an item crate gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_hostage_kill -2amount of contribution score for killing a hostage, normally negative gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_hostage_rescue_major 3amount of contribution score added to rescuer per hostage rescued gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_hostage_rescue_minor 1amount of contribution score added to all alive CTs per hostage rescued gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_kill 2amount of contribution score added for a kill gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_kill_factor 0.000000percentage of victim's contribution score to award to their killer as a bonus gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_kill_reqs 0extra requirements to earn contribution score for a kill gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_objective_kill 3amount of contribution score added for an objective related kill gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_participation 0amount of contribution score awarded to players for active participation in the round gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_suicide -2amount of contribution score for a suicide, normally negative gamedll release commandline_enforced
contributionscore_team_kill -2amount of contribution score for a team kill, normally negative gamedll release commandline_enforced
convars_echo_toggle_changes trueEcho to the console changes caused by toggling. developmentonly defensive
cpu_level 2CPU Level - Default: High developmentonly clientdll defensive
cq_buffer_bloat_msecs_max 64.000000Server will not allow the client to buffer up more than N ms of commands. replicated release
cq_debug 0Verbose command queue logging. developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
cq_dilation_percentage 5.000000When speeding up slowing down, this is how much
Min: 0.100000

Max: 10.000000
developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
cq_enable trueRun one usercmd per server tick and maintain a buffer. Client speeds up/slows down it's usercmd tick rate to maintain server command queue buffering. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
cq_fake_starve 0if set, starve this many commands by discarding during process usercmds. developmentonly gamedll
cq_logging falsecommand queue logging of events. gamedll release
cq_logging_interval 0.000000command queue logging per player stats every N seconds, 0 to disable. gamedll release
cq_max_starved_substitute_commands 4Server will stop generating substitute commands if client hasn't sent one, after N in a row gamedll release
cq_print_every_command falseprint every command as we execute it gamedll release
cq_runtests false developmentonly gamedll
cq_runtests_broadcast_info falsesend message to remote client console when tests change. developmentonly gamedll
cq_runtests_interval 30.000000 developmentonly gamedll
crosshair true clientdll archive per_user
crowbar_impact_damage_mass 8.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
crowbar_impact_damage_scale 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
cs_AssistDamageThreshold 25cs_AssistDamageThreshold defines the amount of damage needed to score an assist developmentonly gamedll
cs_hostage_near_rescue_music_distance 2000.000000 gamedll cheat
cs_logtouchexpansion -2cs_logtouchexpansion <ent index or -1 for all>. Log player touch expansion component. gamedll cheat
cs_minimap_create_output_size 1024Size of minimap texture generated with cs_minimap_create (512 default) clientdll release
cs_minimap_renderdoc_capture_enabled false developmentonly clientdll hidden cheat
cs_minimap_rendering_msaa_mode 2MSAA mode used for minimap rendering 0-none, 1-2xMSAA, 2-4xMSAA, 3-6X, 4-8X, etc developmentonly clientdll cheat
cs_ShowStateTransitions -2cs_ShowStateTransitions <ent index or -1 for all>. Show player state transitions. gamedll cheat
cs_steamvideo_max_kills_per_multikill 5Max number of kills for a single multikill event developmentonly clientdll
cs_steamvideo_max_time_between_multikill_events 5.000000Maximum time in seconds between consecutive kills for them to be combined into a multikill event developmentonly clientdll
cs_steamvideo_multikill_padding_time 2.000000Time in seconds to add before the first kill and after the last kill for multikill events developmentonly clientdll
CS_WarnFriendlyDamageInterval 3Defines how frequently the server notifies clients that a player damaged a friend gamedll cheat
csgo_3d_skybox true developmentonly clientdll defensive
csgo_demoui_playbeck_timestep_value 15Number of seconds to seek when using TimeStep buttons on demo playback controller. developmentonly clientdll defensive
csgo_demoui_player_death_seek_lead_up_time 1.000000Seek to a moment this amount of seconds leading up to a player death instead of the exact time of the death. developmentonly clientdll defensive
csgo_demoui_previous_event_search_offset 2.000000Do not consider events that happened in the last specified number of seconds when a user clicks 'previous' on the UI. developmentonly clientdll defensive
csgo_disable_preview_maps false developmentonly clientdll defensive
csgo_fatdemo_enable false gamedll clientdll replicated release
csgo_fatdemo_output test.fatdem gamedll clientdll replicated release
csgo_map_preview_scale 0.000000 clientdll archive
csgo_mappreview_transparent_background_col_performance 0.300000 developmentonly clientdll
csgo_mappreview_transparent_background_col_quality 0.000000 developmentonly clientdll
csgo_nav_jump_link_detour_threshold 1500.000000don't traverse a jump link if there's a detour that costs less than this amount developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
csgo_use_fullsort_for_opaque truefullsort the opaque pass when there wasn't a depth prepass clientdll cheat
csgo_vanity_defer_teleport 3 developmentonly clientdll
csm_bias_override_0 1.000000 cheat
csm_bias_override_1 1.000000 cheat
csm_bias_override_2 1.000000 cheat
csm_bias_override_3 1.000000 cheat
csm_cascade_viewdir_shadow_bias_scale 2.000000 cheat
csm_cascade0_override_dist -1.000000 cheat
csm_cascade1_override_dist -1.000000 cheat
csm_cascade2_override_dist -1.000000 cheat
csm_cascade3_override_dist -1.000000 cheat
csm_max_dist_between_caster_and_receiver 15000.000000default pushback cheat
csm_max_num_cascades_override -1Number of cascades in sunlight shadow developmentonly defensive
csm_max_shadow_dist_override -1.000000 developmentonly defensive
csm_max_visible_dist 7500.000000 cheat
csm_res_override_0 0 cheat
csm_res_override_1 0 cheat
csm_res_override_2 0 cheat
csm_res_override_3 0 cheat
csm_shadow_worldview_align_x_to_u true cheat
csm_shadow_worldview_shear_align_z_to_v true cheat
csm_split_log_scalar 0.850000 cheat
csm_sst_max_visible_dist 2000.000000 cheat
csm_sst_pushback_distance 1500.000000default pushback cheat
csm_sst_shadow_focus_region_maxz 2000.000000 cheat
csm_sst_shadow_focus_region_minz -2000.000000 cheat
csm_viewdir_shadow_bias 0.000000 cheat
csm_viewmodel_farz 30.000000 cheat
csm_viewmodel_max_shadow_dist 21.000000 cheat
csm_viewmodel_max_visible_dist 1000.000000 cheat
csm_viewmodel_nearz 0.500000 cheat
csm_viewmodel_shadows false developmentonly defensive
custom_bot_difficulty 2Bot difficulty for offline play. gamedll clientdll replicated release
cv_bot_ai_bt_debug_target -1Draw the behavior tree of the given bot. gamedll replicated cheat
cv_bot_ai_bt_hiding_spot_show falseDraw hiding spots. gamedll replicated cheat
cv_bot_ai_bt_moveto_show_next_hiding_spot falseDraw the hiding spot the bot will check next. gamedll replicated cheat
d3d_max_feature_level <Not set>Report the maximum D3D feature level available. developmentonly defensive
damage_impact_heavy 40Damage ABOVE this value is considered heavy damage developmentonly clientdll defensive
damage_impact_medium 20Damage BELOW this value is considered light damage developmentonly clientdll defensive
death_chase_distance 76.000000 developmentonly clientdll
death_panel_delay_time 0.250000 developmentonly clientdll
death_panel_travel_time 0.250000 developmentonly clientdll
debug_aim_angle 0 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
debug_destructible_parts falseDraw debug information for destructible parts. developmentonly gamedll defensive
debug_draw_enable true developmentonly replicated
debug_entity_outline_highlight false clientdll cheat
debug_hltv 0Print out hltv events developmentonly clientdll replicated clientcmd_can_execute
debug_chicken falseChicken debug info developmentonly gamedll
debug_overlay_fullposition false developmentonly gamedll defensive
debug_physimpact false developmentonly gamedll defensive
debug_shared_random false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
debug_takedamage_summaries false gamedll cheat
debug_video_config_cvars false developmentonly clientdll
debug_visibility_monitor 0 gamedll cheat
debugoverlay_force_respect_ttl falseForce respect TTL even when clearing scopes cheat
debugoverlay_show_text_outline falseToggle display of box around text cheat
debugoverlay_text_scale 1.000000Scale of the text used for 3d display archive cheat
decalfrequency 10.000000 developmentonly gamedll notify defensive
default_fov 90.000000 clientdll cheat
demo_allow_game_mismatch falseAllow playback of demo even if game directories are not matched [may crash or fail to load]. developmentonly defensive
demo_debug 0Turn on demo debug spew. developmentonly
demo_flush falseFlush writing the demo file every network update archive
demo_highlight_fade_duration 0.250000Duration of the fade in and of the fade out transitions (fade in + fade out is 2x this value). clientdll release
demo_highlight_seconds_after 2.000000How many seconds after the actual highlight event to show when viewing highlights. clientdll release
demo_highlight_seconds_before 6.000000How many seconds before the actual highlight event to show when viewing highlights. clientdll release
demo_mouse_enable_binding dropName of the binding to enable mouse on demo playback UI clientdll archive
demo_movie_write_intervals falseWrite highlight interval metadata along with movie files when recording. clientdll hidden release
demo_pause_at_end truePause demo playback when the end of the file is reached, otherwise quit to main menu. clientdll release
demo_pauseatservertick 0Pauses demo playback at server tick developmentonly defensive
demo_playback_override_settings false developmentonly clientdll defensive
demo_quitafterplayback falseQuits game after demo playback. release
demo_recordcommands trueRecord commands typed at console into .dem files. cheat
demo_skip_to_shot_seconds_before 2.000000How many seconds before the shot to skip to when skipping to a specific shot ID. clientdll release
demo_ui_mode 2UI mode for demo playback. 0 = disabled, 1 = minimal, 2 = full clientdll release
demo_usefastgoto trueUse fast frame skipping when available for demo_goto commands. developmentonly defensive
demo_writefullupdate_rate 60Interval time in seconds to write full updates to demo. developmentonly defensive
dev_add_onground_on_spawn falseShould we mess with the ground flag when we spawn? (I don't think we should). If we don't hit the assert in CCSPlayer_MovementServices::ProcessMovement, we should remove this by Dec 2022. gamedll release
dev_create_bhop_reports falseWhether we should create bhop reports when you jump. Reports are created for the client and server and are numbered monotonically developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
dev_create_move_report falseWhether we should create move reports when you push movement keys. Reports are created for the server and are numbered monotonically developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
dev_create_sensitivity_report 0.000000 developmentonly clientdll
dev_create_smooth_motion_report false developmentonly clientdll replicated cheat
dev_cs_force_disable_move falseforcibly prevent players from moving developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
dev_cs_frame_firing_enable trueEnable that firing will pretend like it's happening on frames. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
dev_cs_frame_firing_insert_idle_pose_now trueShould we insert the idle pose at this time to make the animation interpolation punchier? developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
dev_cs_frame_firing_play_animevents trueShould we play the animevents that animgraph will skip over? developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
dev_cs_frame_firing_skip_first_frame_enable trueShould we skip the first frame of shooting to make the animation punchier? developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
dev_cs_frame_firing_tick_offset_enable trueShould we offset the current frame to the tick developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
dev_cs_ragdoll_head_ankle_delta_z_threshold 35.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
dev_cs_ragdoll_nudge_intensity 500.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
dev_cs_ragdoll_nudge_max_duration 1.500000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
dev_cs_ragdoll_progress_check_interval 0.250000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
dev_reportmoneychanges falseDisplays money account changes for players in the console developmentonly gamedll replicated
developer 0Set developer message level. release
devonly_chicken_activity_debug falsePrint chicken activity info to the console developmentonly gamedll
devonly_chicken_blocktimer 0.200000Chicken blockertimer developmentonly gamedll
devonly_chicken_feeler_distance 30.000000Chicken feeler distance developmentonly gamedll
devonly_chicken_feeler_height 5.000000Chicken feeler height developmentonly gamedll
devonly_chicken_feeler_pitch 45.000000Chicken feeler pitch developmentonly gamedll
diffcheck trueActivate diffcheck system. developmentonly defensive
diffcheck_playerslot 0 developmentonly defensive
diffcheck_spew trueActually show diffcheck results. developmentonly defensive
diffcheck_spew_diff_filter Show diff with matching filter substring only. developmentonly defensive
diffcheck_spew_diff_only falseShow diff only. developmentonly defensive
disable_dynamic_prop_loading falseIf non-zero when a map loads, dynamic props won't be loaded gamedll cheat
disable_source_soundscape_trace falseBypasses lookup of soundscapes for indvidual audio sources when enabled. developmentonly gamedll defensive
display_game_events false gamedll cheat
dota_enable_spatial_audio falseFlag to enable spatial audio in Dota 2. release
dota_overhead_on_received_item trueEmit an overhead particle effect on receiving an item from an ally. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
dota_spatial_audio_mix 1.000000Mix value to blend spatial and non-spatial audio in Dota 2. release
dota_toast_manager_override_duration -1.000000 developmentonly clientdll
dsp_automatic 0 developmentonly demo defensive
dsp_db_min 80 developmentonly demo defensive
dsp_db_mixdrop 0.500000 developmentonly demo defensive
dsp_dist_max 1440.000000 cheat demo
dsp_dist_min 0.000000 cheat demo
dsp_mix_max 0.800000 developmentonly demo defensive
dsp_mix_min 0.200000 developmentonly demo defensive
dsp_off false cheat
dsp_vol_2ch 1.000000 developmentonly demo defensive
dsp_vol_4ch 0.500000 developmentonly demo defensive
dsp_vol_5ch 0.500000 developmentonly demo defensive
dsp_volume 0.800000 archive demo
dump_audio_input false developmentonly
econ_debug_loadout_ui falseShow debug data when players change their loadout. developmentonly clientdll
econ_enable_inventory_images trueallow inventory image rendering for use by scaleform developmentonly clientdll
econ_inventory_image_pinboard false developmentonly clientdll
enable_boneflex true clientdll archive
engine_accurate_input_processing_delta_time falseWhen true, elapsed time given to the input processing will be the time elapsed since the last input processing. This is only relevant when input is processed multiple times per frame ( i.e. multiple ticks per frame) developmentonly defensive
engine_allow_multiple_simulates_per_frame falseWhen the client is catching up in low frame rate situations, should we run client simulate more than once a frame? developmentonly defensive
engine_allow_multiple_ticks_per_frame trueWhen the client is catching up in low frame rate situations, should we run tick more than once a frame? developmentonly defensive
engine_client_tick_pad_enable false developmentonly defensive
engine_cpu_info_extended CPU the engine is running on. developmentonly defensive
engine_frametime_amnesty_debug falseEnable logging about events that disable frame time warnings developmentonly defensive
engine_frametime_warnings_enable trueEnable framerate-related warnings, such as sv_long_frame_ms. Disabling warnings is useful when running in situations such a debug where a slow frame rate is expected developmentonly defensive
engine_low_latency_sleep_after_client_tick falseWhen r_low_latency is enabled, this moves the low latency sleep on tick frames to happen after client simulation. release
engine_max_resource_system_update_time 5 developmentonly defensive
engine_max_ticks_to_simulate -1Max number of ticks to simulate per frame, after which simulation will start to slow down compared to real time. developmentonly defensive
engine_no_focus_sleep 20 archive
engine_no_focus_sleep_vconsole_suppress trueWhen VConsole is in the foreground, don't trigger engine_no_focus_sleep behavior developmentonly defensive
engine_ostype OS type the engine is running on. developmentonly defensive
engine_platform_name_extended Platform the engine is running on. developmentonly defensive
engine_relaunch_app_before_exiting falseUse this to tell Steam to relaunch the app right after existing hidden release
engine_render_only false developmentonly defensive
engine_rendersystem_init Rendersystem option requested (changing this does not change the rendersystem). developmentonly defensive
engine_rendersystem_shader_model 0Rendersystem shader model in use (changing this does not change the shader model). developmentonly defensive
engine_rendersystem_used Rendersystem option in use (changing this does not change the rendersystem). developmentonly defensive
engine_show_frame_dispatch falseshow frame dispatch names. developmentonly
engine_show_frame_pacing false release
engine_show_frame_ticks false developmentonly defensive
engine_sse42 trueturn on sse4.2 optimizations in the engine developmentonly defensive
english trueIf set to 1, running the english language set of assets. clientdll userinfo
ent_actornames_font Consolasent_actornames font name gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ent_actornames_fontsize 24ent_actornames font size gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ent_bitvec_enable false developmentonly gamedll defensive
ent_debug_draw_thinkers false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ent_joint_axis_size 4.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
ent_joint_filter_substring developmentonly gamedll defensive
ent_joint_names true developmentonly gamedll defensive
ent_joint_only_ik_joints false developmentonly gamedll defensive
ent_joint_use_bind_pose false developmentonly gamedll defensive
ent_messages_draw falseVisualizes all entity input/output activity. gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ent_pivot_size 20.000000 gamedll archive cheat
ent_revert_dormancy_change false developmentonly clientdll defensive
ent_show_contexts falseShow entity contexts in ent_text display gamedll cheat
ent_showonlyattachment gamedll cheat
ent_skeleton_duration 0.000000Duration of ent_skeleton display gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ent_skeleton_only_ik_joints false developmentonly gamedll defensive
ent_steadystate_batchsize 20Max number of entities to transmit to player developmentonly gamedll defensive
ent_steadystate_delay 5.000000Time in seconds without network state changes until an entity is considered for trickle updates developmentonly gamedll defensive
ent_steadystate_enable true developmentonly gamedll defensive
ent_steadystate_interval 0.100000Rate at which entities can be trickled to players developmentonly gamedll defensive
ent_test_interpolation false developmentonly clientdll defensive
ent_text_flags_active -1 gamedll archive cheat
ent_text_no_name_really_i_mean_it false gamedll cheat
entity_log_load_unserialize 0Output unserialization of entities on map load. 0 - off, 1 - client/server, 2 - server, 3 - client gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
eom_local_player_defeat_anim_enabled true clientdll archive release
execute_command_every_frame cheat
fade_debug_splitscreen_slot -1 developmentonly clientdll defensive
ff_damage_bullet_penetration 0.000000If friendly fire is off, this will scale the penetration power and damage a bullet does when penetrating another friendly player
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
ff_damage_decoy_explosion falseEnables or disables team damage from decoy detonation gamedll clientdll replicated release
ff_damage_reduction_bullets 0.100000How much to reduce damage done to teammates when shot. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
ff_damage_reduction_grenade 0.250000How much to reduce damage done to teammates by a thrown grenade. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self 1.000000How much to damage a player does to himself with his own grenade. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
ff_damage_reduction_other 0.250000How much to reduce damage done to teammates by things other than bullets and grenades. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
filesystem_buffer_size 0Size of per file buffers. 0 for none developmentonly defensive
filesystem_fake_latency 0 developmentonly defensive
filesystem_max_stdio_read 16 developmentonly defensive
filesystem_native trueUse native FS or STDIO developmentonly defensive
filesystem_report_buffered_io false developmentonly defensive
filesystem_unbuffered_io true developmentonly defensive
filter_player_simulation_time true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
fire_absorbrate 3.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
fire_dmgbase 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
fire_dmginterval 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
fire_dmgscale 0.100000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
fire_extabsorb 5.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
fire_extinguishes_under_water false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
fire_extscale 12.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
fire_growthrate 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
fire_heatscale 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
fire_incomingheatscale 0.100000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
fire_maxabsorb 50.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
fire_use_modifier false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
fish_debug falseShow debug info for fish clientdll cheat
fish_dormant falseTurns off interactive fish behavior. Fish become immobile and unresponsive. gamedll replicated cheat
fog_color -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 clientdll cheat
fog_colorskybox -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 clientdll cheat
fog_enable trueEnable fog clientdll cheat
fog_enableskybox true clientdll cheat
fog_end -1.000000 clientdll cheat
fog_endskybox -1.000000 clientdll cheat
fog_hdrcolorscale -1.000000 clientdll cheat
fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox -1.000000 clientdll cheat
fog_maxdensity -1.000000 clientdll cheat
fog_maxdensityskybox -1.000000 clientdll cheat
fog_override 0Overrides the map's fog settings (-1 populates fog_ vars with map's values) clientdll cheat
fog_override_enable falseUse fog_override convars instead of world fog data cheat
fog_override_end 3500.000000 cheat
fog_override_exponent 2.000000 cheat
fog_override_max_density 0.400000 cheat
fog_override_start 1000.000000 cheat
fog_start -1.000000 clientdll cheat
fog_startskybox -1.000000 clientdll cheat
fog_volume_debug falseIf enabled, prints diagnostic information about the current fog volume developmentonly gamedll defensive
font_show_glyph_miss false developmentonly
footstep_audible_threshold 0.550000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
footstep_debug false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
footstep_force_volume -1.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
force_spectator_only_tools false developmentonly clientdll hidden cheat
fov_cs_debug 0.000000Sets the view fov if cheats are on. clientdll cheat
fov_cs_near_z 6.500000 developmentonly clientdll cheat
fov_cs_super_ultrawide_near_z 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll cheat
fov_cs_ultrawide_near_z 4.000000 developmentonly clientdll cheat
fov_desired 75.000000Sets the base field-of-view.
Min: 1.000000

Max: 135.000000
clientdll archive userinfo
fps_max 400.000000Frame rate limiter. 0=no limit. Does not apply to dedicated server. archive release
fps_max_tools 120.000000Additional frame rate limit while in tools mode and a window other than the game window has focus. Note that fps_max still applies, this only allows the maximum frame rate for tools mode to be lower. 0=no tools specific limit. archive
fps_max_ui 200.000000Frame rate limiter while the game UI is displayed. 0=no limit. Does not apply to dedicated server. archive
frag_grenade_blip_frequency 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
freecamera_accel 5.000000Tweak this parameter to adjust Free Camera movement acceleration. developmentonly clientdll defensive
freecamera_fog_end 2500.000000Fog end for Free Camera. developmentonly clientdll defensive
freecamera_fog_start 1800.000000Fog start for Free Camera. developmentonly clientdll defensive
freecamera_max_speed 500.000000Tweak this parameter to adjust Free Camera movement max speed. developmentonly clientdll defensive
freecamera_rotation_multiplier 10.000000Tweak this parameter to adjust Free Camera mouse rotation. developmentonly clientdll defensive
freecamera_zfar 4500.000000Fog start for Free Camera. developmentonly clientdll defensive
fs_async_threads -1Number of IO threads in async filesystem (-1 == auto) developmentonly defensive
fs_fake_read_delay_ms 0Add N ms of delay to every low-level read operation, to simulate a slow disk developmentonly defensive
fs_report_async_io false developmentonly defensive
fs_report_long_reads 00:Off, 1:All (for tracking accumulated duplicate read times), >1:Microsecond threashold developmentonly defensive
fs_report_sync_opens 00:Off, 1:Always, 2:Not during load release
fs_warning_mode 00:Off, 1:Warn main thread, 2:Warn other threads developmentonly defensive
func_break_max_pieces 15 gamedll archive replicated
func_break_reduction_factor 0.500000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
func_breakdmg_bullet 0.500000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
func_breakdmg_club 1.500000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
func_breakdmg_explosive 1.250000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
func_mover_debug false developmentonly gamedll defensive
func_mover_get_speed_override 0.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
fx_drawmetalspark trueDraw metal spark effects. developmentonly clientdll
g_debug_angularsensor false gamedll cheat
g_debug_constraint_sounds falseEnable debug printing about constraint sounds. gamedll cheat
g_debug_doors false developmentonly gamedll defensive
g_debug_ragdoll_visualize false clientdll cheat
g_debug_transitions 0Set to 1 and restart the map to be warned if the map has no trigger_transition volumes. Set to 2 to see a dump of all entities & associated results during a transition. developmentonly gamedll cheat
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 600 developmentonly clientdll defensive
g_ragdoll_important_maxcount 2 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 100 developmentonly clientdll defensive
g_ragdoll_maxcount 5 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
game_mode 1The current game mode (based on game type). See GameModes.txt. gamedll clientdll replicated release
game_online trueThe current game is online. developmentonly gamedll clientdll hidden replicated defensive
game_particle_manager_requeue_messages true developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
game_public trueThe current game is public. developmentonly gamedll clientdll hidden replicated defensive
game_type 0The current game type. See GameModes.txt. gamedll clientdll replicated release
gameevents_showeventlisteners falseShow listening addition/removals developmentonly defensive
gameevents_showevents 0Dump game events to console. (1 = Show Signaling, 2 = Show Posting also). developmentonly defensive
gameinstructor_enable falseDisplay in game lessons that teach new players. clientdll release
gameinstructor_find_errors falseSet to 1 and the game instructor will run EVERY scripted command to uncover errors. clientdll cheat
gameinstructor_start_sound_cooldown 4.000000Number of seconds forced between similar lesson start sounds. developmentonly clientdll defensive
gameinstructor_verbose 0Set to 1 for standard debugging or 2 (in combo with gameinstructor_verbose_lesson) to show update actions. clientdll cheat
gameinstructor_verbose_lesson Display more verbose information for lessons have this name. clientdll cheat
gamestats_file_output_directory When -gamestatsfileoutputonly is specified, file will be emitted here instead of to modpath developmentonly gamedll defensive
gc_secret_key Secret key for authenticating with the GC developmentonly gamedll protected defensive
gl_clear true developmentonly clientdll defensive
gl_clear_gray falseClear the back buffer to gray every frame. clientdll cheat
gl_clear_randomcolor falseClear the back buffer to random colors every frame. Helps spot open seams in geometry. clientdll cheat
glow_chickens falseGlow chickens with a green outline. developmentonly gamedll
glow_outline_width 6.000000Width of glow outline effect in screen space. clientdll cheat
glow_use_tolerance 0.850000 clientdll replicated cheat
gotv_theater_container Enables GOTV theater mode for the specified container, setting it to 'live' will play top live matches clientdll release
gpu_level 3GPU Level - Default: High developmentonly clientdll defensive
gpu_mem_level 2Memory Level - Default: High developmentonly clientdll defensive
hairsim_force_fixed_timestep true developmentonly defensive
hairsim_reset false developmentonly defensive
healthshot_allow_use_at_full true gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
healthshot_health 50 gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
healthshot_healthboost_damage_multiplier 1.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
healthshot_healthboost_speed_multiplier 1.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
healthshot_healthboost_time 1.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
hidehud 0bitmask: 1=weapon selection, 2=flashlight, 4=all, 8=health, 16=player dead, 32=needssuit, 64=misc, 128=chat, 256=crosshair, 512=vehicle crosshair, 1024=in vehicle clientdll cheat
hinttext_displaytime 4.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
host_force_frametime_to_equal_tick_interval false developmentonly defensive
host_force_max_frametime_to_tick_interval false developmentonly defensive
host_framerate 0.000000Set to lock per-frame time elapse. release
host_readconfig_ignore_userconfig falseWhether we should ignore the user config file for reading/writing. cheat
host_timescale 1.000000Prescale the clock by this amount. replicated cheat
hostage_debug 0Show hostage AI debug information gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
hostage_drop_time 1.000000Time for the hostage before it fully drops to ground developmentonly gamedll
hostage_is_silent falseWhen set, the hostage won't play any code driven response rules lines gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
hostfile host.txtThe HOST file to load. gamedll release
hostip 0Host game server ip release
hostname Hostname for server. release
hostname_in_client_status falseShow server hostname in client status. release
hostport 27015Host game server port release
hud_fastswitch 0 clientdll archive
hud_scaling 1.000000Scales hud elements
Min: 0.900000

Max: 1.100000
clientdll archive
hud_showtargetid trueEnables display of target names clientdll archive per_user
hullivr_edge_merge_tan 0.020000Should we try to straighten two faces connected to this edge? (tangent) developmentonly replicated defensive
hullivr_faceisland_merge_disp 0.000000Should we straighten face island if the displacement is this much? (inches) developmentonly replicated defensive
hullivr_faceisland_merge_tan 0.040000Should we try to straighten an island of faces deviating from their average normal (tangent)? developmentonly replicated defensive
hullivr_version 3 developmentonly replicated defensive
character_patches true developmentonly clientdll
check_transmit_dump_ents false developmentonly gamedll
chicken_stop false gamedll cheat
ik_constraints_enabled true developmentonly defensive
ik_debug_all_chains_unique_color_per_chain false developmentonly defensive
ik_debug_ccd 0 developmentonly defensive
ik_debug_constraints -1 developmentonly defensive
ik_debug_dogleg3bone 0 developmentonly defensive
ik_debug_dogleg3bone_enabled true developmentonly defensive
ik_debug_fabrik_backwards_enabled true developmentonly defensive
ik_debug_fabrik_backwards_iterations 0 developmentonly defensive
ik_debug_fabrik_forwards_enabled true developmentonly defensive
ik_debug_fabrik_forwards_iterations 0 developmentonly defensive
ik_debug_groundtraces falseShow IK trace related details developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
ik_debug_chain_to_filter_by gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ik_debug_perlin_solver false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ik_debug_planetilt 0 developmentonly defensive
ik_debug_planetilt_axis_length 20.000000 developmentonly defensive
ik_debug_targets false developmentonly defensive
ik_enable trueEnable IK. cheat
ik_fabrik_align_chain true developmentonly defensive
ik_fabrik_backwards_enabled true developmentonly defensive
ik_fabrik_forwards_enabled true developmentonly defensive
ik_fabrik_override_num_iterations -1 developmentonly defensive
ik_final_fixup_enable true developmentonly defensive
ik_hinge_debug_bone_index -1 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ik_planetilt_enable true developmentonly defensive
imgui_debug_draw_dashboard_toggle_pause falseDashboard/Pause Game When Activated developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat menubar_item
imgui_debug_draw_dashboard_window falseDashboard/Show Dashboard developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat menubar_item
imgui_debug_draw_dashboard_window_toggle_focus falseDashboard toggle focus developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
imgui_default_font_size 20.000000Default imgui font size archive cheat
imgui_domain 21 == client, 2 == server developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat
imgui_enable falseif imgui should display developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
imgui_enable_input falseif imgui should consume input developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
imgui_ent_text_enable trueShow Entity Text in Window developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat menubar_item
imgui_entity_browser_size 0 developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat
imgui_show_bullets falseCSGO/Bullets developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat menubar_item
imgui_show_command_tool falseGame/Show Command Tool developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat menubar_item
imgui_show_entity_browser falseGame/Show Entity Browser developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat menubar_item
imgui_show_entity_catalog falseGame/Show Entity Catalog developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat menubar_item
imgui_show_example_window falseSource2/Show Example Window developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat menubar_item
imgui_show_grenades_window falseCS2/Show Grenades History developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat menubar_item
imgui_show_overlay_nav_editor falseGame/Nav Editor developmentonly gamedll cheat menubar_item
imgui_show_sim_history_window falseSimulation History developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat menubar_item
imgui_show_sound_window falseSource2/Show Sound Window developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated cheat menubar_item
imgui_temp_enable falseif imgui should display temporarily developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
in_button_double_press_window 0.220000How short the time between presses needs to be for us to consider it a double-press developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
in_spewbuttondelta 0Spew button deltas, 0 = off, 1 = server, 2 = client, 3 = both developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
in_spewbuttonhold 0Spew button hold times, 0 = off, 1 = server, 2 = client, 3 = both developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
in_spewent -1Which entity should we spew input for? (Useful for debugging bot input) developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
in_spewinput 0Spew input, 0 = off, 1 = server, 2 = client, 3 = both developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
inferno_batched_rays true developmentonly clientdll defensive
Inferno_concav_plane_threshold -10.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
inferno_ct_experiment trueenable ct incendiary experiment gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
inferno_damage 40.000000Damage per second gamedll cheat
inferno_damage_ct 40.000000Damage per second from CT inferno gamedll cheat
inferno_damage_timer 0.200000How long between times for the inferno to deal damage. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
inferno_debug false gamedll cheat
inferno_dlight_spacing 7200.000000Inferno dlights are at least this far apart clientdll cheat
inferno_dlights 30.000000Min FPS at which molotov dlights will be created developmentonly clientdll defensive
inferno_fire 2 developmentonly clientdll defensive
inferno_flame_lifetime 7.000000Average lifetime of each flame in seconds gamedll replicated release
inferno_flame_lifetime_incendiary 5.500000Average lifetime of each flame in seconds (incgrenade) gamedll replicated release
inferno_flame_spacing 42.000000Minimum distance between separate flame spawns gamedll cheat
inferno_forward_reduction_factor 0.900000 gamedll cheat
inferno_friendly_fire_duration 6.000000For this long, FF is credited back to the thrower. gamedll cheat
inferno_child_spawn_interval_multiplier 0.100000Amount spawn interval increases for each child gamedll cheat
inferno_child_spawn_max_depth 4 gamedll replicated release
inferno_initial_spawn_interval 0.020000Time between spawning flames for first fire gamedll cheat
inferno_max_flames 16Maximum number of flames that can be created gamedll replicated release
inferno_max_child_spawn_interval 0.500000Largest time interval for child flame spawning gamedll cheat
inferno_max_range 150.000000Maximum distance flames can spread from their initial ignition point gamedll replicated release
inferno_max_range_ct 110.000000Maximum distance flames can spread from their initial ignition point for an incendiary gamedll replicated release
inferno_max_trace_per_tick 16 developmentonly gamedll defensive
inferno_per_flame_spawn_duration 3.000000Duration each new flame will attempt to spawn new flames gamedll cheat
inferno_smoke_volume_density 0.030000 gamedll cheat
inferno_spawn_angle 45.000000Angular change from parent gamedll cheat
inferno_surface_offset 15.000000 gamedll cheat
inferno_velocity_decay_factor 0.200000 gamedll cheat
inferno_velocity_factor 0.003000 gamedll cheat
inferno_velocity_normal_factor 0.000000 gamedll cheat
input_button_code_is_scan_code_scd trueBind keys based on keyboard position instead of key name archive per_user
input_downimpulsevalue 0.700000 developmentonly clientdll
input_filter_relative_analog_inputs false clientdll archive
input_forceuser -1Force user input to this split screen player. cheat
input_upimpulsevalue 0.300000 developmentonly clientdll
install_dlc_workshoptools_cvar -1DLC Install Status clientdll release
instant_replay trueEnable instant replay recording. developmentonly defensive
instant_replay_history_limit 120Maximum amount of minutes to save history (0 is unlimited). developmentonly defensive
instant_replay_history_limit_low 10Maximum amount of minutes to save history on low memory (32 bit) systems (0 is unlimited). developmentonly defensive
ip Overrides IP for multihomed hosts release
iv_debugbone Debug bone name for interpolation spew of CAnimationState. release
iv_parallel_latch true developmentonly clientdll defensive
iv_parallel_restore false developmentonly clientdll defensive
iv_wrapped_parallel_latch true developmentonly clientdll defensive
joy_accel_filter 0.200000 developmentonly clientdll
joy_accelmax 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll
joy_accelscale 0.600000 developmentonly clientdll
joy_advanced false clientdll archive
joy_advaxisr 0 clientdll archive
joy_advaxisu 0 clientdll archive
joy_advaxisv 0 clientdll archive
joy_advaxisx 0 clientdll archive
joy_advaxisy 0 clientdll archive
joy_advaxisz 0 clientdll archive
joy_autosprint 0.000000Automatically sprint when moving with an analog joystick developmentonly clientdll defensive
joy_axisbutton_threshold 0.300000Analog axis range before a button press is registered. archive
joy_axisr_deadzone 0.150000 archive per_user
joy_axisr_relative false archive per_user
joy_axisu_deadzone 0.150000 archive per_user
joy_axisu_relative false archive per_user
joy_axisv_deadzone 0.150000 archive per_user
joy_axisv_relative false archive per_user
joy_axisx_deadzone 0.150000 archive per_user
joy_axisx_relative false archive per_user
joy_axisy_deadzone 0.150000 archive per_user
joy_axisy_relative false archive per_user
joy_axisz_deadzone 0.150000 archive per_user
joy_axisz_relative false archive per_user
joy_circle_correct_mode 1 clientdll archive per_user
joy_circle_correct_mode_vehicle 2 clientdll archive per_user
joy_display_input false clientdll archive
joy_forward_sensitivity 1.000000 clientdll archive per_user
joy_lowend 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll
joy_lowmap 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll
joy_movement_stick falseWhich stick controls movement (0 is left stick) clientdll archive per_user
joy_name joystick clientdll archive
joy_pegged 0.750000 developmentonly clientdll
joy_pitch_sensitivity 3.000000 clientdll archive per_user
joy_pitchsensitivity 1.000000 clientdll archive per_user
joy_response_look 0 clientdll archive per_user
joy_response_move 9 clientdll archive per_user
joy_response_move_vehicle 6 developmentonly clientdll defensive
joy_sensitive_step0 0.100000 developmentonly clientdll
joy_sensitive_step1 0.400000 developmentonly clientdll
joy_sensitive_step2 0.900000 developmentonly clientdll
joy_side_sensitivity 1.000000 clientdll archive per_user
joy_sidesensitivity 1.000000 clientdll archive
joy_vehicle_turn_lowend 0.700000 developmentonly clientdll
joy_vehicle_turn_lowmap 0.400000 developmentonly clientdll
joy_virtual_peg 0.000000 developmentonly clientdll
joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded falseIf 0, the 360controller.cfg file will be executed on startup & option changes. developmentonly clientdll defensive
joy_yaw_sensitivity 3.000000 clientdll archive per_user
joy_yawsensitivity -1.000000 clientdll archive per_user
joystick falseTrue if the joystick is enabled, false otherwise. clientdll archive
jpeg_quality 90Set jpeg screenshot quality. [1..100]
Min: 1

Max: 100
developmentonly defensive
key_bind_version 0 clientdll hidden archive release
keychain_animation_reactivity 0.500000 developmentonly clientdll
keychain_preview_limit_step 0.125000 developmentonly clientdll
keychain_reactivity 0.100000 developmentonly clientdll
keychain_wmul 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll
labelled_debug_helper_arc_segments 20 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
labelled_debug_helper_enabled true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
labelled_debug_helper_scale 1.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
labelled_debug_helper_show_position false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
labelled_debug_helper_show_text true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
labelled_debug_helper_skeleton_show_bone_names true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
lb_allow_shadow_rotation trueSceneSystem/LightBinner/Shadow Rotation developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_allow_time_sliced_shadow_map_rendering trueAllow time-sliced shadow buffer rendering when enabled via developmentonly defensive
lb_barnlight_shadow_use_precomputed_vis true developmentonly defensive
lb_barnlight_shadowmap_scale 1.000000Scale for computed barnlight shadowmap size release
lb_bin_slices 8192 developmentonly defensive
lb_convert_to_barn_lights_falloff_match_point 0.150000 developmentonly defensive
lb_csm_cascade_size_override -1Override width/height of individual cascades in the CSM developmentonly defensive
lb_csm_cross_fade_override -1.000000Override CSM cross fade amount developmentonly defensive
lb_csm_distance_fade_override -1.000000Override CSM distance fade developmentonly defensive
lb_csm_draw_alpha_tested true developmentonly defensive
lb_csm_draw_translucent true developmentonly defensive
lb_csm_fov_override -1.000000 developmentonly cheat
lb_csm_override_bulb_radius -1.000000Override bulb radius for CSM developmentonly defensive
lb_csm_override_staticgeo_cascades falseOverride Cascades that will render static objects with lb_csm_override_staticgeo_cascades_value developmentonly defensive
lb_csm_override_staticgeo_cascades_value -1If lb_csm_override_staticgeo_cascades, override value used to determine which cascades render static objects developmentonly defensive
lb_csm_receiver_plane_depth_bias 0.000015Shader depth bias applied to shadow receiver (Note this conflicts with renderstate depth bias, both now default to 0) developmentonly defensive
lb_csm_receiver_plane_depth_bias_transmissive_backface 0.000150Depth bias applied to shadow receiver for transmissive backface geo (based on renderstate depthbias being 0) developmentonly defensive
lb_cubemap_normalization_max 1.000000 developmentonly defensive
lb_cubemap_normalization_roughness_begin 0.100000 developmentonly defensive
lb_debug_light_bounds falseSceneSystem/LightBinner/Debug Light Bounds developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_debug_shadow_atlas falseSceneSystem/LightBinner/Debug Shadow Atlas developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_debug_shadowtile_atlas falseSceneSystem/LightBinner/Debug ShadowTile Atlas developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_debug_silhouette 0SceneSystem/LightBinner/Debug Silhouettes developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_debug_tiles 0SceneSystem/LightBinner/Debug Tiles developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_debug_visualize_shadowed_lights falseSceneSystem/LightBinner/Debug Visualize Shadowed Lights developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_dynamic_shadow_penumbra trueAdjust shadow penumbra based on light size developmentonly defensive
lb_dynamic_shadow_resolution trueDynamically adjust shadow resolution developmentonly defensive
lb_dynamic_shadow_resolution_base 1024.000000Base resolution for dynamic shadowmap sizing. Shadowmap size of a screen sized light
Min: 128.000000

Max: 2048.000000
developmentonly defensive
lb_dynamic_shadow_resolution_base_cmp_shadowmapsize falsetake min of lb_dynamic_shadow_resolution and barnlight shadowmapsize as base shadowmapsize developmentonly cheat
lb_dynamic_shadow_resolution_delay 0.850000Update delay for shadow size
Min: 0.100000

Max: 3.000000
developmentonly defensive
lb_dynamic_shadow_resolution_hysteresis 0.330000Update hysteresis for shadow size
Min: 0.010000

Max: 1.000000
developmentonly defensive
lb_dynamic_shadow_resolution_quantization 64Quantization of dynamically computed shadow size
Min: 8

Max: 128
developmentonly defensive
lb_enable_baked_shadows trueSceneSystem/LightBinner/Enable Baked Shadows developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_enable_binning trueSceneSystem/LightBinner/Enable Binning developmentonly menubar_item defensive
lb_enable_dynamic_lights trueAllows rendering dynamic lights developmentonly cheat
lb_enable_envmaps trueSceneSystem/LightBinner/Enable EnvMaps developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_enable_fog_mixed_shadows trueSceneSystem/LightBinner/Enable Fog Mixed Shadows developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_enable_lights trueSceneSystem/LightBinner/Enable Lights developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_enable_shadow_casting trueAllow stationary/dynamic lights to cast shadows. developmentonly defensive
lb_enable_stationary_lights trueAllows rendering stationary/mixed lights developmentonly cheat
lb_enable_sunlight trueSceneSystem/LightBinner/Enable Sunlight developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_low_quality_shader_fade_region_rescale 0.500000For envmaps in low quality shader mode, how much of the fade region to scale the envmap box by. developmentonly cheat
lb_max_visible_barn_lights_override -1Override maximum visible barn lights developmentonly cheat
lb_max_visible_envmaps_override -1Override maximum visible envmaps developmentonly cheat
lb_mixed_shadows trueSceneSystem/LightBinner/Enable Mixed Shadows developmentonly cheat menubar_item
lb_override_barn_light_fade_sizes 0.050000 0.025000 developmentonly cheat
lb_override_barn_light_fade_sizes_enable false developmentonly cheat
lb_override_barn_light_shadow_fade_sizes 0.100000 0.050000 developmentonly cheat
lb_shadow_map_cull_empty_mixed falseDon't render shadows for mixed shadowmaps with no dynamics objects in view cheat
lb_shadow_map_culling true cheat
lb_shadow_texture_height_override -1Override height of shadow atlas texture developmentonly defensive
lb_shadow_texture_width_override -1Override width of shadow atlas texture developmentonly defensive
lb_sun_csm_size_cull_threshold_texels 10.000000Size, in texels, where we will cull an object in the shadowmap developmentonly defensive
lb_tile_pixels 8 developmentonly defensive
lb_timesliced_shadows_dynamic_size true developmentonly defensive
lb_use_ellipsoid_bounds true developmentonly cheat
lb_use_illumination_silhouette trueSceneSystem/LightBinner/Use Illumination Bounds developmentonly cheat menubar_item
leaderboards_cache_duration 600 developmentonly clientdll
legacy_models_supported trueWhether to support legacy (pre-modeldoc) models developmentonly
lightquery_debug_direct_lighting true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
lightquery_debug_indirect_lighting true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
lobby_default_privacy_bits2 1Lobby default permissions (0: private, 1: public) clientdll archive release
lobby_gamesearch_fake 0 developmentonly clientdll
lobby_stats_fake false developmentonly clientdll
locator_topdown_style falseTopdown games set this to handle distance and offscreen location differently. developmentonly clientdll defensive
lockMoveControllerRet false clientdll archive
logaddress_token_secret Set a secret string that will be hashed when using logaddress with explicit token hash. gamedll release
logic_npc_counter_debug false gamedll replicated cheat
lservercfgfile listenserver.cfg developmentonly gamedll defensive
lua_assert_on_error false developmentonly defensive
lua_shipping_assert_on_error false developmentonly defensive
m_pitch 0.022000Mouse pitch factor. clientdll archive userinfo per_user
m_yaw 0.022000Mouse yaw factor. clientdll archive userinfo per_user
mapcyclefile mapcycle.txtName of the .txt file used to cycle the maps on multiplayer servers developmentonly gamedll defensive
mapoverview_allow_client_draw falseAllow a client to draw on the map overview clientdll release
mapoverview_icon_scale 1.000000Sets the icon scale multiplier for the overview map. Valid values are 0.5 to 3.0.
Min: 0.500000

Max: 3.000000
clientdll archive release
markup_volume_ref_cone_angle 135.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
mat_assert_on_error_shader_use false developmentonly
mat_colcorrection_disableentities falseDisable map color-correction entities developmentonly clientdll defensive
mat_colcorrection_editor false developmentonly clientdll defensive
mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside falseForces color correction entities to be updated on the client clientdll cheat
mat_colorcorrection true developmentonly
mat_depthbias_shadowmap 0.000500 developmentonly clientdll defensive
mat_disable_normal_mapping false clientdll cheat
mat_fullbright 0Debug rendering modes cheat
mat_hide_error_shader false developmentonly
mat_lpv_luxels false cheat
mat_luxels false cheat
mat_max_lighting_complexity 8.000000 cheat
mat_overdraw 0Visualize overdraw cheat
mat_overdraw_color 0.075000 0.150000 0.300000 cheat
mat_shader_cache true developmentonly
mat_shading_complexity falseVisualize shading complexity cheat
mat_shading_complexity_color 1.000000 0.500000 0.250000 cheat
mat_shading_complexity_max_instruction_count 1024.000000 cheat
mat_shading_complexity_max_register_count 128.000000 cheat
mat_shadowmap_luxels false cheat
mat_show_distance_field 00=Off, 1=Visualize trace from camera, 2=Visualize occlusion, 3=Visualize far field trace from camera cheat
mat_skip_static_const_eval true developmentonly
mat_slopescaledepthbias_shadowmap 4.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
mat_tonemap_bloom_scale -1.000000 cheat
mat_tonemap_bloom_start_value -1.000000 cheat
mat_tonemap_debug 0 developmentonly defensive
mat_tonemap_force_accelerate_exposure_down -1.000000 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_average_lum_min -1.000000Override. Old default was 3.0 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_log_lum_max -1.000000 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_log_lum_min -1.000000 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_max -1.000000 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_min -1.000000 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_percent_bright_pixels -1.000000Override. Old value was 1.0 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_percent_target -1.000000Override. Old default was 45. cheat
mat_tonemap_force_rate -1.000000 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_scale 0.000000 cheat
mat_tonemap_force_use_alpha -1 cheat
mat_tonemap_uncap_exposure 0 cheat
mat_viewportscale 1.000000Scale down the main viewport (to reduce GPU impact on CPU profiling)
Min: 0.001563

Max: 1.000000
developmentonly clientdll defensive
mat_warn_bad_modes false developmentonly
mat_wireframe 00=Off, 1=Surface Wireframe, 2=Transparent Wireframe cheat
mem_level 2Memory Level - Default: High developmentonly clientdll defensive
mem_test_each_frame falseRun heap check at end of every frame developmentonly defensive
mem_test_every_n_seconds 0Run heap check at a specified interval developmentonly defensive
mem_test_quiet falseDon't print stats when memtesting developmentonly defensive
mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_invert false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_pass_count 3 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_weight 1.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
metamod_version 2.0.0-dev+1323Metamod:Source Version sponly notify release
mic_listen_while_nonfocused falseEnables the ability for the mic to remain open if the window loses focus such as when a caster tabs out to adjust settings developmentonly clientdll defensive
mm_basedir addons\metamodMetamod:Source Base Folder sponly release
mm_csgo_community_search_players_min 3When performing CSGO community matchmaking look for servers with at least so many human players archive release
mm_datacenter_query_delay 5.000000Delay after datacenter update is enabled before data is actually queried. developmentonly
mm_datacenter_retry_interval 75.000000Interval between datacenter stats retries. developmentonly
mm_datacenter_update_interval 3600.000000Interval between datacenter stats updates. developmentonly
mm_debug_friend_rp 0 developmentonly
mm_dedicated_allow true1 = allow searches for dedicated servers developmentonly
mm_dedicated_fake false1 = pretend like search is going, but abort after some time developmentonly
mm_dedicated_force_servers Comma delimited list of ip:port of servers used to search for dedicated servers instead of searching for public servers. Use syntax `publicip1:port|privateip1:port,publicip2:port|privateip2:port` if your server is behind NAT. If the server is behind NAT, you can specify `|privateip:port` and if server port is in the list of `mm_server_search_lan_ports` its public address should be automatically detected. release
mm_dedicated_ip IP address of dedicated servers to consider available developmentonly
mm_dedicated_search_maxping 150Longest preferred ping to dedicated servers for games
Min: 25

Max: 350
mm_dedicated_search_maxresults 75 developmentonly
mm_dedicated_timeout_request 20.000000 developmentonly
mm_dlcs_mask_extras 0 developmentonly defensive
mm_dlcs_mask_fake developmentonly defensive
mm_events_listeners_validation false developmentonly
mm_ignored_sessions_forget_pass 5 developmentonly
mm_ignored_sessions_forget_time 600.000000 developmentonly
mm_match_search_update_interval 10.000000Interval between matchsearcher updates. developmentonly
mm_player_search_count 5 developmentonly
mm_player_search_lan_ping_duration 3.500000Duration of LAN discovery ping phase. developmentonly
mm_player_search_lan_ping_interval 0.500000Interval between LAN discovery pings. developmentonly
mm_player_search_requests_limit -1How many friend requests are displayed. developmentonly
mm_player_search_update_interval 10.000000Interval between players searches. developmentonly
mm_pluginsfile addons\metamod\metaplugins.iniMetamod:Source Plugins File sponly release
mm_server_search_inet_ping_interval 1.000000How long to wait between pinging internet server details. developmentonly
mm_server_search_inet_ping_refresh 15.000000How often to refresh a listed server. developmentonly
mm_server_search_inet_ping_timeout 3.000000How long to wait for internet server details. developmentonly
mm_server_search_inet_ping_window 10How many servers can be pinged for server details in a batch. developmentonly
mm_server_search_lan_ping_duration 1.000000Duration of LAN discovery ping phase. developmentonly
mm_server_search_lan_ping_interval 0.400000Interval between LAN discovery pings. developmentonly
mm_server_search_lan_ports 27015,27016,27017,27018,27019,27020Ports to scan during LAN games discovery. Also used to discover and correctly connect to dedicated LAN servers behind NATs. archive release
mm_server_search_server_lifetime 180.000000How long until a server is no longer returned by the master till we remove it. developmentonly
mm_server_search_update_interval 60Interval between servers updates. developmentonly
mm_session_search_num_results 10 developmentonly
mm_session_search_qos_timeout 15.000000 release
mm_session_sys_connect_timeout 8.000000 developmentonly
mm_session_sys_delay_create 0.000000 developmentonly
mm_session_sys_delay_create_host 1.200000 developmentonly
mm_session_sys_kick_ban_duration 180.000000 release
mm_session_sys_pkey release
mm_session_sys_ranking_timeout 12.000000 developmentonly
mm_session_sys_slots_guaranteed 10 developmentonly
mm_session_team_res_timeout 30.000000 developmentonly
mm_session_voice_loading false developmentonly
mm_sv_load_test false developmentonly
mm_teamsearch_errortime 3.000000Time team search is in error state until it self-cancels developmentonly
mm_teamsearch_nostart falseTeam search will fake cancel before searching for server developmentonly
mm_title_debug_version 0This matchmaking version will override .res file version for isolating matchmaking developmentonly
mm_tu_string 00000000 developmentonly defensive
mm_use_p2p_for_listen_server true developmentonly defensive
mobile_fps_increase_during_hfr_animations trueMOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: If true we increase framerate limit during HFR-tagged animations and transitions. developmentonly hidden defensive
mobile_fps_increase_during_charging falseMOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: If true we increase framerate limit while charging archive
mobile_fps_increase_during_touch trueMOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: If true we increase framerate limit during touch archive
mobile_fps_limit 30.000000MOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: Mobile FPS limit - 15, 30, 60 archive
model_default_preview_sequence_name gamedll clientdll archive replicated
molotov_throw_detonate_time 2.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
molotov_usethrow_direction false gamedll cheat
motdfile motd.txtThe MOTD file to load. gamedll release
mouse_disableinput falseSet to disable mouse input developmentonly defensive
mouse_inverty false clientdll archive userinfo
mp_afterroundmoney 0amount of money awared to every player after each round gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_allowspectators truetoggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 falseIf set, everyone can pick up the c4, not just Ts. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_autokick trueKick idle/team-killing/team-damaging players gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_autoteambalance true gamedll notify release commandline_enforced
mp_backup_restore_load_autopause trueWhether to automatically pause the match after restoring round data from backup gamedll release
mp_backup_round_auto trueIf enabled will keep in-memory backups to handle reconnecting players even if the backup files aren't written to disk gamedll release
mp_backup_round_file backupIf set then server will save all played rounds information to files filename_date_time_team1_team2_mapname_roundnum_score1_score2.txt gamedll release
mp_backup_round_file_last Every time a backup file is written the value of this convar gets updated to hold the name of the backup file. gamedll release
mp_backup_round_file_pattern %prefix%_round%round%.txtIf set then server will save all played rounds information to files named by this pattern, e.g.'%prefix%_%date%_%time%_%team1%_%team2%_%map%_round%round%_score_%score1%_%score2%.txt' gamedll release
mp_bot_ai_bt Use the specified behavior tree file to drive the bot behavior. gamedll release commandline_enforced
mp_buy_allow_grenades trueWhether players can purchase grenades from the buy menu or not. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_buy_allow_guns 255Whether players can purchase guns: pistols (1), SMGs (2), rifles (4), shotguns (8), sniper rifles (16), heavy MGs (32).
Min: 0

Max: 255
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_buy_anywhere 0When set, players can buy anywhere, not only in buyzones. 0 = default. 1 = both teams. 2 = Terrorists. 3 = Counter-Terrorists. gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_buy_during_immunity 0When set, players can buy when immune, ignoring buytime. 0 = default. 1 = both teams. 2 = Terrorists. 3 = Counter-Terrorists. gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_buytime 90.000000How many seconds after round start players can buy items for.
Min: 0.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_c4_cannot_be_defused falseIf set, the planted c4 cannot be defused. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_c4timer 40how long from when the C4 is armed until it blows
Min: 10
gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_competitive_endofmatch_extra_time 15.000000After a competitive match finishes rematch voting extra time is given for rankings. gamedll release
mp_consecutive_loss_aversion 1How loss streak is affected with round win: 0 = win fully resets loss bonus, 1 = first win steps down loss bonus, 2 = first win holds loss bonus and step down starting with second win
Min: 0
gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_consecutive_loss_max 4
Min: 0
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_coopmission_bot_difficulty_offset 0The difficulty offset modifier for bots during coop missions. gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_ct_default_grenades The default grenades that the CTs will spawn with. To give multiple grenades, separate each weapon class with a space like this: 'weapon_molotov weapon_hegrenade' gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_ct_default_melee weapon_knifeThe default melee weapon that the CTs will spawn with. Even if this is blank, a knife will be given. To give a taser, it should look like this: 'weapon_knife weapon_taser'. Remember to set mp_weapons_allow_zeus to 1 if you want to give a taser! gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_ct_default_primary The default primary (rifle) weapon that the CTs will spawn with gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_ct_default_secondary weapon_hkp2000The default secondary (pistol) weapon that the CTs will spawn with gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_damage_headshot_only falseDetermines whether non-headshot hits do any damage. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_damage_scale_ct_body 1.000000Scales the damage a CT player takes by this much when they take damage in the body. (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_damage_scale_ct_head 1.000000Scales the damage a CT player takes by this much when they take damage in the head (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%). REMEMBER! headshots do 4x the damage of the body before this scaler is applied. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_damage_scale_t_body 1.000000Scales the damage a T player takes by this much when they take damage in the body. (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_damage_scale_t_head 1.000000Scales the damage a T player takes by this much when they take damage in the head (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%). REMEMBER! headshots do 4x the damage of the body before this scaler is applied. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_damage_vampiric_amount 0.000000If Set to non-0, will determine the fraction of damage dealt that will be given to attacker. gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_death_drop_breachcharge trueDrop breachcharge on player death gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_death_drop_c4 trueWhether c4 is droppable gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_death_drop_defuser trueDrop defuser on player death gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_death_drop_grenade 2Which grenade to drop on player death: 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best, 3=all grenades
Min: 0

Max: 2
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_death_drop_gun 1Which gun to drop on player death: 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
Min: 0

Max: 2
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_death_drop_healthshot trueDrop healthshot on player death gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_death_drop_taser trueDrop taser on player death gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_deathcam_skippable trueDetermines whether a player can early-out of the deathcam. gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_default_team_winner_no_objective -1If the map doesn't define an objective (bomb, hostage, etc), the value of this convar will declare the winner when the time runs out in the round. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_defuser_allocation 0How to allocate defusers to CTs at start or round: 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone
Min: 0

Max: 2
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_disconnect_kills_bots falseWhen a bot disconnects, kill them first. Requires mp_disconnect_kills_players. gamedll release
mp_disconnect_kills_players trueWhen a player disconnects, kill them first (triggering item drops, stats, etc.) gamedll release
mp_display_kill_assists trueWhether to display and score player assists gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_dm_bonus_length_max 30.000000Maximum time the bonus time will last (in seconds) gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_dm_bonus_length_min 30.000000Minimum time the bonus time will last (in seconds) gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_dm_bonus_percent 50Percent of points additionally awarded when someone gets a kill with the bonus weapon during the bonus period.
Min: 0
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_dm_bonusweapon_dogtags 0Additional dogtags to drop when making a kill with the bonus weapon gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_dm_dogtag_score 0Points to award for picking up a dogtag in deathmatch.
Min: 0
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_dm_healthshot_killcount 3Grant healthshots in deathmatch after n kills gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_dm_kill_base_score 10Number of base points to award for a kill in deathmatch. Cheaper weapons award 1 or 2 additional points.
Min: 0
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_dm_teammode 0In deathmatch, enables team DM visuals & scoring (0: personal, 1: team mode, 2: use team contribution score) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_dm_teammode_bonus_score 1Team deathmatch victory points to award for kill with bonus weapon gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_dm_teammode_dogtag_score 0Team deathmatch victory points to award for collecting enemy dogtags gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_dm_teammode_kill_score 1Team deathmatch victory points to award for enemy kill gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_dm_time_between_bonus_max 40.000000Maximum time a bonus time will start after the round start or after the last bonus (in seconds) gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_dm_time_between_bonus_min 30.000000Minimum time a bonus time will start after the round start or after the last bonus (in seconds) gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_dogtag_despawn_on_killer_death trueWhether dogtags should despawn when their killer dies gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_dogtag_despawn_time 120.000000How many seconds dogtags should stay around before despawning automatically (0 = infinite)
Min: 0.000000
gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_dogtag_pickup_rule 0Who is eligible to pick up a dogtag (0 = killer only, 1 = killer's team, 2 = victim's team, 3 = killer & victim's team, 4 = anyone) gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_drop_grenade_enable trueAllows players to drop grenades. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_drop_knife_enable falseAllows players to drop knives. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_economy_reset_rounds 0Reset all player money every N rounds (0 for never) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_endmatch_votenextleveltime 20.000000If mp_endmatch_votenextmap is set, players have this much time to vote on the next map at match end. gamedll release
mp_endmatch_votenextmap trueWhether or not players vote for the next map at the end of the match when the final scoreboard comes up gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_endmatch_votenextmap_keepcurrent trueIf set, keeps the current map in the list of voting options. If not set, the current map will not appear in the list of voting options. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_modes Modes available for endmatch voting during War Games. Separate names with spaces. gamedll release
mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_nummaps 3Maximum number of maps to include in endmatch voting during War Games gamedll release
mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_nummodes 1Maximum number of other War Games to include in endmatch voting during War Games gamedll release
mp_endwarmup_player_count 0Number of players required to be connected to end warmup early. 0 to require maximum players for mode. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_equipment_reset_rounds 0Reset all player equipment every N rounds (0 for never) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_fadetoblack falsefade a player's screen to black when he dies developmentonly gamedll clientdll notify replicated defensive
mp_fists_replace_melee falseIf enabled then when melee weapon is dropped player will have fists, when melee weapon is picked up then fists are unavailable gamedll release commandline_enforced
mp_flinch_punch_scale 3.000000Scalar for first person view punch when getting hit. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
mp_footsteps_serverside trueMakes the server always play footstep sounds. Clients never calculate footstep sounds locally, instead relying on the server. gamedll release
mp_force_pick_time 15.000000The amount of time a player has on the team screen to make a selection before being auto-teamed gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_forcecamera 0Restricts spectator modes for dead players gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_forcerespawn true developmentonly gamedll notify defensive
mp_fraglimit 0 gamedll notify release
mp_free_armor 0Determines whether kevlar (1+) and/or helmet (2+) are given automatically. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_freezetime 6how many seconds to keep players frozen when the round starts
Min: 0

Max: 60
gamedll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_friendlyfire falseAllows team members to injure other members of their team gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_give_player_c4 trueWhether this map should spawn a c4 bomb for a player or not. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_global_damage_per_second 0.000000If above 0, deal non-lethal damage to players over time.
Min: 0.000000
gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_guardian_bomb_plant_custom_x_mark_location x,y,z to display an X for the bomb plant in guardian missions with custom bomb plant boundaries. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_guardian_force_collect_hostages_timeout 50Force bots to collect hostages after this amount of time if no enemy has been seen. gamedll release commandline_enforced
mp_guardian_target_site -1If set to the index of a bombsite, will cause random spawns to be only created near that site. gamedll release commandline_enforced
mp_halftime falseDetermines whether the match switches sides in a halftime event. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_halftime_duration 15.000000Target number of seconds that halftime lasts; shortened if team intros are active
Min: 0.000000

Max: 300.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_halftime_pausematch 0Set to 1 to pause match after halftime countdown elapses. Match must be resumed by vote or admin. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_halftime_pausetimer 0Set to 1 to stay in halftime indefinitely. Set to 0 to resume the timer. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_heavyassaultsuit_aimpunch trueHow much EXTRA aim punch will happen when a player wearing the assault suit gets when shot gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_heavyassaultsuit_cooldown 5Determines cooldown of purchase. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_heavyassaultsuit_deploy_timescale 0.800000How fast a player wearing the heavy assault suit will draw their weapon (1.0 = normal speed, 0.5 = half speed) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_heavyassaultsuit_speed 130The max speed of a player when they are wearing the heavy assault suit gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_heavybot_damage_reduction_scale 1.000000How much damage should scale when the player wearing the heavy assault suit is shot (1.0 = no change, 0.5 = half damage) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_hostages_max 2Maximum number of hostages to spawn. gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_hostages_rescuetime 1.000000Additional time added to round time if a hostage is reached by a CT. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_hostages_rescuetowin 10 == all alive, any other number is the number the CT's need to rescue to win the round. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
mp_hostages_run_speed_modifier 1.000000Default is 1.0, slow down hostages by setting this to < 1.0.
Min: 0.100000

Max: 1.500000
gamedll replicated release
mp_hostages_spawn_farthest falseWhen enabled will consistently force the farthest hostages to spawn. gamedll replicated release
mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions Comma separated list of zero based indices to force spawn positions, e.g. '0,2' or '1,6' gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions_xyz Comma separated list of xyz locations to force spawn positions, e.g. 'x1 y1 z1,x2 y2 z2' gamedll replicated release
mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round true0 = spawn hostages randomly every round, 1 = same spawns for entire match. gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_hostages_takedamage falseWhether or not hostages can be hurt. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_humanteam anyRestricts human players to a single team {any, CT, T} gamedll replicated release
mp_chattime 10amount of time players can chat after the game is over
Min: 1

Max: 120
developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
mp_ignore_round_win_conditions falseIgnore conditions which would end the current round gamedll replicated release
mp_items_prohibited Set this convar to a comma-delimited list of definition indices of weapons that should be prohibited from use. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_join_grace_time 0.000000Number of seconds after round start to allow a player to join a game
Min: 0.000000

Max: 30.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_limitteams 2Max # of players 1 team can have over another (0 disables check)
Min: 0

Max: 30
gamedll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_logdetail 0Logs attacks. Values are: 0=off, 1=enemy, 2=teammate, 3=both)
Min: 0

Max: 3
gamedll release
mp_logdetail_items falseLogs a line any time a player acquires or loses an item. gamedll release
mp_logmoney falseEnables money logging. Values are: 0=off, 1=on gamedll release
mp_match_can_clinch trueCan a team clinch and end the match by being so far ahead that the other team has no way to catching up? gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_match_end_changelevel falseAt the end of the match, perform a changelevel even if next map is the same gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_match_end_restart falseAt the end of the match, perform a restart instead of loading a new map gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_match_restart_delay 25Time (in seconds) until a match restarts.
Min: 1

Max: 9999
gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_max_armor 2Determines the highest level of armor allowed to be purchased. (0) None, (1) Kevlar, (2) Helmet gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_maxmoney 16000maximum amount of money allowed in a player's account
Min: 0
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_maxrounds 0max number of rounds to play before server changes maps
Min: 0
gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_min_halftime_duration 8.500000Minimum number of seconds that halftime lasts even if team intros are active
Min: 0.000000

Max: 300.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_only_cts_rescue_hostages true gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_overtime_enable falseIf a match ends in a tie, use overtime rules to determine winner gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_overtime_halftime_pausetimer 0If set to 1 will set mp_halftime_pausetimer to 1 before every half of overtime. Set mp_halftime_pausetimer to 0 to resume the timer. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_overtime_limit 0When overtime is enabled, only so many overtimes can be played gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_overtime_maxrounds 6When overtime is enabled play additional rounds to determine winner gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_overtime_startmoney 10000Money assigned to all players at start of every overtime half gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_plant_c4_anywhere false gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_playercashawards truePlayers can earn money by performing in-game actions gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_playerid 0Controls what information player see in the status bar: 0 all names; 1 team names; 2 no names
Min: 0

Max: 2
gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_playerid_delay 0.400000Number of seconds to delay showing information in the status bar
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_playerid_hold 0.100000Number of seconds to keep showing old information in the status bar
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_promoted_item_enabled falseAllow the purchasing of the promoted item. gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
mp_randomspawn 0Determines whether players are to spawn. 0 = default; 1 = both teams; 2 = Terrorists; 3 = CTs. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_randomspawn_dist 0If using mp_randomspawn, determines whether to test distance when selecting this spot. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_randomspawn_los trueIf using mp_randomspawn, determines whether to test Line of Sight when spawning. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_require_gun_use_to_acquire falseWhether guns must be +used to acquire or default is touch-to-pickup gamedll release
mp_respawn_immunitytime 4.000000How many seconds after respawn immunity lasts. Set to negative value to disable warmup immunity. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_respawn_on_death_ct falseWhen set to 1, counter-terrorists will respawn after dying. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_respawn_on_death_t falseWhen set to 1, terrorists will respawn after dying. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_respawnwavetime_ct 10.000000Time between respawn waves for CTs. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_respawnwavetime_t 10.000000Time between respawn waves for Terrorists. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_restartgame 0If non-zero, game will restart in the specified number of seconds gamedll release
mp_retake_ct_count 4Number of CT's when playing retakes. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_retake_ct_loadout_bonus_card #GameUI_Retake_Card_TheAWPortunity,1,1,rifle4CT bonus card for full buy round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_ct_loadout_bonus_card_availability 1,2CT bonus card availability pattern for full buy round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_ct_loadout_default_pistol_round 1|3;#GameUI_Retake_Card_4v3,0,0,secondary0|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_FlashOut,0,0,secondary0,grenade2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_HideAndPeek,0,0,secondary0,grenade4CT Loadouts for default pistol round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_ct_loadout_enemy_card #GameUI_Retake_Card_BehindEnemyLines,1,1,rifle1,grenade2CT enemy card for full buy round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_ct_loadout_full_buy_round 4|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_LightEmUp,1,1,rifle1,grenade2|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_Kobe,1,1,rifle1,grenade3|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_1g,1,1,rifle1,grenade0|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_DisappearingAct,1,1,rifle1,grenade4|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_EyesOnTarget,1,1,rifle3CT Loadouts for full buy round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_ct_loadout_light_buy_round 3|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_UmpInSmoke,1,1,smg2,grenade4|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_FunNGun,1,1,smg0,grenade3|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_Sharpshooter,1,1,rifle2,grenade2|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_BurstBullpup,1,1,rifle0CT Loadouts for force buy round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_ct_loadout_upgraded_pistol_round 2|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_TakeFive,0,0,secondary3|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_BlindFire,0,0,secondary2,grenade2|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_OnlyTakesOne,0,0,secondary4|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_SneakyBeakyLike,0,0,secondary2,grenade4CT Loadouts for upgraded pistol round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_max_consecutive_rounds_same_target_site 2Limit the number of consecutive rounds targeting the same site. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_t_count 3Number of terrorists when playing retakes. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_retake_t_loadout_bonus_card #GameUI_Retake_Card_TheAWPortunity,1,1,rifle4T bonus card for full buy round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_t_loadout_bonus_card_availability 1,1,2T bonus card availability pattern for full buy round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_t_loadout_default_pistol_round 0|3;#GameUI_Retake_Card_4BadGuysLeft,0,0,secondary0|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_LookAway,0,0,secondary0,grenade2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_WhenThereIsSmoke,0,0,secondary0,grenade4T Loadouts for default pistol round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_t_loadout_enemy_card #GameUI_Retake_Card_FindersKeepers,1,1,rifle1,grenade2T enemy card for full buy round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_t_loadout_full_buy_round 0|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_OlReliable,1,1,rifle1,grenade2|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_SmokeShow,1,1,rifle1,grenade4|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_HotShot,1,1,rifle1,grenade0|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_EyeSpy,1,1,rifle3,grenade3T Loadouts for full buy round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_t_loadout_light_buy_round 0|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_BackInAFlash,1,1,smg2,grenade2|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_AllIn,1,1,rifle0|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_BoomBox,1,1,smg0,grenade3,grenade4|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_SetThemFree,1,1,rifle2,grenade2T Loadouts for force buy round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_retake_t_loadout_upgraded_pistol_round 0|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_BlindFire,0,0,secondary2,grenade2|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_QueOta,0,0,secondary4|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_SmokeScreen,0,0,secondary2,grenade4|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_TecTecBoom,0,0,secondary3,grenade3T Loadouts for upgraded pistol round when playing bomb site retake. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_round_restart_delay 7.000000Number of seconds to delay before restarting a round after a win
Min: 0.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_roundtime 5.000000How many minutes each round takes.
Min: 0.100000

Max: 60.000000
gamedll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_roundtime_defuse 0.000000How many minutes each round of Bomb Defuse takes. If 0 then use mp_roundtime instead.
Min: 0.000000

Max: 60.000000
gamedll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_roundtime_hostage 0.000000How many minutes each round of Hostage Rescue takes. If 0 then use mp_roundtime instead.
Min: 0.000000

Max: 60.000000
gamedll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_shield_speed_deployed 170.000000The max speed of a player when they have a shield deployed gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_shield_speed_holstered 200.000000The max speed of a player when they have a shield holstered gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_shorthanded_cash_bonus_ignore_kicked trueDetermines whether kicked players are included in the assessment for short-handedness gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_shorthanded_cash_bonus_round_delay 2number of previous rounds that a team needs to have been shorthanded before they are eligible for the short-handed bonus gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_solid_teammates 1How solid are teammates: 0 = transparent; 1 = fully solid; 2 = can stand on top of heads gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_spawnprotectiontime 5Kick players who team-kill within this many seconds of a round restart. gamedll replicated release
mp_spectators_max 2How many spectators are allowed in a match.
Min: 0
gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_starting_losses 0Determines what the initial loss streak is.
Min: 0
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_startmoney 800amount of money each player gets when they reset
Min: 0
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_suicide_penalty truePunish players for suicides gamedll release commandline_enforced
mp_t_default_grenades The default grenades that the Ts will spawn with. To give multiple grenades, separate each weapon class with a space like this: 'weapon_molotov weapon_hegrenade' gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_t_default_melee weapon_knifeThe default melee weapon that the Ts will spawn with gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_t_default_primary The default primary (rifle) weapon that the Ts will spawn with gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_t_default_secondary weapon_glockThe default secondary (pistol) weapon that the Ts will spawn with gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_tagging_scale 1.000000Scalar for player tagging modifier when hit. Lower values for greater tagging. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_taser_recharge_time 30.000000Determines recharge time for taser. -1 = disabled. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_td_dmgtokick 300The damage threshhold players have to exceed in a match to get kicked. gamedll replicated release
mp_td_dmgtowarn 200The damage threshhold players have to exceed in a match to get warned that they are about to be kicked. gamedll replicated release
mp_td_spawndmgthreshold 50The damage threshold players have to exceed at the start of the round to be warned/kick. gamedll replicated release
mp_team_intro_time 6.500000How many seconds for team intro
Min: 0.000000
gamedll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_team_timeout_max 1Number of timeouts each team gets per match. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_team_timeout_ot_add_each 0Number of timeouts to add for each team when match goes to 2nd and each next overtime. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_team_timeout_ot_add_once 0Number of timeouts to add for each team when regulation time ends and match goes to overtime. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_team_timeout_ot_max 1Max number of timeouts each team can have per OT after all OT timeouts got added. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_team_timeout_time 60Duration of each timeout. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_teamcashawards trueTeams can earn money by performing in-game actions gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_teamflag_1 Enter a country's alpha 2 code to show that flag next to team 1's name in the spectator scoreboard. gamedll release
mp_teamflag_2 Enter a country's alpha 2 code to show that flag next to team 2's name in the spectator scoreboard. gamedll release
mp_teamlogo_1 Enter a team's shorthand image name to display their logo. Images can be found here: 'resource/flash/econ/tournaments/teams' gamedll release
mp_teamlogo_2 Enter a team's shorthand image name to display their logo. Images can be found here: 'resource/flash/econ/tournaments/teams' gamedll release
mp_teammates_are_enemies falseWhen set, your teammates act as enemies and all players are valid targets. gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_teammatchstat_1 A non-empty string sets first team's match stat. gamedll release
mp_teammatchstat_2 A non-empty string sets second team's match stat. gamedll release
mp_teammatchstat_cycletime 45.000000Cycle match stats after so many seconds gamedll release
mp_teammatchstat_holdtime 5.000000Decide on a match stat and hold it additionally for at least so many seconds gamedll release
mp_teammatchstat_txt A non-empty string sets the match stat description, e.g. 'Match 2 of 3'. gamedll release
mp_teamname_1 A non-empty string overrides the first team's name. gamedll release
mp_teamname_2 A non-empty string overrides the second team's name. gamedll release
mp_teamplay false developmentonly gamedll notify defensive
mp_teamprediction_pct 0A value between 1 and 99 will show predictions in favor of CT team. gamedll release
mp_teamprediction_txt #SFUIHUD_Spectate_PredictionsA value between 1 and 99 will set predictions in favor of first team. gamedll release
mp_teamscore_1 0A non-empty string for best-of-N maps won by the first team. gamedll release
mp_teamscore_2 0A non-empty string for best-of-N maps won by the second team. gamedll release
mp_teamscore_max 0How many maps to win the series (bo3 max=2; bo5 max=3; bo7 max=4)
Min: 0

Max: 7
gamedll release
mp_technical_timeout_duration_s 0How many seconds is a full technical timeout? gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_technical_timeout_per_team 0How many technical timeouts are there per team? gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_timelimit 0.000000game time per map in minutes gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_tkpunish 0Will TK'ers and team damagers be punished in the next round? {0=no, 1=yes} gamedll replicated release
mp_tournament false developmentonly gamedll clientdll notify replicated defensive
mp_tournament_whitelist item_whitelist.txtSpecifies the item whitelist file to use. developmentonly gamedll defensive
mp_use_respawn_waves 0When set to 1, and that player's team is set to respawn, they will respawn in waves. If set to 2, teams will respawn when the whole team is dead. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_verbose_changelevel_spew 1 gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_warmup_items_drop_policy 247Which items can drop during warmup (bitfield, 1=gun, 2=c4, 4=nade, 8=defuser, 16=taser, 32=healthshot) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_warmup_items_nocost falseDetermines whether weapons are free to buy during warmup. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_warmup_items_nocount_policy 42Which items are unlimited during warmup (bitfield, 1=gun, 2=c4, 4=nade, 8=defuser/kevlar, 16=taser, 32=healthshot) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_warmup_jointeam_cooldown 2.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
mp_warmup_offline_enabled falseWhether or not to do a warmup period at the start of a match in an offline (bot) match. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_warmup_online_enabled trueWhether or not to do a warmup period at the start of an online match. gamedll clientdll replicated release
mp_warmup_pausetimer 0Set to 1 to stay in warmup indefinitely. Set to 0 to resume the timer. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_warmuptime 30.000000How long the warmup period lasts. Changing this value resets warmup.
Min: 5.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_warmuptime_all_players_connected 0.000000Warmup time to use when all players have connected. 0 to disable. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_warmuptime_match_cancelled 5.000000Warmup time to use when the match will be cancelled (eg. due to a live VAC ban). gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_weapon_next_owner_touch_time 1.300000 gamedll cheat release
mp_weapon_prev_owner_touch_time 1.500000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release
mp_weapon_self_inflict_amount 0.000000If Set to non-0, will hurt the attacker by the specified fraction of max damage if they miss. gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_weapons_allow_heavy -1Determines which team, if any, can purchase Heavy guns. -1 = any; 0 = non; 2 = Ts; 3 = CTs. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit falseDetermines whether heavyassaultsuit is permitted. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_weapons_allow_map_placed falseIf this convar is set, when a match starts, the game will not delete weapons placed in the map. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_weapons_allow_pistols -1Determines which team, if any, can purchase Pistols. -1 = any; 0 = non; 2 = Ts; 3 = CTs. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_weapons_allow_rifles -1Determines which team, if any, can purchase Rifles. -1 = any; 0 = non; 2 = Ts; 3 = CTs. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_weapons_allow_smgs -1Determines which team, if any, can purchase SMGs. -1 = any; 0 = non; 2 = Ts; 3 = CTs. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_weapons_allow_typecount 5Determines how many purchases of each weapon type allowed per player per round (0 to disallow purchasing, -1 to have no limit). gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_weapons_allow_zeus 1Determines how many Zeus purchases a player can make per round (0 to disallow, -1 to have no limit). gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_weapons_max_gun_purchases_per_weapon_per_match -1Max number of times a player may purchase any weapon per match
Min: -1

Max: 1
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_weaponstay false developmentonly gamedll notify defensive
mp_win_panel_display_time 3.000000The amount of time to show the win panel between matches / halfs gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
mp_winlimit 0Max score one team can reach before server changes maps
Min: 0
developmentonly gamedll clientdll notify replicated defensive
multigpu_skip_semaphores false developmentonly defensive
multigpu_skip_transfers false developmentonly defensive
muzzle_flash_debug false developmentonly clientdll
name unnamed archive per_user
nav_approach_points_area_size_threshold 200.000000Ignore nav areas with at least one side smaller than this amount during approach point calculation. developmentonly gamedll defensive
nav_avoid_obstacles true gamedll cheat
nav_bfs_debug 0 gamedll cheat
nav_corner_adjust_adjacent 18.000000radius used to raise/lower corners in nearby areas when raising/lowering corners. cheat
nav_curve_alt false gamedll cheat
nav_curve_iter 0 gamedll cheat
nav_curve_lock -1 gamedll cheat
nav_curve_max_step 10.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_curve_set -1 gamedll cheat
nav_curve_step 0.020000 gamedll cheat
nav_debug_blocked false gamedll cheat
nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset 32The offset of the nav drag volume top from center developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset 32The offset of the nav drag volume bottom from center developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
nav_draw_area_connections false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_area_filled true gamedll cheat
nav_draw_area_gravity false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_area_ground false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_area_hull_support false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_area_ids false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_area_inset_margin 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_draw_area_normal false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_area_should_be_destroyed false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_area_split_by_nav_link_mgr false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_area_split_by_obstacle_mgr false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_area_ztest false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_attribute_dynamic Draw all nav areas with this dynamic attribute gamedll cheat
nav_draw_attribute_game Draw all nav areas with this game attribute gamedll cheat
nav_draw_blocked true gamedll cheat
nav_draw_blocked_connections false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_connected_area_radius 1000.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_draw_dangerareas false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_externally_created false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_hidingspots false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_indirect_connections false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_jump_links false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_limit 300The maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode gamedll cheat
nav_draw_link_alignment false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_links false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_markup true gamedll cheat
nav_draw_mesh true gamedll cheat
nav_draw_mesh_grid falseDraw the mesh's spatial grid structure around the edit cursor position. gamedll cheat
nav_draw_mesh_offset 1.000000Vertical offset for drawing the mesh (useful for flat planes where the mesh is often a fixed offset from the physical ground gamedll cheat
nav_draw_space_cells false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_space_fly false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_space_neighbors false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_space_portals false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_space_radius 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_draw_space_scatter false gamedll cheat
nav_draw_space_swim false gamedll cheat
nav_edit 0Set to one to interactively edit the Navigation Mesh. Set to zero to leave edit mode. gamedll cheat
nav_edit_validate falseValidate navmesh structures. gamedll cheat
nav_find_occluded_node_nozup_use_raycast true gamedll cheat
nav_flow_map_enabled true developmentonly gamedll
nav_gen_add_jumps true cheat
nav_gen_agent_radius_buffer 0.750000Buffer to add to agent radius before passing to nav gen cheat
nav_gen_clip_polys_to_clearance true cheat
nav_gen_clip_polys_to_clearance_debug false cheat
nav_gen_connect_allow_multiple true cheat
nav_gen_connect_angle 0.750000 cheat
nav_gen_connect_angle_ignore_z true cheat
nav_gen_connect_dist_a 1.000000 cheat
nav_gen_connect_dist_b 1.500000 cheat
nav_gen_connect_dist_z_mult 0.500000 cheat
nav_gen_connect_overlap 0.500000 cheat
nav_gen_degen_limit 0.001000 cheat
nav_gen_false falseAlways false cheat
nav_gen_island_removal false cheat
nav_gen_island_removal_all_hulls true cheat
nav_gen_join_nonzup true cheat
nav_gen_jump_connection_min_overlap_ratio 0.100000Minimum edge overlap required for jump connection consideration as a percentage of agent radius cheat
nav_gen_markup_split_expand 2.000000 cheat
nav_gen_markup_split_tol_base 1.000000 cheat
nav_gen_markup_split_tol_nonav 1.000000 cheat
nav_gen_markup_split_tol_nonentity 8.000000 cheat
nav_gen_match_ground false cheat
nav_gen_max_bottleneck_width 128.000000 cheat
nav_gen_max_bottleneck_width_do_clip true cheat
nav_gen_max_edge_len 512.000000 cheat
nav_gen_max_edge_len_do_clip true cheat
nav_gen_max_edge_len_split_tol 24.000000 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads true cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_angle_limit 8.000000 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_num_steps 6 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_planar_deviation_limit 4.000000 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_se_limit_end 0.100000 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_se_limit_start 0.000010 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_weld_limit_end 0.010000 cheat
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_weld_limit_start 0.000000 cheat
nav_gen_oriented_angle_tol 15.000000Max abrupt orientation difference an NPC can tolerate when moving through the mesh (degrees). cheat
nav_gen_oriented_max_region_range 30.000000Max orientation range allowed within a region before it gets further split. cheat
nav_gen_remove_vertical_polys true cheat
nav_gen_split_boundary_polys false cheat
nav_gen_split_multi_connection_polys true cheat
nav_gen_split_multi_connection_polys_tol 0.010000 cheat
nav_gen_true trueAlways true cheat
nav_gen_vertical_limit 88.000000 cheat
nav_genrt_debug false gamedll cheat
nav_genrt_no_splice false gamedll cheat
nav_genrt_no_split false gamedll cheat
nav_genrt_step -1 gamedll cheat
nav_max_view_distance 0.000000Maximum range for precomputed nav mesh visibility (0 = default 1500 units) gamedll cheat
nav_max_vis_delta_list_length 64 cheat
nav_obstacle_genrt false gamedll cheat
nav_obstacle_validate false gamedll cheat
nav_obstruction_draw 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_obstruction_draw_dist -1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_obstruction_draw_change false gamedll cheat
nav_obstruction_draw_island 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_obstruction_draw_island_hull -1 gamedll cheat
nav_obstruction_draw_movefail_blocking false gamedll cheat
nav_path_debug false gamedll cheat
nav_path_debug_compute_with_open_goal 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_path_draw_areas false gamedll cheat
nav_path_draw_arrow true gamedll cheat
nav_path_draw_climb_segments true gamedll cheat
nav_path_draw_connected_areas false gamedll cheat
nav_path_draw_ground_segments true gamedll cheat
nav_path_draw_jump_segments true gamedll cheat
nav_path_draw_ladder_segments true gamedll cheat
nav_path_draw_link_segments true gamedll cheat
nav_path_draw_tick 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_path_fixup_climb_up_segments true gamedll cheat
nav_path_fixup_gap_segments false gamedll cheat
nav_path_jump_process_debug false gamedll cheat
nav_path_optimize true gamedll cheat
nav_path_optimize_portals true gamedll cheat
nav_path_optimizer_debug 0 gamedll cheat
nav_path_record_draw_last_fail false gamedll cheat
nav_path_record_enable 1 gamedll cheat
nav_pathfind_debug_log 0 gamedll cheat
nav_pathfind_draw 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_pathfind_draw_blocked 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_pathfind_draw_costs false gamedll cheat
nav_pathfind_draw_fail 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_pathfind_draw_total_costs false gamedll cheat
nav_pathfind_inadmissable_heuristic_factor 1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_pathfind_multithread false gamedll cheat
nav_potentially_visible_dot_tolerance 0.980000 gamedll cheat
nav_select_allow_blocked trueWhen selecting an area under nav_edit, allow area marked as blocked. gamedll cheat
nav_select_area_id -1Select nav area with matching ID. gamedll cheat
nav_select_block_id -1Select nav space block with matching ID. gamedll cheat
nav_select_hull 0Restrict area selection to areas that can support a hull of the given category gamedll cheat
nav_show_area_connections trueShow connections to selected area when true gamedll cheat
nav_show_area_info_font Consolas gamedll cheat
nav_show_area_info_font_size -1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_show_area_info_font_voffset -11.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_show_area_verts trueShow area vertex positions gamedll cheat
nav_show_area_water_info true gamedll cheat
nav_show_potentially_visible 0Show areas that are potentially visible from the current nav area cheat
nav_smooth_constrain_results true gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_constrain_results_relax 0.006000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_constrain_spring 2 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_constrain_spring_relax 0.010000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_draw_accel 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_draw_boundary 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_draw_calc false gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_draw_constraint_spline false gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_draw_constraint_spring 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_draw_speed 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_enable true gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_relax true gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_relax_use_timesteps false gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_const_override -1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_enable true gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_factor_deriv 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_factor_dist 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_factor_speed 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_forward_dist_base 50.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_forward_dist_time_limit 1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_max_dist 36.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_tension_max_override -1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_factor_accel 100.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_factor_speed 100.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_max 0.500000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_min 0.100000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_yaw_rotation_speed 50.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_spring_yaw_threshold 20.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_smooth_use_opt true gamedll cheat
nav_space_select_dist 1000.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_split_show_line falseShow the free split line. gamedll cheat
nav_test_area_gravity false gamedll cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_0 -1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_1 -1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_2 -1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_hex falseDemonstrates searching hexagonal lattice over nav mesh. gamedll cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_mark 2.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_simple false gamedll cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_0 24.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_1 48.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_2 96.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_bfs_simple false gamedll cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_circle 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_force false gamedll cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_grid_dim 90.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_path 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_rays 100.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_rays_margin -1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_rays_random false gamedll cheat
nav_test_boundary_zone_sphere 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_curve_opt 0 gamedll cheat
nav_test_detour false gamedll cheat
nav_test_find_nearest falseCalculate the nearest point on the navmesh to the trace point. Uses selection from nav_select_hull. gamedll cheat
nav_test_find_nearest_clear falseCalculate the nearest point on the navmesh to the trace point. Uses selection from nav_select_hull. gamedll cheat
nav_test_find_random_connected falseDemonstrates finding random points that are connected in the nav mesh to the start point. gamedll cheat
nav_test_find_random_connected_dist_max 1000.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_find_random_connected_dist_min 100.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_find_z 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_force_npc_repath false gamedll cheat
nav_test_genrt false gamedll cheat
nav_test_genrt_place false gamedll cheat
nav_test_getareaoverlapping_gravity false gamedll cheat
nav_test_getnearestnav_gravity false gamedll cheat
nav_test_multi_connection false gamedll cheat
nav_test_npc_area 0 gamedll cheat
nav_test_npc_collision 0 gamedll cheat
nav_test_npc_collision_range 250.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_npc_collision_show_geometry false gamedll cheat
nav_test_path falseCalculate and draw a path from player/camera position to the test position. gamedll cheat
nav_test_path_expansion_search 0.000000Extend nav_test_path by doing an expansion search on that path. Convar value defines dist. gamedll cheat
nav_test_path_lock_goal falseLock the pathfinding goal to the current intersection point. gamedll cheat
nav_test_path_lock_start falseLock the pathfinding start to the current intersection point. gamedll cheat
nav_test_path_move false gamedll cheat
nav_test_path_opt trueEnable path optimization for nav_edit_path paths. gamedll cheat
nav_test_path_opt_transitions false gamedll cheat
nav_test_path_return falseCalculate a return path from cursor position to the path calculated by nav_test_path. gamedll cheat
nav_test_path_space 0Should nav_test_path test 3d navigation? 1 = space to space, 2 = multi-modal space/ground gamedll cheat
nav_test_path_space_fly trueTest flight paths gamedll cheat
nav_test_path_space_swim trueTest swim paths gamedll cheat
nav_test_pos_name developmentonly gamedll defensive
nav_test_pos_place -1 developmentonly gamedll defensive
nav_test_ray_space 0 gamedll cheat
nav_test_rays false gamedll cheat
nav_test_smooth false gamedll cheat
nav_test_smooth_extern_push 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_smooth_in_speed 120.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_smooth_in_yaw 0.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_smooth_path_speed -1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_smooth_separating_dist -1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_smooth_spring_const -1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_smooth_spring_tension_max -1.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_spline 0 gamedll cheat
nav_test_split_obstacle 0 gamedll cheat
nav_test_split_obstacle_dirty false gamedll cheat
nav_test_split_obstacle_leave false gamedll cheat
nav_test_split_obstacle_size 30.000000 gamedll cheat
nav_test_split_obstacle_update_pos true gamedll cheat
nav_validate 0Level of validation for nav system. Higher will be slower. cheat
nav_volume_debug 0Draw or print debug information about nav volume queries. gamedll cheat
navspace_create_water_smooth_connections true gamedll cheat
navspace_create_water_transition_connections true gamedll cheat
navspace_debug_pathfind -1.000000 gamedll cheat
navspace_debug_stringpull 1.000000 gamedll cheat
navspace_debug_trace 0.000000 gamedll cheat
navspace_debug_transition_calc 0.000000 gamedll cheat
navspace_draw_water_changes 0.000000Draw changes in water volumes gamedll cheat
navspace_path_use_water_level_locator true gamedll cheat
net_allow_multicast true archive release
net_async_clientconnect trueEnable async client connect optimization developmentonly defensive
net_async_job_random_sleep 0.000000Sleep randomly 0..net_async_job_random_sleep ms in the parallel server jobs; sleep is per job developmentonly defensive
net_client_steamdatagram_enable_override 00: Use connect method requested by GC. >0: Always use SDR if possible. <0: Always use direct UDP if possible clientdll release
net_compresspackets_minsize 1024Don't bother compressing packets below this size. developmentonly
net_culloptimization trueEnable optimization of slow path that makes HLTV CPU consumption high in AnimGraph-using mods. Will switch to this on by default soon. developmentonly defensive
net_debug_to_file false developmentonly gamedll defensive
net_detailed_canpacket_log false developmentonly defensive
net_filelogging falseLog packets to files developmentonly
net_fs_showindirections false developmentonly
net_limit_sv_recv_max_message_size_kb 32Server will reject message larger than N kb release
net_limit_sv_recv_segments_per_packet 50Server will reject packets with more than N segments release
net_limit_sv_recvbuffer_kb 128Server will not buffer more than N kb from connected clients release
net_limit_sv_recvbuffer_msg 100Server will not buffer more than N messages from connected clients release
net_log_processing falseLog network processing developmentonly defensive
net_max_message_process_count 0Maximum number of messages to process from a client in a single frame (0 == no limit). developmentonly defensive
net_max_message_queue_size 0Maximum number of messages to allow waiting in queue after processing; exceeding this disconnects the client. 0 == no limit developmentonly defensive
net_max_polymorphic_spew 5Max polymorphic variants to spew when spewing a flattened serializer. developmentonly defensive
net_p2p_listen_dedicated falseShould dedicated server listen for new-style P2P? developmentonly defensive
net_public_adr For servers behind NAT/DHCP meant to be exposed to the public internet, this is the public facing ip address string: ("x.x.x.x" ) release
net_qosinterval_spew falseSpew QoS interval data as we gather it developmentonly
net_qospacketloss_percentage_threshold 5.000000Spew a warning if packet loss percentage is above this threshold
Min: 0.001000

Max: 100.000000
developmentonly defensive
net_restrict_showmsg_socket If set, only net_showmsg spew for data inbound on this socket name e.g. client, server, etc. developmentonly defensive
net_showdrop falseShow dropped packets in console developmentonly defensive
net_showeventlisteners falseShow listening addition/removals developmentonly gamedll defensive
net_showevents 0Dump game events to console (1=client only, 2=all). developmentonly gamedll defensive
net_showmsg 0Show incoming message: <0|1|2|name> where 1 == all and 2 == all except net_NOP developmentonly defensive
net_showoob falseShow connectionless UDP traffic. developmentonly defensive
net_showpeaks 0Show messages for large packets only: <size> developmentonly defensive
net_showreliable 0Like net_showmsg, but only spew reliable messages developmentonly defensive
net_showudp falseDump UDP packets summary to console release
net_showudp_remoteonly trueDump non-loopback udp only release
net_use_delta_property_fastpath 1 developmentonly defensive
net_use_packet_compression trueCompress network traffic developmentonly defensive
nextlevel If set to a valid map name, will trigger a changelevel to the specified map at the end of the round gamedll notify release
nextmap_print_enabled falseWhen enabled prints next map to clients gamedll release
nextmode Sets the game mode to be played when the next level loads gamedll notify replicated release
noclip_fixup true gamedll cheat
npcsolve_attract_draw false developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_constraint_nav true developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_constraint_npc true developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_drag_linear 0.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_forward true developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_forward_const 30000.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_forward_dist 200.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_forward_margin 5.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_path_close_const 0.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_path_close_max_tension 100.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_path_lookahead_const 4.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_path_lookahead_dist 100.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_path_vel_const 0.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_separation true developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_separation_const 10000.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_separation_dist 5.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_separation_draw false developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_separation_jitter 0.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
npcsolve_separation_r2 false developmentonly gamedll defensive
option_duck_method falseInput toggle control clientdll archive userinfo per_user
option_speed_method falseInput toggle control clientdll archive userinfo per_user
opus_decode_test_signal false developmentonly
opus_encode_test_signal false developmentonly
opus_unittest_test_signal false developmentonly
panorama_2d_translate_no_comp_layer true developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_3dpanel_anim_fadeinout_time_scale 2.000000temp scale factor for animation fade in/out time developmentonly clientdll
panorama_3dpanel_anims_pivotlock falsedefault true. developmentonly clientdll
panorama_3dpanel_camera_blend_mode 0 developmentonly clientdll
panorama_3dpanel_camera_inout_scale 0.100000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_3dpanel_camera_inout_scale_kb 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_3dpanel_camera_lookat_scale 0.100000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_3dpanel_camera_preset_blend_time 1.000000time to blend between camera presets developmentonly clientdll
panorama_3dpanel_camera_rotate_altitude_scale 0.004000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_3dpanel_camera_rotate_azimuth_scale 0.004000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_3dpanel_debuginfo_anim true developmentonly clientdll
panorama_3dpanel_debuginfo_cam true developmentonly clientdll
panorama_3dpanel_debuginfo_item true developmentonly clientdll
panorama_3dpanel_debuginfo_manifest true developmentonly clientdll
panorama_3dpanel_debuginfo_paused true developmentonly clientdll
panorama_3dpanel_debuginfo_player true developmentonly clientdll
panorama_3dpanel_light_move_scale 0.100000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_3dpanel_light_rotate_altitude_scale 0.004000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_3dpanel_light_rotate_azimuth_scale 0.004000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_3dpanel_loadout_rotate_drag 0.190000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_3dpanel_loadout_rotate_frametime_multiplier 4.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_3dpanel_loadout_rotate_grab_scale 0.500000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_3dpanel_loadout_rotate_scale 2.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_allow_texture_composition_layer_fast_path true developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_allow_transitions true developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_assert_loading_panel_type falseForce style invalidation of the entire panel subtree when adding / removing classes. developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_async_compute_mipgen trueuse asynchronous compute for mipmap generation. developmentonly clientdll
panorama_box_shadow_no_comp_layer true developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_cache_command_list_repaint_threshold 0.250000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_cache_command_list_size_threshold 2048 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_classes_force_invalidate falseForce style invalidation of the entire panel subtree when adding / removing classes. developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_clear_frames_on_device_restore 2 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_command_reordering true developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_comp_layer_lru_lifetime 1.000000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_composition_atlas true developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_console_max_autocomplete 100 developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
panorama_console_max_history 100 developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
panorama_console_max_lines 2000 developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
panorama_console_position_and_size clientdll hidden archive
panorama_daisy_wheel ABXYDaisy wheel input mode: RS | ABXY developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
panorama_dash_gap_ratio 0.500000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_dash_len 20.000000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_debug_movies false developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
panorama_debug_overlay_opacity 0.250000 hidden archive
panorama_debug_overlay_opacity_max 0.250000 hidden archive
panorama_debug_overlay_opacity_min 0.010000 hidden archive
panorama_debug_ready_for_display false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_debugger_theme Light clientdll archive
panorama_disable_blur false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_disable_box_shadow false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_disable_descendant_filtering falseDisable descendant selector filtering developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_disable_draw_fancy_quad false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_disable_draw_text false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_disable_draw_text_shadow false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_disable_layer_cache false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_disable_layer_clear false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_disable_render_callbacks false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_disable_render_target_cache false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_disallow_hover_styles false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_dragscroll_affordance 20Minimum mouse movement in pixels before a move is treated as a drag scroll developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_dragscroll_maxflickvelocity 8000.000000Maximum velocity for a drag scroll flick developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
panorama_dragscroll_minflickvelocity 60.000000Minimum velocity that the mouse must be moving as mouse up time to qualify as a drag scroll flick developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
panorama_dragscroll_mintime 0.020000Minimum time that the mouse button must be down before a move is treated as a drag scroll developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_dragscroll_velocitymultiplier 0.500000Multiplier for flick velocity off of actual measured velocity developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_enable_secondary_layout_pass true developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_focus_world_panels falsewhen set request key focus when a world panel is enabled clientdll archive
panorama_force_active_controller_type -1 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_force_text_shadow_strength -1.000000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_highlight_bad_opacity_masks false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_highlight_composition_layers false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_highlight_slow_operations false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_hsbc_through_fast_path true developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_joystick_axis_repeat_curve_time 1.000000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_joystick_axis_repeat_interval_end 0.050000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_joystick_axis_repeat_interval_start 0.220000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_joystick_button_repeat_curve_time 1.200000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_joystick_button_repeat_interval_end 0.100000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_joystick_button_repeat_interval_start 0.480000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_joystick_enabled falseEnable panorama joystick input archive
panorama_js_minidumps trueEnable sending minidumps on JS Exceptions. developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_label_wrap_before_shrink trueShould labels try to wrap text before using text-overflow: shrink developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
panorama_large_dispatch_event_queue 0 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_light_inout_scale 0.500000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_max_fps 120.000000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_max_oof_overlay_up_fps 4.000000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_max_overlay_fps 60.000000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_max_text_shadow_strength 10.000000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_might_scroll_no_comp_layer true developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_min_comp_layer_cache_cost 4096 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_movie_async_load_size_bytes 20971520 developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
panorama_movie_force_not_ready_behavior -1 developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
panorama_reload_animations 2 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_render_target_cache_max_size 31457280 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_script_cache_enabled trueEnable script caching to speed up recompiling scripts multiple times. developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_show_fps false developmentonly defensive
panorama_show_fps_scale 1.000000 developmentonly defensive
panorama_simple_borders_no_comp_layer true developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_spew_async_event_substring If non-empty, print debug info about async event queue and dispatch behavior for events containing the substring. developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_spew_layout_invalidates false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_stats_log_time 0.000000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_style_flag_force_invalidate falseForce style invalidation of the entire panel subtree when adding / removing style flags. developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_suspend_paint false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_temp_comp_layer_min_dimension 512.000000 developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_track_render_commands false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_transform_parents_no_layer_for_perspective false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_transforms_no_comp_layer false developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_transition_time_factor 1.000000A float representing a scale factor for transitions. 1.0 is normal, 2.0 would be twice as fast as normal, 0.5 half as fast developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_use_backbuffer_directly true developmentonly hidden defensive
panorama_worldpanel_update_cull_distance 1000.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_worldpanel_update_cull_size_threshold 5.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
panorama_worldpanel_update_culling false developmentonly clientdll defensive
particle_cluster_debug 0 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
particle_cluster_manager_search_dist 256.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
particle_cluster_nodraw false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
particle_cluster_use_collision_hulls true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
particle_debug_creation_filter developmentonly clientdll hidden replicated defensive
particle_layer_id_whitelist developmentonly
particle_powsimd_random_range_exp true developmentonly defensive
particle_snapshot_allow_combined_models false developmentonly
particle_test_attach_attachment 0Attachment index for attachment mode gamedll cheat
particle_test_attach_mode follow_attachmentPossible Values: 'start_at_attachment', 'follow_attachment', 'start_at_origin', 'follow_origin' gamedll cheat
particle_test_file Name of the particle system to dynamically spawn gamedll cheat
particles_multiplier 1Multiply # of rendered particles by this for perf testing cheat
partybrowser_throttle_data 0.150000 developmentonly clientdll
partybrowser_timeout 15.000000 developmentonly clientdll
password Current server access password archive dontrecord server_cannot_query missing1
path_simple_closest_point_on_path_debug false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
pawn_mimic_all false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
phonemedelay 0.000000Phoneme delay to account for sound system latency. developmentonly clientdll defensive
phonemefilter 0.080000Time duration of box filter to pass over phonemes. developmentonly clientdll defensive
phonemesnap 2Lod at level at which visemes stops always considering two phonemes, regardless of duration. developmentonly clientdll defensive
phys_active trueWhether PLAYER physics is actively simulated (ie. noclip) developmentonly gamedll defensive
phys_async_buoyancy_update falseIf true, buoyancy motion controllers are updated in an async job after the tick has completed. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_batch_ray_test 0 developmentonly clientdll defensive
phys_build_bounds false developmentonly defensive
phys_build_mass false developmentonly defensive
phys_buoyancy_angular_damping_multiplier 1.000000Multiply water damping for buoyancy affecting angular velocity developmentonly notify replicated defensive
phys_buoyancy_drag_multiplier 1.000000Multiply water drag (tries to equalize object velocity with the velocity of the water flow) developmentonly notify replicated defensive
phys_buoyancy_horizontal_damping_multiplier 0.000000Multiply water damping for buoyancy affecting linear velocity in the horizontal plane developmentonly notify replicated defensive
phys_buoyancy_max_acceleration 3200.000000Maximum acceleration that can be applied by water forces developmentonly notify replicated defensive
phys_buoyancy_vertical_damping_multiplier 1.000000Multiply water damping for buoyancy affecting linear velocity in the vertical direction developmentonly notify replicated defensive
phys_continuous_kinematic_update 0.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_cull_internal_mesh_contacts false developmentonly replicated defensive
phys_debug_showdefaultmaterial falseIf enabled, surfaces with default material are highlighted in physics debug geometry. cheat
phys_deterministic true developmentonly replicated defensive
phys_drag_multiplier 1.000000Multiply air drag developmentonly notify replicated defensive
phys_dump_filter_body_name developmentonly defensive
phys_dump_filter_solid_only false developmentonly defensive
phys_dump_filter_trace_callstack developmentonly defensive
phys_dynamic_scaling true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
phys_enable_fallback_toi true developmentonly replicated defensive
phys_enable_gjk_clipping false developmentonly replicated defensive
phys_expensive_shape_threshold 6 clientdll cheat
phys_fast_report_contacts 1when 1, fast path for collision reporting is implemented making triggers faster in some cases developmentonly defensive
phys_fastaddcloneshape false developmentonly defensive
phys_headshotscale 1.300000Modifier for the headshot impulse hits on players developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_highlight_expensive_objects falseHighlight expensive physics objects cheat
phys_highlight_expensive_objects_strength 0.020000Highlight expensive physics objects strength cheat
phys_impactforcescale 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
phys_implicit_integarator trueUse implicit integrator for gyroscopic forces developmentonly notify replicated defensive
phys_intermediate_notify_remove_only true developmentonly replicated defensive
phys_jiggle_bone_enable true developmentonly defensive
phys_joint_elasticity_max_rest 0.250000 developmentonly defensive
phys_joint_elasticity_min_rest 0.010000 developmentonly defensive
phys_joint_plasticity_threshold_max 0.100000 developmentonly defensive
phys_joint_plasticity_threshold_min 0.010000 developmentonly defensive
phys_joint_teleport trueTeleport joint anchors if connected to world gamedll cheat
phys_length_damping_ratio 2.000000Spring damping ratio for length constraint gamedll cheat
phys_length_frequency 5.000000Spring stiffness for length constraint gamedll cheat
phys_log_updaters false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_log_updaters_exclude weapon pistol rifle survivor common_male developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_log_updaters_include limbs developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_manifold_pool_enabled true developmentonly replicated defensive
phys_mesh_local_toi true developmentonly replicated defensive
phys_min_motion_controller_count_to_run_in_job 8 developmentonly defensive
phys_old_contact_draw false developmentonly defensive
phys_parallel_islands falseEnable/Disable Parallel Island Solving developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_playerscale 10.000000This multiplies the bullet impact impuse on players for more dramatic results when players are shot. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_position_iterations 2 developmentonly defensive
phys_powered_ragdoll_debug false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_pushscale 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_reload_immediately falseSet to 1 to reload resources and reconstruct physics of entities on the fly. May unexpectedly change behavior or crash the game, because game code is generally unaware of underlying resource reloads and may hold references to physics that may become invalid during resource reload. It is inherently harder for physics to deal with resource reloads because of persistent nature of objects being simulated (textures can be easily reloaded on the fly; if an entity holds a handle to a ragdoll body part, it may expect that handle to stay valid while the ragdoll exists) developmentonly defensive
phys_shoot_angular_speed 3600.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
phys_shoot_speed 250.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
phys_show_stats false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_skip_creating_trivial_islands false developmentonly replicated defensive
phys_solve_in_parallel_with_island_build false developmentonly replicated defensive
phys_step_threaded true developmentonly
phys_stressbodyweights 5.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
phys_threaded_kinematic_bone_update false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_threaded_transform_update false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_timescale 1.000000Scale time for physics developmentonly gamedll defensive
phys_upimpactforcescale 0.375000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
phys_use_block_solver trueUse block solving for constraint entities gamedll cheat
phys_validate false developmentonly defensive
phys_vehicleimpactforcescale 1.500000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
phys_velocity_iterations 8 developmentonly defensive
phys_visualize_awake_dynamic_only false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_visualize_awake_unattached_only false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
phys_visualize_traces false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
phys2_contact_debug_draw_size 2.000000 developmentonly defensive
phys2_debug_broadphase 0 developmentonly defensive
physcannon_maxforce 1500.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
physcannon_minforce 700.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
physics_hull_sphere_cast_sat_experimental 1 developmentonly defensive
pickup_check_period 0.250000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
player_botdifflast_s 2 clientdll archive release
player_competitive_maplist_2v2_10_0_CCC21262 mg_de_inferno,mg_de_nuke,mg_de_vertigo,mg_de_palais,mg_de_whistle,mg_de_overpass clientdll archive
player_competitive_maplist_8_10_0_E5CC76A3 mg_de_dust2,mg_de_train,mg_de_ancient,mg_de_inferno,mg_de_nuke,mg_de_vertigo,mg_de_mirage,mg_cs_office,mg_cs_italy,mg_de_edin,mg_de_anubis,mg_lobby_mapveto,mg_de_basalt,mg_de_overpass clientdll archive
player_debug_off_nav false gamedll cheat
player_debug_print_damage falseWhen true, print amount and type of all damage received by player to console. gamedll cheat
player_nevershow_communityservermessage 0 clientdll archive per_user
player_ping_token_cooldown 20.000000Cooldown for how long it takes for a player's ping token to refresh allowing them to ping again (they get 5 tokens). gamedll cheat release
player_survival_list_10_0_303 mg_dz_blacksite,mg_dz_sirocco,mg_dz_vineyard,mg_dz_ember clientdll archive
player_teamplayedlast 3 clientdll archive per_user
player_use_radius 80.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
player_wargames_list2_10_0_0 clientdll archive
player0_using_joystick false archive
population_distribution_debug 0.000000 developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
pred_cloth_pos_max 2.000000 developmentonly clientdll
pred_cloth_pos_multiplier 0.500000 developmentonly clientdll
pred_cloth_pos_strength 0.250000 developmentonly clientdll
pred_cloth_rot_high 0.100000 developmentonly clientdll
pred_cloth_rot_low 0.010000 developmentonly clientdll
pred_cloth_rot_multiplier 0.300000 developmentonly clientdll
pred_cloth_smooth_motion 1 developmentonly clientdll
pred_cloth_substeps 1 developmentonly clientdll
pred_cloth_vmax 2.000000 developmentonly clientdll
pred_cloth_vw 0.050000 developmentonly clientdll
presettle_cloth_iterations 30 developmentonly clientdll defensive
prop_debug_collision falseHighlights props based on their collision group: COLLISION_GROUP_PROPS(white), COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_DEBRIS(green), COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS and will return to COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_DEBRIS on sleeping(bright red), COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS permanently (dark red), COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS(blue), OTHER(grey) gamedll cheat
prop_nav_ignore_edge_len -1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
prop_nav_ignore_mass -1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
prop_nav_obstacle_avoid_mass 100.099998 developmentonly gamedll defensive
prop_nav_obstacle_avoid_use_connection_blocker false developmentonly gamedll defensive
prop_nav_obstacle_block_edge_min_a -1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
prop_nav_obstacle_block_edge_min_b -1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
prop_nav_obstacle_block_mass_a -1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
prop_nav_obstacle_block_mass_b -1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
props_break_apply_radial_forces true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
props_break_max_pieces_perframe 16Maximum prop breakable piece count per frame (-1 = model default) developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
props_break_radial_force_ratio 0.330000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
props_breakable_debug_spawn false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
pulse_save_execution_history trueKeep a history of all instructions run on a per graph basis. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
pulse_save_execution_history_limit 10000Keep a history of all instructions run on a per graph basis. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
pvs_debugentity -1Verbose spew for this entity when doing IsInPVS computation. gamedll release
pvs_flowtype 0Flow through spawn groups for vis (0 == default, 1 == always visible, 2 == never visible. gamedll release
pwatchent -1Entity to watch for prediction system changes. clientdll cheat
pwatchvar Entity variable to watch in prediction system for changes. clientdll cheat
r_add_views_in_pre_output true developmentonly defensive
r_AirboatViewDampenDamp 1.000000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated cheat
r_AirboatViewDampenFreq 7.000000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated cheat
r_AirboatViewZHeight 0.000000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated cheat
r_always_render_all_windows falseAlways force all engine & tools to render developmentonly defensive
r_aoproxy_cull_dist 12.000000Distance to cull the AO proxy as a factor of size developmentonly defensive
r_aoproxy_debug false clientdll cheat
r_aoproxy_enable true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_aoproxy_min_dist 3.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_aoproxy_min_dist_box 1.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_aoproxy_show false clientdll cheat
r_aspectratio 0.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_async_shader_compile_notify_frequency 10 developmentonly
r_bloom_tent_filter_radius 3.100000bloom mip up-sample filtering radius (using 3x3 tent filter, radius in mip level texels), 0.0 radius => box (2x2) filter with (fixed) 1.0 radius developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_cs2_show_icon_editor falseCSGO/Icon Editor developmentonly clientdll replicated cheat menubar_item
r_csgo_bloom_threshold_all_samples trueExecute bloom threshold once per sample during downsample (default enabled, higher quality, less bloom aliasing) developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_bloom_threshold_downsample_jimenez trueCustom downsample based on Jimenez14, (default enabled, higher quality, decreases bloom aliasing further) developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_cable_pixel_radius_clamp 1.200000Minimum clamped size in pixels of a cable (if using F_CLAMP_MIN_RADIUS 1 in cable material) developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_cmaa_debug_edges falsedebug visualize edges developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_cmaa_enable false developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_cmaa_extra_sharp falsetrade more sharpness for reduced antialiasing developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_cmaa_quality 30=low, 1=medium, 2=high, 3=ultra developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_csm_pushback_distance 7000.000000 developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_cubemap_normalization true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_debug_reflection_rects 0 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_decal_debug false clientdll cheat
r_csgo_decals_use_msaa false developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_depth_prepass true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_depth_prepass_cull_threshold 60.000000 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_depth_prepass_reflections_large true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_depth_prepass_reflections_small true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_depth_prepass_skybox_alpha_tested true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_depth_prepass_small_cull_threshold 10.000000 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_depth_prepass_viewmodel true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_directional_lightmaps true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_effects_bloom true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_effects_bloom_when_smoked false clientdll cheat
r_csgo_enable_cubemap_fog true developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_enable_glows true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_enable_gradient_fog true developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_enable_high_precision_lighting true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_enable_sunlight_check trueEnable vis tests for sunlight. developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_enable_tonemapping true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_enable_translucent_screen_space true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_enable_volume_fog false developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_firstpersonlegs_nearz_offset 0.100000 developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_fsr_enable_mip_bias trueApply negative mip bias when rendering with FSR. developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_fsr_rcas_sharpness 0.250000RCAS sharpness when using FSR + RCAS upsample. developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_fsr_upsample 00 == bilinear upsampe, 1 == FSR upsample, 2 == FSR + RCAS upsample developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_gpu_culling trueCSGO/Graphics/GPU Culling developmentonly clientdll menubar_item defensive
r_csgo_gpu_culling_camera_offset -0.500000 developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_gpu_culling_shadows falseCSGO/Graphics/GPU Cull Shadow Views developmentonly clientdll menubar_item defensive
r_csgo_gpu_culling_two_pass falseCSGO/Graphics/GPU Culling (Two Pass) developmentonly clientdll menubar_item defensive
r_csgo_joint_upscale_sigma 0.002000 developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_lowend_objects true0 = Force disable, 1 = use video settings developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_mboit true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_mboit_bias 0.000005 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_mboit_debug false clientdll cheat
r_csgo_mboit_force_mixed_resolution false developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_mboit_overestimation 0.010000 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_mboit_upscale_cs false clientdll cheat
r_csgo_mboit_use_4_moments false clientdll cheat
r_csgo_microshadowing true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_mixed_resolution_color_slices false clientdll cheat
r_csgo_mixed_resolution_particles true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_mixed_resolution_particles_minmax false clientdll cheat
r_csgo_mixed_resolution_particles_scale 2 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_mouse_trace_coord true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_msaa_resolve_apply_exposure_scale true0 - before, 1 - after fix for a2c fringing developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_multiscattering true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_no_shader_resolve false clientdll cheat
r_csgo_outline_glow_scaledenom 1 developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_csgo_override_global_time true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_postprocess_enable true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_preview_csm_max_visible_distance 2000.000000 developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_preview_csm_pushback_distance 1500.000000 developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_prewarm_particles false developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_r11g11b10_dither_mode 20 - disabled, 1 - regular dither noise, 2 - blue noise dither developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_readonly_depth_stencil_enable true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_reconstruct_normals false clientdll cheat
r_csgo_reconstruct_normals_method 0 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_reflection_min_far_plane 5000.000000 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_decals true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_decals_on_translucent true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_dither_scale 1.000000 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_dynamic_objects true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_inferno_decals true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_opaque true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_overlays true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_post_bloom 1 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_post_bloom_strength -1.000000 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_post_colorcorrection 0 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_post_film_grain 0 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_post_fxaa 0 developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_csgo_render_post_local_contrast true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_post_mirror_horizontal 0 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_post_mirror_vertical 0 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_render_translucent true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_resolve_dither_bluenoise_amount 4.000000Equivalent to r_csgo_render_dither_scale, but purely to control bluenoise for R11G11B10 downsample dither (if r_csgo_r11g11b10_dither_mode = 2) developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_resolve_dither_noise_amount 0.200000Amount of screen space dither noise to apply during resolve (used/essential with R11G11B10_FLOAT RT) developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_shadow_map_allocation_failure_policy 1What happens when a shadow map fails allocation? 0 = don't render, 1 = render unshadowed developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_csgo_shadows_debug 0 clientdll cheat
r_csgo_smoke_avoid_flat true developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_smoke_clip_sniper true developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_smoke_fullres_enhance falseEnhance edges of smokes to eliminate bad pixels developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_smoke_fullres_pass trueDoes a full res pass to cover holes and artifacts in smoke low res developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_smoke_overlay_min_dt 0.015686 developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_smoke_shadow true developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_smoke_upscale_discard_pixels_behind falseWhen upsampling smoke discard pixels behind solid depth to avoid pixelated artifacts developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_stencil_sniper_zoom true developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_tools_vis_cubemap_roughness 0.000100 developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_csgo_upscale_depth_threshold 3.000000 developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_viewmodel_csm_pushback_distance 1000.000000 developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_viewmodel_envmap_clamp_plane_distance 24.000000 developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_csgo_viewmodel_envmap_position_bias 0.850000 developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_csgo_viewmodel_far_plane 100.000000 developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_viewmodel_near_plane 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_volume_mboit_optimization true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_water_effects true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_water_reflections true developmentonly clientdll
r_csgo_water_refraction true clientdll cheat
r_csgo_water_skybox_depth true developmentonly clientdll
r_cubemap_debug_colors 0 cheat
r_dac_disable_portrait_world_renderer false developmentonly clientdll
r_dashboard_render_quality true developmentonly clientdll missing1 defensive
r_debug_draw_safe_area_insets falseRender safe area insets as wireframe. developmentonly
r_debug_particle_shadows false clientdll cheat
r_debug_precipitation falseShow precipitation volumes clientdll cheat
r_decals 2048 developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_decals_additional_offset 0.010000 developmentonly clientdll replicated defensive
r_decals_default_fade_duration 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll replicated defensive
r_decals_default_start_fade 30.000000 developmentonly clientdll replicated defensive
r_decals_overide_fadestarttime_params -1.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated commandline_enforced defensive
r_decals_overlap_threshold 6 developmentonly clientdll replicated defensive
r_depth_of_field 10 = off, 1 = enabled (high quality, circular bokeh, HDR) developmentonly clientdll
r_detail_lerp_znormal 0.890000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_detailprop_fade_dist 3000.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_detailprop_force_probe false developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_detailprop_lod_dist 4000.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_directional_lightmaps true developmentonly defensive
r_directlighting trueSet to use direct lighting cheat
r_dof_override false cheat
r_dof_override_far_blurry 2000.000000 cheat
r_dof_override_far_crisp 180.000000 cheat
r_dof_override_near_blurry -100.000000 cheat
r_dof_override_near_crisp 0.000000 cheat
r_dof_override_tilt_to_ground 0.500000 cheat
r_dof2_maxblursize 5.000000 developmentonly clientdll
r_dof2_radiusscale 0.250000 developmentonly clientdll
r_dopixelvisibility true cheat
r_draw_first_tri_only false cheat
r_draw_instances true cheat
r_draw_overlays true developmentonly defensive
r_draw_particle_children_with_parents -1Draw particle children with parents (-1=use gameinfo, 0=no, 1=yes) cheat
r_draw3dskybox true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_drawblankworld falseRender blank instead of the game world cheat
r_drawcsplayers trueRender CS players clientdll cheat
r_drawdecals trueSet to render decals cheat
r_drawdetailprops true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_drawdevvisualizers falseRender dev visualizers clientdll cheat
r_drawchickens trueRender chickens clientdll cheat
r_drawmodeldecals true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_drawpanorama trueEnable the rendering of panorama UI cheat
r_drawparticles trueEnable/disable particle rendering cheat
r_drawpixelvisibility falseShow the occlusion proxies developmentonly defensive
r_drawropes true clientdll cheat
r_drawskybox trueRender the 2d skybox. cheat
r_drawtracers true clientdll cheat
r_drawtracers_firstperson trueToggle visibility of first person weapon tracers clientdll archive release
r_drawviewmodel trueRender view model clientdll cheat
r_drawworld trueRender the world. cheat
r_dx11_software_cmd_lists trueEnable Software Command lists for DX11 (Avoid using deferred contexts) developmentonly defensive
r_enable_rigid_animation false developmentonly clientdll
r_experimental_lag_limiter false developmentonly defensive
r_extra_render_frames 0 cheat
r_fallback_texture_lod_scale 2.000000Scale factor for requested texture size (texture streaming) - used for geo that doesn't have a precomputed UV density measure cheat
r_farz -1.000000Override the far clipping plane. -1 means to use the value in env_fog_controller. clientdll cheat
r_flashlightambient 0.000000 clientdll cheat
r_flashlightbacktraceoffset 0.400000 clientdll cheat
r_flashlightbrightness 1.000000 clientdll replicated cheat
r_flashlightconstant 0.000000 clientdll replicated cheat
r_flashlightfar 1500.000000 clientdll replicated cheat
r_flashlightfov 53.000000 clientdll replicated cheat
r_flashlightladderdist 40.000000 clientdll cheat
r_flashlightlinear 100.000000 clientdll replicated cheat
r_flashlightlockposition false clientdll cheat
r_flashlightmuzzleflashfov 120.000000 clientdll cheat
r_flashlightnear 4.000000 clientdll replicated cheat
r_flashlightnearoffsetscale 1.000000 clientdll cheat
r_flashlightoffsetforward 0.000000 clientdll replicated cheat
r_flashlightoffsetright 5.000000 clientdll replicated cheat
r_flashlightoffsetup -5.000000 clientdll replicated cheat
r_flashlightquadratic 0.000000 clientdll replicated cheat
r_flashlightshadowatten 0.350000 clientdll cheat
r_flashlighttracedistcutoff 128.000000 clientdll cheat
r_flashlighttracedistwatercutoff 80.000000 clientdll cheat
r_flashlightvisualizetrace false clientdll cheat
r_flush_on_pooled_ib_resize true release
r_force_no_present falseForce the render device to not present frames. cheat
r_force_render_frame_count 5The number of frames to render when a developmentonly
r_force_thick_hair false developmentonly defensive
r_force_zprepass -10: Force z prepass off. 1: Force on. -1: Don't force cheat
r_frame_sync_enable true developmentonly defensive
r_freeze_sceneobjects false developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_freezeparticles falsePause particle simulation cheat
r_fullscreen_gamma 2.200000Screen Gamma (only in fullscreen modes)
Min: 1.000000

Max: 4.000000
archive missing1
r_fullscreen_quad_single_triangle true developmentonly
r_grass_allow_flattening false developmentonly defensive
r_grass_alpha_test 1 developmentonly defensive
r_grass_density_mode 10 = Density corresponds to blade existance, 1 = Density corresponds to blade height, 2 = Both 0 and 1 developmentonly defensive
r_grass_end_fade 3900.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_grass_max_brightness_change 75.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_grass_parallel_load false developmentonly defensive
r_grass_quality 30 = Off, 1 = Low, 2 = Med, 3 = high, 4 = ultra developmentonly defensive
r_grass_start_fade 3000.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_grass_vertex_lighting 0 developmentonly defensive
r_hair_voxels -1 developmentonly defensive
r_haircull_percent -1.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_hairsort true developmentonly defensive
r_character_decal_renderdoc_capture false developmentonly
r_character_decal_resolution 1024Resolution of character decal texture.
Min: 256
developmentonly defensive
r_icon_csm_pushback_distance -1.000000csm pushback distance, should be much shorter/disabled for icon rendering developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_icon_custommaterial_maxres 512maxres for custommaterials when rendering icons developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_icon_generate_offline_mips falsegenerate mips via sidecar file for offline developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_icon_generate_runtime_mips truegenerate mips for runtime developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_icon_highcontrast_postprocessing_weight 0.375000if using high contrast postprocessing, use this weight (weight = 1.0 for characters)
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_icon_max_mip_width 128r_icon_max_mip_width developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_icon_player_equip_gloves_from_loadout falseequip gloves on player for icon rendering from loadout, or use default gloves developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_icon_reload_map falseforce reload map on new request developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_icon_rendering_height 384icon rendering height developmentonly clientdll hidden cheat
r_icon_rendering_msaa_mode_4xnice 4MSAA mode used for icon rendering 0-none, 1-2xMSAA, 2-4xMSAA, 3-6X, 4-8X, etc developmentonly clientdll hidden cheat
r_icon_rendering_width 512icon rendering width developmentonly clientdll hidden cheat
r_icon_show_timing falseshow timing in output developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_icon_use_kv3_camera falseuse test kv3 data for camera developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_impact_ricochet_chance 0.300000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_impacts_alt_orientation true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_impacts_decal_grazing_incidence_cutoff 0.550000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_impacts_decal_grazing_incidence_variance 0.100000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_indirectlighting trueSet to use indirect lighting cheat
r_JeepViewDampenDamp 1.000000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated cheat
r_JeepViewDampenFreq 7.000000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated cheat
r_JeepViewZHeight 10.000000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated cheat
r_late_particle_job_sync false developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_legacy_vsync falseUse legacy vsync mode -- for testing for a couple user machines. developmentonly hidden defensive
r_light_flickering_enabled true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
r_light_probe_volume_debug_colors 0 cheat
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid falseShow LPV debug grid, 0: off, 1: closest only 2: closest and keep 3: all cheat
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_albedo 128 128 128albedo for LPV debug grid cheat
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_bbox trueShow LPV bounding box when debug grid is on, 0: off, 1: on cheat
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_metalness 0.000000metalness for LPV debug grid cheat
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_prim 00: spheres, 1: cubes cheat
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_roughness 0.500000roughness for LPV debug grid cheat
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_samplesize 4.000000sphere radius (world) for LPV debug grid cheat
r_lightmap_set lightmapsLightmap set to use, only works on map load cheat
r_lightmap_size 65536Maximum lightmap resolution. developmentonly defensive
r_lightmap_size_directional_irradiance -1Maximum lightmap resolution for directional_irradiance channel. -1 = use value of r_lightmap_size developmentonly defensive
r_limit_particle_job_duration false developmentonly defensive
r_low_latency 1NVIDIA Low Latency/AMD Anti-Lag 2 (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = NV-only, on + boost) developmentonly defensive
r_low_latency_trigger_flash trueNVIDIA Low Latency Trigger Flash developmentonly defensive
r_mapextents 16384.000000Set the max dimension for the map. This determines the far clipping plane clientdll cheat
r_max_texture_pool_size 0Upper limit on texture pool size. developmentonly defensive
r_mixed_shadows_fade_in_time 0.500000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
r_mixed_shadows_fade_out_time 0.500000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
r_monitor_3dskybox true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_morphing_enabled true cheat
r_multigpu_num_gpus_found 1 developmentonly defensive
r_multigpu_num_gpus_used 1 developmentonly defensive
r_muzzleflashbrightness 0.400000 clientdll replicated cheat
r_muzzleflashlinear 0.050000 clientdll replicated cheat
r_nearz -1.000000Override the near clipping plane. -1 means use the default. clientdll cheat
r_particle_cables_cast_shadows true developmentonly defensive
r_particle_debug_filter Limit debug visualizations to substring match of effect name developmentonly defensive
r_particle_debug_force_simulation 0-1 for all asleep, 1 for all awake developmentonly defensive
r_particle_debug_randomseeds falseUse random seeds in debug developmentonly defensive
r_particle_enable_fastpath true developmentonly
r_particle_fixedrandomseeds falseUse fixed seeds for easier debugging developmentonly
r_particle_force_material_binds false developmentonly defensive
r_particle_gpu_implicit true developmentonly defensive
r_particle_gpu_implicit_debug_bricks false developmentonly
r_particle_gpu_implicit_debug_stats false developmentonly
r_particle_gpu_implicit_debug_wireframe false developmentonly
r_particle_gpu_implicit_lds_cache false developmentonly
r_particle_max_detail_level 3The maximum detail level of particle to create developmentonly defensive
r_particle_max_draw_distance 1000000.000000The maximum distance that particles will render cheat
r_particle_max_size_cull 1200.000000Particle systems larger than this in every dimension skip culling to save CPU. They will be drawn anyway. developmentonly defensive
r_particle_max_texture_layers -1 developmentonly defensive
r_particle_min_timestep 0.000000A minimum on particle simulation time, particle simulation happening more frequently than this will lerp. developmentonly defensive
r_particle_mixed_resolution_viewstart 500.000000 developmentonly
r_particle_model_old false developmentonly
r_particle_model_per_thread_count 32 developmentonly
r_particle_newinput falseEnable input path in particle ops developmentonly
r_particle_render_refreshes_sleep_timer trueDisable to get a better look at what's happening offscreen developmentonly
r_particle_render_test falserender particles 100 times and show perf developmentonly defensive
r_particle_shadow_map_texture_size 1536 developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_particle_shadows true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_particle_shadows_cast_on_particles true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_particle_shadows_cast_on_particles_scale true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_particle_shadows_cast_on_world true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_particle_shadows_compute true clientdll release
r_particle_timescale 1.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_particle_warn_threshold_ms 0.000000Threshold to warn about when rendering particles. developmentonly defensive
r_physics_particle_op_spawn_scale 1.000000 developmentonly
r_pipeline_stats_command_flush falseExperimental: Set to 1 to enable full GPU pipeline flushing after each command list. developmentonly defensive
r_pipeline_stats_flush_before_sleeping falseExperimental: Set to 1 to enable GPU pipeline flushes right before the render thread sleeps to wait for more work. developmentonly defensive
r_pipeline_stats_present_flush falseExperimental: Set to 1 to enable full GPU pipeline flushing after each present. developmentonly defensive
r_pipeline_stats_use_flush_api trueExperimental: Set to 1 to use the ID3D11DeviceContext11::Flush() to flush the GPU pipeline instead of queries. developmentonly defensive
r_pixelvisibility_partial true cheat
r_pixelvisibility_spew false cheat
r_player_fog_distance_multiplier 1.700000 developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_player_fog_maxdensity_multiplier 0.600000 developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_player_visibility_mode 1 clientdll archive release
r_player_visibility_stencil true developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_player_visibility_strength 1.100000 developmentonly clientdll cheat
r_post_bloom_debug 01 = bloom output (before thresholding), 2 = quarter res downsample, 3 = quarter res effects bloom 4 = quarter res effects raw developmentonly clientdll
r_propsmaxdist 1200.000000Maximum visible distance developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_RainAllowInSplitScreen falseAllows rain in splitscreen developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_RainParticleDensity 1.000000Density of Particle Rain 0-1 developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_refraction_clip_plane_adjust -1.000000 clientdll cheat
r_render_to_cubemap_begin_mixing_roughness 0.250000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_render_to_cubemap_debug false developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_render_world_node_bounds falseRender world node bounds cheat
r_renderdoc_open_captures true developmentonly defensive
r_renderdoc_validation_error_capture_limit 5 developmentonly defensive
r_rendersun trueRender sun lighting cheat
r_replay_post_effect -1 clientdll cheat
r_reset_character_decals false developmentonly defensive
r_ropetranslucent true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_screen_size_expansion 0 developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_shadows true cheat
r_shadowtile_waveops false reference
r_show_build_info trueBuild information. Leave this enabled when submitting bug screenshots and videos, please! clientdll archive release
r_show_time_info falseShow real time, large. clientdll release
r_showdebugoverlays falseSet to render debug overlays cheat
r_showdebugrendertarget falseSet the debug render target to show, 0 == disable cheat
r_showsceneobjectbounds falseShow scenesystem object bounding boxes cheat
r_showsunshadowdebugrendertargets falseSet to render sun shadow render targets cheat
r_showsunshadowdebugsplitvis falseSet to render sun shadow split visibility debugger cheat
r_size_cull_threshold 0.330000Threshold of screen size percentage below which objects get culled developmentonly
r_size_cull_threshold_fade 7.500000% above the screen size percentage where we will start fading out (==0 will disable fading). developmentonly
r_size_cull_threshold_shadow 0.200000Threshold of shadow map size percentage below which objects get culled cheat
r_skinning_enabled true cheat
r_skip_precache_validation_check true developmentonly defensive
r_smooth_morph_normals false release
r_ssao trueSet to use screen-space ambient occlusion developmentonly defensive
r_ssao_bias 2.500000 developmentonly defensive
r_ssao_blur true developmentonly defensive
r_ssao_radius 8.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_ssao_strength 3.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_stereo_multiview_instancing falseUse multiview instancing for stereo rendering. cheat
r_strip_invisible_during_sceneobject_update false developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_suppress_redundant_state_changes true developmentonly defensive
r_texture_budget_dynamic trueDynamically adjust texture streaming budget based on GPU memory usage. developmentonly defensive
r_texture_budget_threshold 0.900000Reduce texture memory pool size when this percentage of the budget is full. developmentonly defensive
r_texture_budget_update_period 0.500000Time (in seconds) between updating texture memory budget. developmentonly defensive
r_texture_eager_eviction false developmentonly defensive
r_texture_hookup_uses_threadpool trueAsync Texture hookup uses its own threadpool instead of the global pool. developmentonly defensive
r_texture_lod_scale 1.000000Scale factor for requested texture size (texture streaming) cheat
r_texture_nonstreaming_load trueAllow immediately loading mips of textures (when possible) when their headers are loaded, saving IO & reducing latency. developmentonly defensive
r_texture_pool_increase_rate 64.000000Increase texture memory pool size by this many MB / s when under budget. developmentonly defensive
r_texture_pool_reduce_rate 256.000000Reduce texture memory pool size by this many MB / s when over budget. developmentonly defensive
r_texture_pool_size 1600Total size of the texture pool in MB developmentonly defensive
r_texture_stream_max_resolution 2147483647Maximum resolution for top mip level in streaming textures
Min: 512
developmentonly defensive
r_texture_stream_mip_bias 0Biases the mip level the texture streaming system choses to stream for each texture. developmentonly defensive
r_texture_stream_resolution_bias 1.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_texture_stream_resolution_bias_decrease_rate 0.100000 developmentonly defensive
r_texture_stream_resolution_bias_increase_rate 0.050000 developmentonly defensive
r_texture_stream_resolution_bias_min 1.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_texture_stream_resolution_bias_update_period 0.500000 developmentonly defensive
r_texture_stream_throttle_amount 10.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_texture_stream_throttle_count 3 developmentonly defensive
r_texture_stream_throttle_count_over_budget 1 developmentonly defensive
r_texture_streaming_timesliced true developmentonly defensive
r_texture_streamout_unthrottle_ms 0.200000After hitting throttling limits for streamout, allow it to continue up to this number of milliseconds. developmentonly defensive
r_texturefilteringquality 10: Bilinear, 1: Trilinear, 2: Aniso 2x, 3: Aniso 4x, 4: Aniso 8x, 5: Aniso 16x developmentonly missing1 defensive
r_threaded_particles true developmentonly defensive
r_threaded_scene_object_update true developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_timestamp_query_multiplier 1.000000Set the TIMESTAMP query cycle multiplier, for drivers that lie developmentonly defensive
r_translucent trueEnable rendering of translucent geometry cheat
r_update_particles_on_render_only_frames false developmentonly clientdll defensive
r_use_memory_budget_model falseUse a model of GPU memory use to determine budget rather than querying the OS. developmentonly defensive
r_validate_texture_streaming falseDumps state of texture streaming at the next frame boundary. developmentonly defensive
r_vconsole_foregroundforcerender trueWhen VConsole is in the foreground, force all engine & tools to render developmentonly defensive
r_wait_on_present false developmentonly defensive
r_world_frame_load_threshold_ms 10.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_world_wind_dir 0.707000 0.707000 0.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_world_wind_frequency_grass 0.030000 developmentonly defensive
r_world_wind_frequency_trees 0.003000 developmentonly defensive
r_world_wind_offset_speed 0.250000 0.300000 0.200000 developmentonly defensive
r_world_wind_smooth_time 2.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_world_wind_strength 40.000000 developmentonly defensive
r_zprepass_normals false0: Use normals reconstructed from depth. 1: Output correct normals in z prepass. cheat
radarvisdistance 1000.000000at this distance and beyond you need to be point right at someone to see them
Min: 10.000000
gamedll cheat
radarvismaxdot 0.996000how closely you have to point at someone to see them beyond max distance
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
gamedll cheat
radarvismethod 10 for traditional method, 1 for more realistic method
Min: 0

Max: 1
gamedll cheat
radarvispow 0.400000the degree to which you can point away from a target, and still see them on radar. gamedll cheat
ragdoll_debug_item_detachment false developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
ragdoll_friction_scale 0.600000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ragdoll_gravity_scale 1.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ragdoll_impact_strength 500.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
ragdoll_lru_debug_removal false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ragdoll_lru_min_age 10.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ragdoll_move_entity false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ragdoll_override_root_orientation true developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
ragdoll_parallel_pose_control false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
ragdoll_prop_settle trueEnable more aggressive ragdoll settling developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
ragdoll_prop_sleepaftertime 4.000000After this many seconds of being basically stationary, the ragdoll will go to sleep. developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
ragdoll_prop_sleepdisabletime 1.500000Ragdoll is not allowed to physically sleep until this timer has elapsed. developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
ragdoll_relax_limts false developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
ragdoll_resolve_initial_conflict true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ragdoll_resolve_separation true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ragdoll_scale_sleep_tolerance true developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
ragdoll_update_from_weights false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
ragdoll_validate_targetpose true developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
ragdoll_visualize_creation_skeleton false developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
ragdoll_visualize_targetpose false developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
rate 786432Min bytes/sec the host can receive data
Min: 98304

Max: 1000000
archive userinfo
rcon_address Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p) dontrecord release server_cannot_query
rcon_connected_clients_allow trueAllow clients to use rcon commands on server. replicated release
rcon_password remote console password. dontrecord release server_cannot_query
recast_mark_overhang trueEnable/disable overhang detection replicated cheat
recast_partitioning 00 = watershed, 1 = monotone, 2 = layers replicated cheat
replay_debug 0 replicated release
report_cliententitysim falseList all clientside simulations and time - will report and turn itself off. clientdll cheat
report_clientthinklist falseList all clientside entities thinking and time - will report and turn itself off. clientdll cheat
report_connection_failure_percentage 0.000000 developmentonly defensive
reset_voice_on_input_stallout falseIf true, resets the input device when there was a long enough hitch between callbacks. userinfo
resourcesystem_multiframe_finalize_time_msec 10.000000Max time to spend finalizing resources per frame in miliseconds. developmentonly
rope_averagelight trueMakes ropes use average of cubemap lighting instead of max intensity. developmentonly clientdll defensive
rope_collide 1Collide rope with the world developmentonly clientdll defensive
rope_shake false developmentonly clientdll defensive
rope_smooth_enlarge 1.400000How much to enlarge ropes in screen space for antialiasing effect developmentonly clientdll defensive
rope_smooth_maxalpha 0.500000Alpha for rope antialiasing effect developmentonly clientdll defensive
rope_smooth_maxalphawidth 1.750000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
rope_smooth_minalpha 0.200000Alpha for rope antialiasing effect developmentonly clientdll defensive
rope_smooth_minwidth 0.300000When using smoothing, this is the min screenspace width it lets a rope shrink to developmentonly clientdll defensive
rope_subdiv 2Rope subdivision amount
Min: 0

Max: 8
developmentonly clientdll defensive
rope_wind_dist 1000.000000Don't use CPU applying small wind gusts to ropes when they're past this distance. developmentonly clientdll defensive
rr_dacmode falseIf set to 1, enable special functionality for DAC developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
rr_debugclassname If set, rr_debugclassname will print only response tests where 'classname' corresponds to this variable. Use to filter for a specific character. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
rr_debugresponseconcept If set, rr_debugresponseconcept will print only responses testing for the specified concept developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
rr_debugresponses 0Show verbose matching output (1 for simple, 2 for rule scoring, 3 for noisy). If set to 4, it will only show response success/failure for npc_selected NPCs. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
rr_debugrule If set to the name of the rule, that rule's score will be shown whenever a concept is passed into the response rules system. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
rr_followup_maxdist 1800.000000'then ANY' or 'then ALL' response followups will be dispatched only to characters within this distance. gamedll cheat
rr_thenany_score_slop 0.000000When computing respondents for a 'THEN ANY' rule, all rule-matching scores within this much of the best score will be considered. gamedll archive cheat
rtx_dynamic_blas falseAllow dynamic BLAS creation for geometry going through the compute shader skinning path. developmentonly defensive
rtx_force_default_hitgroup falseForces all ray traced geometry to use default hit shaders instead of specialized ones. developmentonly defensive
rubikon_joint_always_draw_at_pivot_point true developmentonly defensive
rubikon_joint_deepdebugging false developmentonly defensive
run_voicecontainer_async false developmentonly
safezonex 1.000000The percentage of the screen width that is considered safe from overscan. Cannot result in a width less than the height.
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive
safezoney 1.000000The percentage of the screen height that is considered safe from overscan
Min: 0.800000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive
save_async true developmentonly gamedll defensive
save_fake_hitch 0Force a busy wait for the specified number of milliseconds during save to simulate a hitch developmentonly gamedll defensive
save_history_count 1Keep this many old copies in history of autosaves and quicksaves. developmentonly gamedll defensive
save_maxarray_spew 10Max number of array entries to spew when using SaveRestoreIO spewing. gamedll release
save_screenshot 20 = none, 1 = non-autosave, 2 = always, 3 = bug_only developmentonly gamedll defensive
save_spew false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sc_aggregate_debug_draw_meshlets falseSceneSystem/Aggregates/Visualize Meshlets developmentonly menubar_item
sc_aggregate_fragment_merging true developmentonly
sc_aggregate_gpu_culling trueToggles GPU culling of aggregate meshes developmentonly defensive
sc_aggregate_gpu_culling_conservative_bounds false developmentonly
sc_aggregate_gpu_culling_show_culled falseSceneSystem/Aggregates/Show GPU Culled Meshes developmentonly menubar_item
sc_aggregate_gpu_occlusion_culling true developmentonly defensive
sc_aggregate_gpu_vis_culling true developmentonly defensive
sc_aggregate_indirect_draw_compaction trueUse multidrawindirect...count if the driver/hardware supports it release
sc_aggregate_indirect_draw_compaction_threshold 8Threshold of indirect draws when we will do compaction
Min: 1
sc_aggregate_material_solo developmentonly cheat
sc_aggregate_show_outside_vis false developmentonly
sc_allow_dithered_lod trueAllow use of dithered lod transitions developmentonly defensive
sc_allow_dynamic_constant_batching true developmentonly defensive
sc_allow_precomputed_vismembers true developmentonly defensive
sc_allow_write_depth_before_blend true developmentonly defensive
sc_barnlight_enable_precomputed_vis falseEnable use of precomputed vis membership for lights (requires map restart) developmentonly defensive
sc_batch_layer_cb_updates true developmentonly defensive
sc_bounds_group_cull true developmentonly defensive
sc_cache_envmap_lpv_lookup true developmentonly defensive
sc_clutter_density_full_size 0.050000Screen-size where clutter will be full density developmentonly defensive
sc_clutter_density_none_size 0.010000Screen-size where clutter will be gone developmentonly defensive
sc_clutter_draw trueSceneSystem/Aggregates/Draw Aggregates developmentonly menubar_item
sc_disable_baked_lighting false developmentonly defensive
sc_disable_culling_boxes false cheat
sc_disable_procedural_layer_rendering false cheat
sc_disable_shadow_fastpath false cheat
sc_disable_shadow_materials false cheat
sc_disable_spotlight_shadows false cheat
sc_disable_world_materials false cheat
sc_disableThreading false cheat
sc_dithered_lod_transition_amt 0.075000Percentage of the transition between two lods we will apply a dither
Min: 0.000000

Max: 0.200000
developmentonly defensive
sc_draw_aggregate_meshes trueSceneSystem/Aggregates/Draw Aggregates developmentonly menubar_item
sc_dump_lists false cheat
sc_enable_discard true developmentonly defensive
sc_extended_stats false cheat
sc_fade_distance_scale_override -1.000000 cheat
sc_force_lod_level -1 cheat
sc_force_materials_batchable false cheat
sc_force_single_display_list_per_layer false developmentonly defensive
sc_force_translation_in_projection falseIf enabled, the camera's translation will be included in the projection matrix. cheat
sc_hdr_enabled_override -1Override default setting for HDR rendering. -1 default, 0 NoHdr, 1 Hdr, 2 Hdr 1010102 3 Hdr 111110 developmentonly defensive
sc_check_world false cheat
sc_imgui_show_debug_log falseSceneSystem/Imgui/Show Debug Log developmentonly cheat menubar_item
sc_imgui_show_id_stack falseSceneSystem/Imgui/Show ID Stack Tool developmentonly cheat menubar_item
sc_imgui_show_metrics falseSceneSystem/Imgui/Show Metrics developmentonly cheat menubar_item
sc_instanced_material_solo developmentonly cheat
sc_instanced_mesh_enable trueToggles rendering instanced meshes developmentonly cheat
sc_instanced_mesh_gpu_culling trueToggles GPU culling of instanced meshes developmentonly defensive
sc_instanced_mesh_gpu_occlusion_culling trueToggles GPU occlusion of instanced meshes developmentonly defensive
sc_instanced_mesh_gpu_vis_culling trueToggles GPU vis of instanced meshes developmentonly defensive
sc_instanced_mesh_lod_bias 1.250000Bias for LOD selection of instanced meshes developmentonly defensive
sc_instanced_mesh_lod_bias_shadow 1.750000Bias for LOD selection of instanced meshes in shadowmaps developmentonly defensive
sc_instanced_mesh_motion_vectors trueToggles motion vector support for instanced meshes developmentonly defensive
sc_instanced_mesh_size_cull_bias 1.500000Bias for size culling of instanced meshes developmentonly defensive
sc_instanced_mesh_size_cull_bias_shadow 2.000000Bias for size culling instanced meshes in shadowmaps developmentonly defensive
sc_instanced_mesh_solo developmentonly cheat
sc_keep_all_layers false developmentonly defensive
sc_layer_batch_threshold 128 developmentonly defensive
sc_layer_batch_threshold_fullsort 80 developmentonly defensive
sc_max_framebuffer_copies_per_layer 1 developmentonly defensive
sc_mesh_backface_culling true developmentonly defensive
sc_no_cull false developmentonly defensive
sc_no_vis false developmentonly defensive
sc_only_render_opaque false cheat
sc_only_render_shadowcasters false cheat
sc_queue_reflection_views_to_layers true developmentonly defensive
sc_reject_all_objects false cheat
sc_rendergraph_debug_visualizer falseSceneSystem/RenderGraph Visualizer developmentonly menubar_item
sc_screen_size_lod_scale_override -1.000000 cheat
sc_shadow_depth_bias 256 developmentonly defensive
sc_shadow_depth_bias_clamp 0.000000 developmentonly defensive
sc_shadow_depth_bias_state_override false developmentonly defensive
sc_shadow_slopescale_depth_bias 2.130000 developmentonly defensive
sc_show_cs_skinning_stats falseSceneSystem/Compute Skinning Stats developmentonly cheat menubar_item
sc_show_gpu_profiler falseSceneSystem/GPU Profiler developmentonly cheat menubar_item
sc_show_texture_visualizer falseSceneSystem/Texture Visualizer developmentonly cheat menubar_item
sc_show_tonemap_visualizer falseSceneSystem/Tonemap Visualizer developmentonly cheat menubar_item
sc_show_view_profiler falseSceneSystem/View Profiler developmentonly cheat menubar_item
sc_skip_traversal false cheat
sc_spew_cmt_usage false developmentonly defensive
sc_throw_away_all_layers false developmentonly defensive
sc_use_clear_subrect false developmentonly defensive
sc_visualize_batches 0color per batch developmentonly defensive
sc_visualize_sceneobjects 01 = visualize bounds, 2 = visualize sceneobject mesh materials, 3 = required texture size, 4 = bounds group, 5 = LOD, 6 == LPV Binding, 7 == instancing developmentonly defensive
scene_clientflex trueDo client side flex animation. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
scene_maxcaptionradius 1200.000000Only show closed captions if recipient is within this many units of speaking actor (0==disabled). developmentonly gamedll defensive
scene_print 0When playing back a scene, print timing and event info to console. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
scene_vcdautosave falseCreate a savegame before VCD playback developmentonly clientdll defensive
screenmessage_notifytime 8.000000How long to display screen message text developmentonly gamedll defensive
screenmessage_show -1Enable display of console messages on screen. 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled, -1 = Enabled if vgui is not present cheat
screenshot_height -1Screenshot height. -1 for screen height. developmentonly defensive
screenshot_prefix shotSet the screenshot auto naming prefix. developmentonly defensive
screenshot_subdir screenshotsSet the screenshot directory. developmentonly defensive
screenshot_width -1Screenshot width. -1 for screen width. developmentonly defensive
script_attach_debugger_at_startup false developmentonly gamedll defensive
script_break_in_native_debugger_on_error false developmentonly gamedll defensive
sensitivity 1.250000Mouse sensitivity.
Min: 0.000100

Max: 8.000000
clientdll archive userinfo per_user
servercfgfile server.cfg gamedll release
shake_show falseDisplays a list of the active screen shakes. developmentonly clientdll defensive
shatterglass_cleanup true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
shatterglass_cleanup_max 200 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
shatterglass_debug false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
shatterglass_hit_tolerance 2.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
shatterglass_shard_lifetime 15.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
show_visibility_boxes falseEnable or Disable debug display of visibility boxes clientdll cheat
silence_dsp falseWhen on, silences all DSP mixes. cheat
sk_autoaim_mode 1 gamedll clientdll archive replicated
sk_player_arm 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
sk_player_head 2.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
sk_player_chest 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
sk_player_leg 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
sk_player_stomach 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
skel_constraints_enable true replicated cheat
skel_debug developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
skeleton_instance_lod_optimization falseCompute LOD mask internally like since 2016, i.e. force all LOD groups' bones to compute developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
skeleton_instance_scaleset_enable true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
skeleton_instance_smear_boneflags falseSmear boneflags across the model. Costs computation, but tests to make sure your bone flags are consistent. gamedll cheat
skill 1Game skill level.
Min: 1

Max: 3
gamedll clientdll archive replicated per_user
slope_drop_debug 0Toggles a test dropping the view offset based on the slope developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
slope_drop_enable trueToggles a test dropping the view offset based on the slope developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
slope_drop_max_offset 16.000000The maximum distance to adjust the view height developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
slope_drop_off_ground_blend_speed 160.000000The speed with which the slope drop is blended out when the entity leaves the ground developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
smoke_grenade_ct_color 75.000000 127.000000 155.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
smoke_grenade_custom_color -10 = Gray (classic), 1 = Red, 2 = Orange, 3 = Skyblue, 4 = Yellow, 5 = Green, , 6 = Blue, 7 = Purple, 8 = pink developmentonly gamedll defensive
smoke_grenade_t_color 180.000000 129.000000 50.000000 developmentonly gamedll defensive
smoke_param1 6.260000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
smoke_param2 8.270000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
smoke_param3 0.130000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
smoke_param4 0.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
smoke_param5 0 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
smoke_use_noise_texture true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
smoke_volume_lod_ratio_change 0.600000 developmentonly clientdll
smooth_cloth_amax 0.500000 developmentonly
smooth_cloth_amin 0.010000 developmentonly
smooth_cloth_amul 0.400000 developmentonly
smoothstairs trueSmooth player eye z coordinate when traversing stairs. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
snd_async_spew_blocking 0Spew message to console any time async sound loading blocks on file i/o. developmentonly defensive
snd_autodetect_latency true archive missing1
snd_boxverb_simd trueEnable SIMD code path for shoebox reverb processor. developmentonly defensive
snd_boxverb_simd_svf 10 = use biquad instead of svf, 1 = use vectorized svf, 2 = use scalar svf developmentonly defensive
snd_break_on_start_soundevent Use to debug break on any soundevent that is started matching this name gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
snd_compare_KV_convert false developmentonly defensive
snd_deathcamera_volume 0.160000Volume of Deathcam Timers
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive release
snd_delay_sound_ms_max 40.000000Sound device synchronization max delay (ms)
Min: 0.000000

Max: 250.000000
developmentonly defensive
snd_delay_sound_ms_shift 23.000000Sound device synchronization shift (ms)
Min: 0.000000

Max: 50.000000
developmentonly defensive
snd_diffusor_simd falseEnable SIMD code path for diffusor processor. developmentonly defensive
snd_disable_mixer_duck false cheat
snd_disable_mixer_solo false cheat
snd_disable_radar_visualize false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
snd_dsp_distance_max 2000.000000 cheat
snd_dsp_distance_min 20.000000 cheat
snd_duckerattacktime 0.500000 archive
snd_duckerreleasetime 2.500000 archive
snd_duckerthreshold 0.150000 archive
snd_ducktovolume 0.550000 archive
snd_enable_imgui falseGame/Sound System Debugger developmentonly archive cheat menubar_item
snd_enable_subgraph_corenull_passthrough true developmentonly defensive
snd_enable_subgraph_log false developmentonly defensive
snd_envelope_rate 0.900000 cheat
snd_eq_arms_race -1 developmentonly clientdll archive
snd_eq_casual -1 developmentonly clientdll archive
snd_eq_competitive -1 developmentonly clientdll archive
snd_eq_deathmatch -1 developmentonly clientdll archive
snd_eq_spectator -1 developmentonly clientdll archive
snd_eq_warmup -1 developmentonly clientdll archive
snd_event_oriented_box_debug false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
snd_filter cheat
snd_foliage_db_loss 4.000000foliage dB loss per 1200 units gamedll cheat
snd_gain 1.000000 archive missing1
snd_gain_max 1.000000 cheat
snd_gain_min 0.010000 cheat
snd_gamevoicevolume 1.000000Game v.o. volume
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
snd_gamevolume 1.000000Game volume
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
archive missing1
snd_group_cluster_debug false replicated cheat
snd_group_priority_debug false replicated cheat
snd_group_priority_max_tolerance 0.050000 replicated cheat
snd_headphone_eq 0Select Headphone EQ Preset clientdll archive clientcmd_can_execute
snd_headphone_eq_active 0Select Headphone EQ Preset clientdll clientcmd_can_execute
snd_hrtf_distance_behind 50.000000HRTF calculations will calculate the player as being this far behind the camera. developmentonly defensive
snd_list cheat
snd_log_empty_event_entities falseLogs the sound event entities that have empty names. clientdll cheat
snd_mainmenu_music_break_time_max 0Maximum amount of time to pause between playing main menu music clientdll cheat
snd_mainmenu_music_break_time_min 0Minimum amount of time to pause between playing main menu music clientdll cheat
snd_mapobjective_volume 0.040000Volume of Map Objective Music
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive release
snd_max_pitch_shift_inaccuracy 0.080000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
snd_menumusic_volume 0.040000Volume of Menu / Non-gameplay music
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive release
snd_mergemethod 1Sound merge method (0 == sum and clip, 1 == max, 2 == avg). developmentonly defensive
snd_mix_async true developmentonly cheat
snd_mixahead 0.001000 archive missing1
snd_mixer_master_dsp 1.000000 cheat
snd_mixer_master_level 1.000000 cheat
snd_musicvolume 1.000000Music volume
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
archive missing1
snd_mute_losefocus true archive missing1
snd_mute_mvp_music_live_players falseIf set, MVP music is muted if players from both teams are still alive. clientdll archive release
snd_mvp_volume 0.160000Volume of MVP Music
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive release
snd_new_visualize falseDisplays soundevent name played at it's 3d position gamedll cheat
snd_occlusion_bounces 1 replicated cheat
snd_occlusion_debug false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
snd_occlusion_debug_listener_pos developmentonly cheat
snd_occlusion_indirect_max 0.700000 developmentonly cheat
snd_occlusion_indirect_min 0.010000 developmentonly cheat
snd_occlusion_indirect_radius 120.000000 developmentonly cheat
snd_occlusion_min_wall_thickness 4.000000 replicated cheat
snd_occlusion_override -1.000000 developmentonly replicated cheat
snd_occlusion_rays 4 replicated cheat
snd_occlusion_report false developmentonly cheat
snd_occlusion_visualize false developmentonly cheat
snd_op_test_convar 720.000000 cheat
snd_opvar_set_point_debug false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
snd_opvar_set_point_update_interval 0.200000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
snd_rear_stereo_scale 1.000000 replicated cheat
snd_refdb 60.000000Reference dB at snd_refdist cheat
snd_refdist 36.000000Reference distance for snd_refdb cheat
snd_report_c4_sounds false developmentonly clientdll cheat
snd_report_verbose_error falseIf set to 1, report more error found when playing sounds. cheat
snd_roundaction_volume 0.000000Volume of Move Action Music
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive release
snd_roundend_volume 0.160000Volume of Won/Lost Music
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive release
snd_roundstart_volume 0.000000Volume of Round Start Music
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive release
snd_sequencer_show_bpm false cheat
snd_sequencer_show_events false cheat
snd_sequencer_show_quantize_queue false cheat
snd_showclassname 0 cheat
snd_showstart 0 cheat
snd_sos_block_global_stack false cheat
snd_sos_block_stop_global_stack true cheat
snd_sos_calc_angle_debug false replicated cheat
snd_sos_compare_kv3_native_stacks false cheat
snd_sos_debug_trigger_opvar false developmentonly gamedll defensive
snd_sos_default_update_stack core_update_default developmentonly defensive
snd_sos_hide_simple_parameter_overwrite_warnings true developmentonly defensive
snd_sos_ingame_debug false cheat
snd_sos_limit_self false developmentonly
snd_sos_list_operator_updates false cheat
snd_sos_max_event_base_depth 4 developmentonly defensive
snd_sos_opvar_debug false cheat
snd_sos_pause_system false cheat
snd_sos_print_addfield_dupes false cheat
snd_sos_print_field_references false cheat
snd_sos_print_fps false cheat
snd_sos_print_full_field_info false cheat
snd_sos_print_table_arrays false cheat
snd_sos_report_entity_deleted false developmentonly defensive
snd_sos_show_block_debug falseSpew data about the list of block entries. cheat
snd_sos_show_entry_match_free false developmentonly defensive
snd_sos_show_mixgroup_path_errors false developmentonly defensive
snd_sos_show_operator_event_and_stack true cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_event_filter cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_field_filter cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_init false cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_not_executing true cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_operator_filter cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_pause_entry false cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_shutdown false cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_stop_entry false cheat
snd_sos_show_operator_updates false cheat
snd_sos_show_opvar_updates false cheat
snd_sos_show_opvar_updates_filter cheat
snd_sos_show_parameter_overwrite_warnings false developmentonly defensive
snd_sos_show_queuetotrack false cheat
snd_sos_show_soundevent_overwrites false developmentonly defensive
snd_sos_show_soundevent_param_overwrite false cheat
snd_sos_show_soundevent_start false cheat
snd_sos_show_track_list false developmentonly defensive
snd_sos_show_voice_elapsed_time false developmentonly defensive
snd_sos_soundevent_deferred_interval_time 0.100000 developmentonly defensive
snd_sos_soundevent_filter cheat
snd_sos_soundevent_max_deferred_time 5.000000 developmentonly defensive
snd_sos_use_case_sensitive_soundevents false developmentonly defensive
snd_sound_areas_debug false clientdll replicated cheat
snd_sound_areas_debug_interval 0.200000 clientdll replicated cheat
snd_soundmixer Default_Mix developmentonly defensive
snd_soundmixer_update_maximum_frame_rate 10 cheat
snd_soundmixer_version 2 developmentonly defensive
snd_spatialize_lerp 0.000000 archive release
snd_steamaudio_active_hrtf 0Index of active HRTF. developmentonly
snd_steamaudio_default_hrtf_volume_gain 0.000000Adjust overall volume of the default HRTF by the specified gain (dB). developmentonly
snd_steamaudio_dynamicpathing_max_samples 16 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
snd_steamaudio_enable_custom_hrtf falseEnable custom HRTF loading. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_enable_pathing trueThis variable is checked by soundstack to globally enabling pathing for audio processing. cheat
snd_steamaudio_enable_perspective_correction trueEnable perspective correction for 3D audio. archive release
snd_steamaudio_enable_probeneighborhood_caching trueEnable caching listener probe neighborhood for pathing. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_enable_reverb 0.000000Enable Steam Audio Reverb processor. release
snd_steamaudio_enable_reverb_probe_caching_for_missing_probes trueContinue using previous prrobes if probe lookup for reverb fails. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_hybrid_reverb_overlap 0.250000Set the overlap fraction (0 to 1) for hybrid reverb. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_hybrid_reverb_transition_time 1.000000Set the transition time (in seconds) between convolution and parametric reverb. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_invalid_path_length 0.000000Path length of invalid path in inches. Set this to .0 to use direct distance as path length. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_ir_duration 2.000000The time delay between a sound being emitted and the last audible reflection in Steam Audio. cheat
snd_steamaudio_load_pathing_data trueIf set, baked pathing data is loaded. Steam Audio Hammer entities can successfully use pathing in this case. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_load_reverb_data trueIf set, baked reverb data is loaded. Reset it to zero during an format changes of baked data until all data is updated. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_max_convolution_sources 4The maximum number of simultaneous sources that can be modeled by Steam Audio. cheat
snd_steamaudio_max_hrtf_normalization_gain_db 6.000000Maximum gain any HRTF could have during volume normalization. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_max_occlusion_samples 64The maximum number of rays that can be traced for volumetric occlusion by Steam Audio. cheat
snd_steamaudio_max_probes_customdata 4294967295Maximum number of probes to create when baking custom data. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_max_probes_pathing 4294967295Maximum number of probes to create when baking paths. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_max_probes_reverb 4294967295Maximum number of probes to create when baking reverb. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_normalize_default_hrtf_volume trueNormalize volume of default HRTF dataset across all directions. developmentonly
snd_steamaudio_num_bounces 128The maximum number of times any ray can bounce when using Steam Audio. cheat
snd_steamaudio_num_diffuse_samples 2048The number of directions considered for ray bounce by Steam Audio. cheat
snd_steamaudio_num_rays 65536The number of rays to trace for reflection modeling by Steam Audio. cheat
snd_steamaudio_num_threads 2Sets the number of threads used for realtime reflection by Steam Audio. cheat
snd_steamaudio_pathing_caching_threshold 5.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
snd_steamaudio_pathing_enable_caching true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
snd_steamaudio_pathing_enable_source_probe_interp falseIf set, all the probes near a source withing probe range are used to find paths instead of nearest probe. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_pathing_order 1The amount of directional detail in the simulated by Steam Audio. cheat
snd_steamaudio_pathing_order_rendering 1The amount of directional detail in the rendered audio by Steam Audio. cheat
snd_steamaudio_perspective_correction_factor 1.000000Perspective correction factor, ratio of screen size and view depth from screen, for 3D audio. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_perspective_correction_front_only trueUse perspective correction for 3D audio only in the frontal directions. developmentonly
snd_steamaudio_reverb_level_db -3.000000Adjust overall volume (dB) of the output from Steam Audio Reverb processor. release
snd_steamaudio_reverb_order 1Ambisonics order to use for simulating reverb. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_reverb_order_rendering 1Ambisonics order to use for convolution reverb. 0th order = 1 channel, 1st order = 4 channels. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_reverb_update_rate 30.000000Set the maximum update rate (in Hz) for reverb. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_source_pathing_debug falseEnable path visualization for steam_audio_source operator. archive
snd_steamaudio_source_pathing_debug_duration 0.010000Duration for which path remains visible. Should be close to update rate of the sound operator stack. developmentonly defensive
snd_steamaudio_source_pathing_enable_validation falseEnable real-time pathing validation against dynamic geometry. developmentonly defensive
snd_tensecondwarning_volume 0.040000Volume of Ten Second Warnings
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll archive release
snd_toolvolume 1.000000Volume of sounds in tools (e.g. Hammer, SFM)
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
snd_ui_positional false developmentonly cheat
snd_ui_spatialization_spread 1.000000 developmentonly cheat
snd_use_baked_occlusion 0.000000 replicated cheat release
snd_vmix_override_mix_decay_time -1.000000If set > 0, overrides how long the decay time is on all mix graphs (in seconds). cheat
snd_vmix_show_input_updates falseIf set to 1, show all incoming updates to vmix inputs. cheat
snd_voipvolume 1.000000Voice volume
Min: 0.000000

Max: 2.000000
archive missing1
snd_vol_arms_race 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll archive
snd_vol_casual 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll archive
snd_vol_competitive 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll archive
snd_vol_deathmatch 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll archive
snd_vol_per_game_mode true developmentonly clientdll archive
snd_vol_spectator 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll archive
snd_vol_warmup 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll archive
sos_debug_emit false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sound_device_override ID of the sound device to use archive release
soundevent_check_networked_entity false developmentonly gamedll
soundpatch_captionlength 2.000000How long looping soundpatch captions should display for. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
soundscape_debug falseWhen on, draws lines to all env_soundscape entities. Green lines show the active soundscape, red lines show soundscapes that aren't in range, and white lines show soundscapes that are in range, but not the active soundscape. gamedll cheat
soundscape_fadetime 3.000000Time to crossfade sound effects between soundscapes clientdll cheat
soundscape_message false developmentonly clientdll defensive
soundscape_radius_debug falsePrints current volume of radius sounds clientdll cheat
soundscape_update_include_bots falseEnable to calculate soundscape audio params for bots. developmentonly gamedll cheat
soundsystem_device_used Sound device in use (changing this does not change the soundsystem). developmentonly defensive
soundsystem_update_async true developmentonly defensive
sparseshadowtree_copy_to_shadow_atlas_ps trueCopy layer from CS output to shadow atlas uses PS copy (vs CopyTexture). developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_cs_debug_colors falseOutput debug colors for SST CS. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_cs_exclude_next_cascade_region trueExclude the inner region of a cascade during CS unpack if there is a higher resolution cascade that will cover that area. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_cs_unpack_mode 1Unpack mode in cs, 0 - one leaf per thread (16 output pixels), 1 (default) - one leaf row per thread (4 output pixels), 2 - one pixel out per thread.
Min: 0

Max: 2
developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_debug_tile_range_xmax 72SST Tile range for renderdoc/debug capturing. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_debug_tile_range_xmin 71SST Tile range for renderdoc/debug capturing. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_debug_tile_range_ymax 81SST Tile range for renderdoc/debug capturing. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_debug_tile_range_ymin 80SST Tile range for renderdoc/debug capturing. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_disable_for_viewmodel falseDisable SST generation and runtime for viewmodel (use original CSM rendering). developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_enable_rendering trueEnable use of SST at runtime (static geo rendered into cascades via SST). developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_leaf_compress_scaleoffset trueCompress leaf node depths using scale & offset. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_leaf_precision 0.000004precision for depth compression at SST leaf nodes. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_leaf_precision_viewmodel 0.000500(viewmodel) precision for depth compression at SST leaf nodes. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_parallel_generation 2Split SST tile generation into threadjobs (0 - disabled, 1 - wait on readpixels for job batch, 2 - async readpixels). developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_plane_incr_per_step 0.000010depth to increment candidate plane values per iteration to satisfy selection. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_plane_incr_per_step_viewmodel 0.002500(viewmodel) depth to increment candidate plane values per iteration to satisfy selection. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_plane_max_error 0.000040max error (distance away in depth) candidate plane is allowed before rejecting. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_plane_max_error_viewmodel 0.010000(viewmodel) max error (distance away in depth) candidate plane is allowed before rejecting. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_plane_num_iter 5number of steps to push candidate plane behind depths. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_render_cables falseRender cables into SST. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_renderdoc_capture_generation falseCapture dual shadow maps during sparseshadowtree generation. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_unpack_direct_to_shadow_atlas falseunpack SST directly into shadow atlas cascade vs via staging texture PS copy (NOTE - rendersystem fix reqd for AMD + driver fix required for NV + VK only. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_uv_frac_offset_x 0.000000uv x offset during copy to cascade. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_uv_frac_offset_y 0.000000uv y offset during copy to cascade. developmentonly clientdll
sparseshadowtree_viewmodel_uses_cascade0 falseRe-use cascade 0 SST for viewmodel to save on the significant extra memory. Flipping this invalidates generated SSTs if viewmodel SST not already generated. developmentonly clientdll
spawngroup_ignore_timeouts false developmentonly defensive
speaker_config -1
Min: -1

Max: -1
spec_autodirector falseAuto-director chooses best view modes while spectating clientdll clientcmd_can_execute
spec_autodirector_cameraman -1 developmentonly clientdll
spec_centerchasecam falseLooks at the target player's center, instead of his eye position, in chase came mode clientdll archive
spec_death_panel_replay_position 0.750000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_freeze_deathanim_time 0.800000The time that the death cam will spend watching the player's ragdoll before going into the freeze death cam. gamedll clientdll replicated release
spec_freeze_time 3.000000Time spend frozen in observer freeze cam. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
spec_freeze_time_lock 1.000000Time players are prevented from skipping the freeze cam gamedll clientdll replicated release
spec_freeze_traveltime 0.300000Time taken to zoom in to frame a target in observer freeze cam. gamedll clientdll replicated release
spec_glow_decay_time 2.000000Time to decay glow from 1.0 to spec_glow_silent_factor after spec_glow_full_time.
Min: 0.000000
clientdll release
spec_glow_full_time 1.000000Noisy players stay at full brightness for this long.
Min: 0.000000
clientdll release
spec_glow_silent_factor 0.400000Lurking player xray glow scaling.
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
clientdll release
spec_glow_spike_factor 1.200000Noisy player xray glow scaling (pop when noise is made). Make >1 to add a 'spike' to noise-making players
Min: 1.000000

Max: 3.000000
clientdll release
spec_glow_spike_time 0.000000Time for noisy player glow 'spike' to show that they made noise very recently.
Min: 0.000000
clientdll release
spec_chasedistance 96.000000Chase cam's ideal distance from target
Min: 16.000000

Max: 296.000000
developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_chasedistancespeed 144.000000Chase cam's ideal distance from target
Min: 48.000000
developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_lock_to_accountid As an observer, lock the spectator target to the given accountid. developmentonly clientdll
spec_replay_autostart trueAuto-start Killer Replay when available clientdll archive
spec_replay_bot falseEnable Spectator Hltv Replay when killed by bot gamedll release
spec_replay_cache_ragdolls truewhen set to 0, ragdolls will settle dynamically before and after Killer Replay developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_replay_colorcorrection 0.500000Amount of color correction in deathcam replay developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_replay_enable 0Enable Killer Replay, requires hltv server running (0:off, 1:default, 2:force)
Min: 0

Max: 0
replicated release commandline_enforced
spec_replay_fadein 0.750000Amount of time in seconds it takes to visually fade into replay, or into real-time after replay developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_replay_fadeout 0.750000Amount of time in seconds it takes to visually fade out of replay, or out of real-time before replay developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_replay_fullframe trueSend full frame on every hltv replay transition developmentonly defensive
spec_replay_leadup_time 5.343800Replay time in seconds before the highlighted event replicated release
spec_replay_message_time 9.500000How long to show the message about Killer Replay after death. The best setting is a bit shorter than spec_replay_autostart_delay + spec_replay_leadup_time + spec_replay_winddown_time replicated release
spec_replay_on_death falseWhen > 0, sets the mode whereas players see delayed replay, and are segregated into a domain of chat and voice separate from the alive players replicated release
spec_replay_others_experimental falseReplay the last death of the round, if possible. Disabled on official servers by default. Experimental. developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_replay_outline 1Enable outline selecting victim in hltv replay: 0 - none; 1 - ouline YOU; 2 - outline YOU, with red ragdoll outline; 3 - normal spectator outlines developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_replay_rate_base 1.000000Base time scale of Killer Replay.Experimental. replicated release
spec_replay_rate_limit 3.000000Minimum allowable pause between replay requests in seconds replicated release
spec_replay_rate_slowdown 1.000000The part of Killer Replay right before death is played at this rate developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_replay_rate_slowdown_length 0.500000The part of Killer Replay right before death is played at this rate developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_replay_review_sound trueWhen set to non-0, a sound effect is played during Killer Replay developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_replay_round_delay 0.000000Round can be delayed by this much due to someone watching a replay; must be at least 3-4 seconds, otherwise the last replay will always be interrupted by round start, assuming normal pause between round_end and round_start events (7 seconds) and freezecam delay (2 seconds) and 7.4 second full replay (5.4 second pre-death and ~2 seconds post-death) and replay in/out switching (up to a second) gamedll release
spec_replay_sound_fadein 0.050000Amount of time in seconds it takes to fade in the audio before or after replay developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_replay_sound_fadeout 0.000000Amount of time in seconds it takes to fade out the audio before or after replay developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_replay_victim_pov falseKiller Replay - replay from victim's point of view (1); the default is killer's (0). Experimental. developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_replay_winddown_time 2.000000The trailing time, in seconds, of replay past the event, including fade-out gamedll release
spec_show_xray 1If set to 1, you can see player outlines and name IDs through walls - who you can see depends on your team and mode clientdll archive release
spec_track 0Tracks an entity in spec mode developmentonly clientdll defensive
spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds trueIf set to 1, map voting and spectator view use the raw number keys instead of the weapon binds (slot1, slot2, etc). clientdll archive
splitscreen_mode 0 archive cheat
ss_mimic 0Split screen users mimic base player's CUserCmds developmentonly clientdll cheat
ss_voice_hearpartner falseRoute voice between splitscreen players on same system. developmentonly defensive
stats_collect_gpu falseWhile doing stats_display, collect GPU perf counters. Used for stats_print_gpu. developmentonly defensive
stats_display 0Displays perf statistics information developmentonly defensive
stats_highlight_interval 10.000000Interval between hightlight screens in the transition stats panel developmentonly clientdll defensive
steam_controller_haptics true clientdll release
steamworks_sessionid_client 0The client session ID for the new steamworks gamestats. clientdll hidden userinfo
steamworks_sessionid_lifetime_client 0The full client session ID for the new steamworks gamestats. developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
steamworks_sessionid_server 0The server session ID for the new steamworks gamestats. developmentonly gamedll clientdll hidden replicated defensive
sticky_tooltips falseDon't ever hide tooltips. Helpful when debugging complicated tooltip layouts. developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
suspicious_hit_odds_threshold 0.010000 gamedll release
suspicious_hit_player_radius 8.000000 gamedll release
suspicious_hit_strategy 0What to do about suspicious hits. 0: Nothing. 1: Skip the bullet. 2: Skip the bullet and re-roll a new bullet. gamedll release
sv_accelerate 5.500000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_accelerate_debug_speed false gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed true gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_ag2_low_skel_lod false developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_air_max_wishspeed 30.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_airaccelerate 12.000000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_allchat truePlayers can receive all other players' text chat, no death restrictions gamedll notify release
sv_allow_annotations falseAllow clients to use the annotation system on the server. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_allow_ground_weapon_pickup true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_allow_switching_weapon_handedness true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_allow_votes trueAllow voting? gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_alltalk falsePlayers can hear all other players' voice communication, no team restrictions gamedll notify release commandline_enforced
sv_auto_adjust_bot_difficulty trueAdjust the difficulty of bots each round based on contribution score. gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_auto_cstrafe_attempt_window 1The length of the window of trailing counter-strafe attempts considered during input automation detection.
Min: 1

Max: 1000
gamedll release
sv_auto_cstrafe_kick falseWhether or not to kick players when counter-strafe input automation is detected. gamedll release
sv_auto_cstrafe_logging 00: never, 1: every time counter-strafe input automation is detected, 2: every counter-strafe
Min: 0

Max: 2
gamedll release
sv_auto_cstrafe_lower_overlap_pct_threshold 0.000000The percentage of overlapping attempts in the attempt window below which input automation detection is triggered at the success threshold.
Min: 0.000000

Max: 100.000000
gamedll release
sv_auto_cstrafe_min_attempts 1The minimum number of counter-strafe attempts required for input automation detection. The player must be moving more than 135.2 units/s for their counter-strafe to be considered an attempt. An attempt is either considered a success (counter-strafing took place within a single tick), an overlap (both directions were held for 1+ ticks) or an underlap (neither direction was held for 1+ ticks).
Min: 1

Max: 1000
gamedll release
sv_auto_cstrafe_sequence_length 1The length of sequential counter-strafe attempts evaluated relative to the success threshold. Input automation detection considers the best sequence within the larger attempt window.
Min: 1

Max: 1000
gamedll release
sv_auto_cstrafe_success_threshold 1The minimum number of successful counter-strafes within a best sequence that will trigger input automation detection. The number of successes that trigger input automation detection is interpolated between the success threshold and a 'perfect' sequence (all counter-strafes in a sequence are successes), depending on the player's percentage of overlapping counter-strafe attempts.
Min: 1

Max: 1000
gamedll release
sv_auto_cstrafe_upper_overlap_pct_threshold 0.000000The percentage of overlapping attempts in the attempt window below which input automation detection is triggered when all counter-strafes in a sequence are successes.
Min: 0.000000

Max: 100.000000
gamedll release
sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end trueWhen enabled will automatically turn on full all talk mode in warmup, at halftime and at the end of the match gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_autobunnyhopping falsePlayers automatically re-jump while holding jump button gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_autobuyammo falseEnable automatic ammo purchase when inside buy zones during buy periods gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_autoexec_mapname_cfg falseExecute a mapname cfg file on the server automatically in custom game modes that require it. gamedll release
sv_autosave trueSet to 1 to autosave game on level transition. Does not affect autosave triggers. developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
sv_backspeed 0.600000How much to slow down backwards motion developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_banid_dev_enabled false developmentonly defensive
sv_banid_enabled trueWhether server supports banid command release
sv_bot_buy_decoy_weight 1.000000Given a bot will buy a grenade, controls the odds of the grenade type. Proportional to all other sv_bot_buy_*_weight convars.
Min: 0.000000
gamedll release
sv_bot_buy_flash_weight 1.000000Given a bot will buy a grenade, controls the odds of the grenade type. Proportional to all other sv_bot_buy_*_weight convars.
Min: 0.000000
gamedll release
sv_bot_buy_grenade_chance 33.000000Chance bots will buy a grenade with leftover money (after prim, sec and armor). Input as percent (0-100.0)
Min: 0.000000

Max: 100.000000
gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_bot_buy_hegrenade_weight 6.000000Given a bot will buy a grenade, controls the odds of the grenade type. Proportional to all other sv_bot_buy_*_weight convars.
Min: 0.000000
gamedll release
sv_bot_buy_molotov_weight 1.000000Given a bot will buy a grenade, controls the odds of the grenade type. Proportional to all other sv_bot_buy_*_weight convars.
Min: 0.000000
gamedll release
sv_bot_buy_smoke_weight 1.000000Given a bot will buy a grenade, controls the odds of the grenade type. Proportional to all other sv_bot_buy_*_weight convars.
Min: 0.000000
gamedll release
sv_bot_difficulty_kbm 0.000000Bot difficulty while playing with Keyboard/Mouse device developmentonly gamedll clientdll hidden replicated defensive
sv_bot_parallel_threat_detection truePerform bot threat detection in parallel developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_bots_get_easier_each_win 0If > 0, some # of bots will lower thier difficulty each time they win. The argument defines how many will lower their difficulty each time. gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_bounce 0.000000Bounce multiplier for when physically simulated objects collide with other objects. gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_buy_status_override -1Override for buy status map info. 0 = everyone can buy, 1 = ct only, 2 = t only 3 = nobody gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_buymenu_open_prevents_opportunistic_pickup false gamedll release
sv_c4_center_of_mass_offset 0.000000Shifts center-of-mass along z-axis from default developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_c4_upright_constraint_damping 0.500000Controls how much velocity is damped on the constraint. 0 = undamped wobbly spring, 1 = critically damped no wobble fast converge, >1 = over damped developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_c4_upright_constraint_enabled trueUse a constraint to keep C4 pointed upright when thrown developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_c4_upright_constraint_strength 0.600000How quickly the constraint converges developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_client_max_interp_ratio 5.000000This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected).
Min: 0.000000

Max: 19.000000
developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_client_min_interp_ratio 0.000000This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected).
Min: 0.000000

Max: 19.000000
developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_clip_penetration_traces_to_players true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_clockcorrection_msecs 30.000000The server tries to keep each player's m_nTickBase withing this many msecs of the server absolute tickcount gamedll release
sv_cluster 0Data center cluster this server lives in. release
sv_coaching_enabled falseAllows spectating and communicating with a team ( 'coach t' or 'coach ct' ) developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_competitive_minspec trueEnable to force certain client convars to minimum/maximum values to help prevent competitive advantages. gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_compute_per_bot_difficulty false0 = compute all bot difficulties equally, 1 = compute unique bot difficulty for each bot developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_condense_late_buttons trueWhen condensing late commands. Should we compress multiple moves of button presses into the target move? developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_connectionless_legacy_events_allowed false developmentonly
sv_cq_min_queue 0Server min buffer size.
Min: 0
developmentonly replicated defensive
sv_cq_trim_bloat_remainder 1When trimming a bloated CQ, leave at least N more commands than the minimum gamedll release
sv_cq_trim_bloat_space 0When trimming a bloated CQ, try to leave room for N more commands to be added. 0 will trim only what is needed to remove the immediate bloat, a very large value will reset the whole queue. gamedll release
sv_cq_trim_catchup_remainder 1When trimming an overful CQ due to app 'catchup' request, leave at least N more commands than the minimum gamedll release
sv_cs_player_speed_has_hostage 200.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_csgo_shoot_assert_lagcompensation_error false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_csgo_shoot_force_full_interp false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_csgo_shoot_force_use_target_time false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_csgo_shoot_lagcompensation_max_error 1.000000Warn if lag compensated head hitbox position doesn't match that on client. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_csgo_shoot_log false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_csgo_shoot_log_attack_cmds_only true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_csgo_shoot_use_full_interp true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_csgo_shoot_verify false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_csgo_shoot_verify_on_attack_only trueOnly run lag compensation error check when primary attack goes down. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_damage_prediction_allowed true gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_deadtalk falseDead players can speak (voice, text) to the living gamedll clientdll notify replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_debug_client_not_in_pvs falseIf set, draw failed client PVS checks with red box gamedll cheat
sv_debug_overlays_bandwidth 65536Broadcast server debug overlays traffic release
sv_debug_overlays_broadcast falseBroadcast server debug overlays notify cheat release
sv_debug_player_use 0Visualizes +use logic. Green cross=trace success, Red cross=trace too far, Green box=radius success developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_debugroundstats false developmentonly gamedll
sv_deltaticks_enforce 2By default, player must ack delta ticks in order. How to enforce it: 2 = kick all clients, 1 = kick only TV clients, 0 = do not kick. release
sv_deltaticks_log 2Whether diagnostic logging is enabled when clients ack delta ticks out of order. Policy: 2 = log all out of order acks, 1 = log only when disconnect is triggered, 0 = do not log. release
sv_dev_damage_use_netvars trueWhether we should use network vars (true) or legacy messages (false). developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_dev_entitydeltapadding_extra_max 0When encoding entity deltas, append on a random number of extra bytes. This happens after sv_dev_entitydeltapadding_min_size. developmentonly defensive
sv_dev_entitydeltapadding_extra_min 0When encoding entity deltas, append on a random number of extra bytes. This happens after sv_dev_entitydeltapadding_min_size. developmentonly defensive
sv_dev_entitydeltapadding_min_size 0When encoding entity deltas, if the delta size is < N bytes, then shove in N dummy bytes. This happens before sv_dev_entitydeltapadding_extra_min/sv_dev_entitydeltapadding_extra_max developmentonly defensive
sv_disable_immunity_alpha falseIf set, clients won't slam the player model render settings each frame for immunity [mod authors use this] gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_disable_observer_interpolation falseDisallow interpolating between observer targets on this server. gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_disable_querycache falsedebug - disable trace query cache developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
sv_disable_radar 00: regular radar; 1: always disabled; 2: disabled in warmup gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_disable_reliable_delta_retransmit trueAssume that a reliable entity delta will be ack'ed and send future deltas relative to the last reliable delta. developmentonly defensive
sv_disable_teamselect_menu falseDisable teamselect menu on clients gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_disconnected_player_data_hold_time 60Duration, in seconds, to hold onto the data of disconnected players, for scoreboard display. gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_disconnected_players_cleanup_delay 0Delay between player disconnecting and their corpse getting cleaned up.
Min: 0

Max: 300
gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_dz_cash_bundle_size 50Size of a cash bundle gamedll replicated release
sv_dz_cash_mega_bundle_size 13Size of a mega cash bundle gamedll replicated release
sv_dz_contractkill_reward 10Cash bundles to award for a successful contract kill gamedll replicated release
sv_dz_hostage_rescue_reward 18Number of cash bundles to award for rescuing a hostage gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_dz_show_enemy_name_scope_range 0.000000 reference
sv_dz_squad_wipe_reward 2Number of cash bundles to award for eliminating a squad gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_early_network_message_processing falseProcesses network messages on the server before entities think, instead of at the end of the tick. developmentonly gamedll
sv_enable_alternate_baselines 1Allow alternate baseline system, set to 2 for debugging spew. release
sv_enable_delta_packing trueWhen enabled, this allows for entity packing to use the property changes for building up the data. This is many times faster, but can be disabled for error checking. release
sv_enable_donttransmit trueWhen encoding entity deltas, instead of unreliably deducing explicit deletions, actually send list of existing but not networked entities (dont_transmit list) to each client. developmentonly
sv_enable_pvs_vis_bits false developmentonly gamedll
sv_enablebunnyhopping falseAllow player speed to exceed maximum running speed gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_endmatch_item_drop_interval 1.000000The time between drops on the end match scoreboard developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_endmatch_item_drop_interval_ancient 3.500000The time between drops on the end match scoreboard for ancient items developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_endmatch_item_drop_interval_legendary 2.000000The time between drops on the end match scoreboard for legendary items developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_endmatch_item_drop_interval_mythical 1.250000The time between drops on the end match scoreboard for mythical items developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_endmatch_item_drop_interval_rare 1.000000The time between drops on the end match scoreboard for rare items developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_ent_showonlyhitbox -1 gamedll cheat
sv_ents_write_alarm 0.000000Print callstack every time CNetworkGameServerBase::WriteEntityUpdate takes more than this amount of milliseconds release
sv_extra_client_connect_time 15.000000Seconds after client connect during which extra frames are buffered to prevent non-delta'd update developmentonly defensive
sv_extract_ammo_from_dropped_weapons false gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_extreme_strafe_accuracy_fishtail 0.000000Number of degrees of aim 'fishtail' when making an extreme strafe direction change
Min: -5.000000

Max: 5.000000
developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_fade_player_visibility_farz false gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_falldamage_scale 1.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_falldamage_to_below_player_multiplier 1.000000Scale damage when distributed across two players gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_falldamage_to_below_player_ratio 0.000000Landing on a another player's head gives them this ratio of the damage. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_filterban 1Set packet filtering by IP mode developmentonly defensive
sv_fistpunch_damage 10.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_fistpunch_damage_hard 20.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_fistpunch_damage_to_player_multiplier 1.500000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_fistpunch_impact_sounds true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_fistpunch_viewmove 40.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_flashed_amount_for_blind_kill 0.700000Minimum flashed alpha value for a player to be awarded a blind kill on the kill feed. gamedll release
sv_footsteps 1.000000Play footstep sound for players developmentonly gamedll clientdll notify replicated
sv_force_team_intro_random 0 developmentonly gamedll
sv_force_team_intro_variant 0 developmentonly gamedll
sv_fps_max 0.000000Dedicated server frame rate limiter. 0=tick rate. Only applies to the dedicated server. developmentonly hidden defensive
sv_friction 5.200000World friction. gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_full_alltalk falseAny player (including Spectator team) can speak to any other player gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_game_mode_flags 0Dedicated server game mode flags to run gamedll release
sv_gameinstructor_disable falseForce all clients to disable their game instructors. gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_gameinstructor_enable falseForce all clients to enable their game instructors. clientdll replicated release
sv_give_item Player's extra item to give gamedll hidden replicated cheat release commandline_enforced
sv_gravity 800.000000World gravity. gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_pipreview falseShows grenade trajectory practice picture-in-picture preview. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_trailtime 0.000000Shows grenade trajectory practice visualization for this number of seconds.
Min: 0.000000

Max: 8.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_grenade_trajectory_time_spectator 0.000000Length of time grenade trajectory remains visible as a spectator.
Min: 0.000000

Max: 8.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_guardian_extra_equipment_ct Extra starting equipment for CT players in guardian modes gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_guardian_extra_equipment_t Extra starting equipment for Terrorist players in guardian modes gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_guardian_health_refresh_per_wave 50Health given to survivors per wave in guardian mode. gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_guardian_heavy_all false gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_guardian_heavy_count 0 gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_guardian_max_wave_for_heavy 0 gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_guardian_min_wave_for_heavy 0 gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_guardian_refresh_ammo_for_items_on_waves List of additional weapons to refill ammo on waves. gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_guardian_respawn_health 50Starting health of guardian players when respawned.
Min: 1
gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_guardian_spawn_health_ct 100Starting health in guardian modes. gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_guardian_spawn_health_t 100Starting health in guardian modes. gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_guardian_starting_equipment_humans Extra starting equipment for human players in guardian modes gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_health_approach_enabled true gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_health_approach_speed 10.000000 gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_hegrenade_damage_multiplier 1.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_hegrenade_radius_multiplier 1.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay 5.000000# of seconds to wait after final client leaves before hibernating. release
sv_hibernate_when_empty truePuts the server into extremely low CPU usage mode when no clients connected release
sv_hide_ent_in_pvs -1 developmentonly gamedll
sv_hide_roundtime_until_seconds 0 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_highlight_distance 500.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_highlight_duration 3.500000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_hitbox_debug false developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_hosting_lobby false developmentonly replicated
sv_hoststate_quit_syscall falseWhen enabled, game server will quit immediately via syscall instead of running host states shutdown sequence release
sv_human_autojoin_team 0Force human players on to a team. 0 to disable. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_chat_proximity -1.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_cheats falseAllow cheats on server notify replicated release
sv_ignoregrenaderadio falseTurn off Fire in the hole messages gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_infinite_ammo 0Player's active weapon will never run out of ammo gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release commandline_enforced
sv_instancebaselines trueEnable instanced baselines. Saves network overhead. developmentonly
sv_invites_only_mainmenu falseIf turned on, will ignore all invites when user is playing a match gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_jump_impulse 301.993378Initial upward velocity for player jumps; sqrt(2*gravity*height).
Min: 0.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_jump_precision_enable trueEnable jump precision. Some game modes benefit from being able to turn this off. gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_jump_spam_penalty_time 0.015625For subtick jumps, if this much time has elapsed since the last time the user has pressed the jump key, pretend they hadn't. Lowering this makes bunnyhopping easier. gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_kick_ban_duration 15.000000How long should a kick ban from the server should last (in minutes) gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_kick_players_with_cooldown 1(0: do not kick on insecure servers; 1: kick players with Untrusted status or convicted by Overwatch; 2: kick players with any cooldown) gamedll replicated release
sv_ladder_angle -0.707000Cos of angle of incidence to ladder perpendicular for applying ladder_dampen
Min: -1.000000

Max: 1.000000
developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_ladder_dampen 0.200000Amount to dampen perpendicular movement on a ladder
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_ladder_scale_speed 0.780000Scale top speed on ladders
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_ladder_slack_z_mult 0.026000Difference in Z increases toward the middle of the slack ladder. gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
sv_lagcompensationforcerestore trueDon't test validity of a lag comp restore, just do it. gamedll cheat
sv_lan falseServer is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses ) release
sv_late_commands_allowed 5Allow N late commands to run at 0 timescale prior to running an on-time command. Negative values for network round trip based calculation with a hard cap of the of absolute value gamedll release
sv_lightquery_debug false gamedll cheat
sv_limit_buyrandom_per_life trueEnable to limit buyrandom command to only run once per player life gamedll release
sv_log_http_record_before_any_listeners false gamedll release
sv_log_change_offsets falseLog change offsets to game/varchangeinfoN.log files. developmentonly gamedll
sv_log_onefile falseLog server information to only one file. archive release
sv_log_roundstats true gamedll release
sv_logbans falseLog server bans in the server logs. archive release
sv_logblocks falseIf true when log when a query is blocked (can cause very large log files) release
sv_logecho trueEcho log information to the console. archive release
sv_logfile falseLog server information in the log file. archive release
sv_logflush falseFlush the log file to disk on each write (slow). archive release
sv_logsdir logsFolder in the game directory where server logs will be stored. archive release
sv_long_frame_ms 15.000000If a server frame takes longer than N ms, complain about it. (Dedicated server only.) See also engine_frametime_warnings_enable. developmentonly defensive
sv_mapvetopickvote_maps de_anubis,de_inferno,de_mirage,de_train,de_dust2,de_nuke,de_ancientWhich maps are used for map veto pick sequence gamedll release
sv_mapvetopickvote_phase_duration [1:5][2:15][3:20][4:10][5:10][6:5]How many seconds each phase lasts gamedll release
sv_mapvetopickvote_rnd falseWhen enabled will shuffle veto pick maps list order every time gamedll release
sv_massreport false developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_matchend_drops_enabled trueRewards gameplay time is always accumulated for players, but drops at the end of the match can be prevented gamedll release
sv_matchpause_auto_5v5 falseWhen enabled will automatically pause the match at next freeze time if less than 5 players are connected on each team. gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_max_deathmatch_respawns_per_tick 0 gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_max_distance_transmit_footsteps 1250.000000Maximum distance to transmit footstep sound effects. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_max_change_offsets 48How many network changes to track before requiring full diff check. developmentonly gamedll
sv_max_queries_sec 3.000000Maximum queries per second to respond to from a single IP address. release
sv_max_queries_sec_global 60.000000Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere. release
sv_max_queries_window 30.000000Window over which to average queries per second averages. release
sv_max_unreliable_delta_size 4096Maximum allowable entity delta size over unreliable delivery. developmentonly defensive
sv_maxclientframes 128 developmentonly defensive
sv_maxrate 0Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
Min: 0

Max: 1000000
replicated release
sv_maxreplay 0.000000Maximum replay time in seconds
Min: 0.000000

Max: 15.000000
developmentonly defensive
sv_maxspeed 320.000000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_maxunlag 0.200000Maximum lag compensation in seconds
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_maxuptimelimit 0.000000Number of hours to operate before trying sv_shutdown. gamedll release
sv_maxvelocity 3500.000000Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis. gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_memlimit 0If set, whenever a game ends, if the total memory used by the server is greater than this # of megabytes, the server will exit. cheat release
sv_merge_changes_after_tick_with_calcdelta 1This fixes bugs where pure calcdelta is used due to recipient changing but it doesn't pick up a field change where the value was changed back to same value as the from snapshot even though the destination fields change list does note the change. Set to 2 to spew any changes merged in by this fix. release
sv_min_jump_landing_sound 260.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_minimum_desired_chicken_count 0Minimum number of chickens to attempt to spawn in the map gamedll replicated release
sv_minrate 98304Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
Min: 0

Max: 1000000
replicated release
sv_mmqueue_reservation Server queue reservation developmentonly dontrecord
sv_mmqueue_reservation_extended_timeout 21Extended time in seconds before mmqueue reservation expires.
Min: 5

Max: 180
sv_mmqueue_reservation_timeout 21Time in seconds before mmqueue reservation expires.
Min: 5

Max: 180
sv_mover_maxslope 0.700000The maximum slope the player can overcome [-] developmentonly gamedll clientdll notify replicated defensive
sv_mover_pogodampingratio 1.000000The capsule pogo stick damping ratio [-] developmentonly gamedll clientdll notify replicated defensive
sv_mover_pogofrequency 10.000000The capsule pogo stick frequency [hz]. developmentonly gamedll clientdll notify replicated defensive
sv_mute_players_with_social_penalties true developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_networkvar_perfieldtracking trueTrack individual field offset changes, rather than a single dirty flag for the whole entity. release
sv_networkvar_validate falseValidate each StateChanged against known offsets. release
sv_no_navmesh falseBlock loading of the navmesh. Unplayable, only used for memory sampling. developmentonly gamedll cheat
sv_noclipaccelerate 5.000000 gamedll clientdll archive notify replicated
sv_noclipduringpause falseIf cheats are enabled, then you can noclip with the game paused (for doing screenshots, etc.). gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
sv_noclipfriction 4.000000Friction during noclip move. gamedll clientdll archive notify replicated
sv_noclipspeed 1200.000000 gamedll clientdll archive notify replicated
sv_nomvp falseDisable MVP awards. developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_nonemesis trueDisable nemesis and revenge. developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_nowinpanel falseTurn on/off win panel on server developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_optimizedmovement true developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_outofammo_indicator false gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_parallel_checktransmit 2Set to 1 to use threaded checkentities for transmit/pvs on listen servers, 2 for dedicated servers. gamedll release
sv_parallel_packentities 2Set to 1 to use threaded snapshot sending on listen servers, 2 for dedicated servers. release
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot 20: run all send jobs on main thread; 1: send jobs run asynchronously (except on dedicated server); 2: send jobs asynchronously; 3: send jobs run in parallel but block to not overlap the next tick; 4: main server clients' send jobs run in parallel, then HLTV server jobs; this approximately matches pre-async profile for a single HLTV server configuration release
sv_party_mode falseParty!! gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_password Server password for entry into multiplayer games protected notify dontrecord release
sv_pausable 0Is the server pausable. release
sv_pausable_dev trueWhether listen server is pausable when running -dev and playing solo against bots developmentonly
sv_pausable_dev_ds falseWhether dedicated server is pausable when running -dev and playing solo against bots developmentonly
sv_pause_on_console_open false1 = Pause the game when pressing ~ to open the console. CTRL+~ opens the console without pause. archive
sv_pause_on_tick 0Tick count to pause on developmentonly gamedll replicated cheat
sv_phys_animated_hierarchy true developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_phys_debug_callback_entities falsePrint all entities that get touch callbacks. Each entity is printed only once. gamedll cheat
sv_phys_enabled trueEnable all physics simulation gamedll cheat
sv_phys_sleep_enable trueEnable sleeping for dynamic physics bodies. gamedll cheat
sv_phys_stop_at_collision gamedll cheat
sv_phys_visualize_awake false developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_player_search_range 64.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_playerradio_use_allowlist trueplayerradio commands may only use responses from an allow list of commands. gamedll release
sv_predictable_damage_tag_ticks 2Delay player slowdown when damaged by # ticks to reduce misprediction effects gamedll release
sv_prime_accounts_only falseWhen this setting is enabled only prime users can connect to this game server. gamedll release
sv_pure_kick_clients trueIf set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client. release
sv_pure_trace 0If set to 1, the server will print a message whenever a client is verifying a CRC for a file. release
sv_pushaway_clientside 0Clientside physics push away (0=off, 1=only localplayer, 1=all players) developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_pushaway_clientside_size 15.000000Minimum size of pushback objects developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_pushaway_force 300000.000000How hard physics objects are pushed away from the players on the server. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_pushaway_hostage_force 20000.000000How hard the hostage is pushed away from physics objects (falls off with inverse square of distance). gamedll replicated cheat
sv_pushaway_max_force 2000.000000Maximum amount of force applied to physics objects by players. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_pushaway_max_hostage_force 1000.000000Maximum of how hard the hostage is pushed away from physics objects. gamedll replicated cheat
sv_pushaway_max_player_force 20.000000Maximum of how hard the player is pushed away from physics objects. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
sv_pushaway_min_player_speed 75.000000If a player is moving slower than this, don't push away physics objects (enables ducking behind things). developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_pushaway_player_force 450.000000How hard the player is pushed away from physics objects (falls off with inverse square of distance). developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
sv_pvs_cache_query_inflate_amount 0 developmentonly gamedll
sv_pvs_entity -1If set, only allows this ent index to network (other than players and things that force sending). developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_pvs_max_distance 0.000000if set, adds a maximum range to PVS/PAS checks replicated release
sv_pvs_random falseIf set, objects blink in/out of pvs randomly. developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_quantize_movement_input trueQuantize movement input values. Enabling this restricts players from using analog input to move at fractional speeds normally impossible with digital button input. gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_radio_throttle_window 10.000000The number of seconds before radio command tokens refresh. gamedll release
sv_ragdoll_lru_debug false gamedll replicated cheat
sv_rcon_banpenalty 0Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
Min: 0
developmentonly defensive
sv_rcon_log trueEnable/disable rcon logging. developmentonly defensive
sv_rcon_maxfailures 10Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
Min: 1

Max: 20
developmentonly defensive
sv_rcon_minfailures 5Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned
Min: 1

Max: 20
developmentonly defensive
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30.000000Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications
Min: 1.000000
developmentonly defensive
sv_record_item_time_data falseTurn on recording of per player item time data into the server log. gamedll release
sv_recvbuf_messages 1024Max number of messages that can be queued in a netchan receive buffer for an ordinary connection from a client. developmentonly defensive
sv_regeneration_force_on falseCheat to test regenerative health systems gamedll cheat
sv_regeneration_wait_time 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll replicated defensive
sv_region -1The region of the world to report this server in. release
sv_reliableavatardata falseUse server overrides for steam avatars gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_remapper_loopsoundfix false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_remapper_range_multiplier 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_remove_ent_from_pvs 0 developmentonly gamedll
sv_replaysdir replaysDirectory to store replays in developmentonly defensive
sv_reserve_slots_for_reconnecting_players_kick_prior trueKick a previously connected player with the same steamID if a replacement comes along developmentonly defensive
sv_rollangle 0.000000Max view roll angle developmentonly gamedll clientdll notify replicated
sv_rollspeed 200.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll notify replicated
sv_runcmds true developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_script_think_interval 0.100000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_search_key release
sv_search_team_key publicWhen initiating team search, set this key to match with known opponents team release
sv_sendtables 1Force full sendtable sending path. developmentonly
sv_sequence_debug -1 developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_sequence_debug2 -1 developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_sequence_model_substring developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_server_graphic1 A 360x60 (<16kb) image file in /csgo/ that will be displayed to spectators. gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_server_graphic2 A 220x45 (<16kb) image file in /csgo/ that will be displayed to spectators. gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_server_verify_blood_on_player true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
sv_shared_team_pvs falsePVS is shared between teams developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_shield_bash_damage_to_nonplayer 30.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_shield_bash_damage_to_players 90.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_shield_explosive_damage_cap 99.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_shield_explosive_damage_crouch_bonus 10.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_shield_explosive_damage_mindist 30.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_shield_explosive_damage_mult 4.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_shield_explosive_damage_scale 0.500000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_shield_hitpoints 850.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_show_bot_difficulty_in_name false0 = hide bot difficulty in bot name, 1 = show bot difficulty in bot name developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_show_move_collisions falseEnable this to visualize collisions between player and geometry. gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
sv_show_team_equipment_force_on falseForce on if not prohibited gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_show_team_equipment_prohibit falseDetermines whether +cl_show_team_equipment is prohibited. gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_show_teammate_death_notification falseShow chat notification upon teammate death gamedll release
sv_show_voip_indicator_for_enemies falseMakes it so the voip icon is shown over enemies as well as allies when they are talking gamedll replicated release
sv_showbullethits 01=show hits and near misses, 2=show hits only gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_showhitregistration 0Display lag_compensated hitboxes. 0 = off, 1 = server only, 2 = client only, 3 = both server and client gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
sv_showimpacts 0Shows client (red) and server (blue) bullet impact point (1=both, 2=client-only, 3=server-only) gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_showimpacts_penetration 0Shows extra data when bullets penetrate. (use sv_showimpacts_time to increase time shown) gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_showimpacts_time 4.000000Duration bullet impact indicators remain before disappearing
Min: 0.000000

Max: 10.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_showladders falseShow bbox and dismount points for all ladders (must be set before level load.) developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_showlagcompensation_rec 0.000000If > 0, show lag compensation hitboxes as they're recorded. Value is for how long. developmentonly gamedll
sv_showplayerhitboxes 0Show lag compensated hitboxes for the specified player index whenever a player fires. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_shutdown_immediately_on_request falseThe server will always shutdown on receiving the shutdown request, even if not hibernating developmentonly defensive
sv_skel_constraints_enable false replicated cheat
sv_skip_update_animations falseEnable to skip game animations developmentonly gamedll
sv_skirmish_id 0Dedicated server skirmish id to run gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_skyname sky_urb01Current name of the skybox texture gamedll clientdll archive replicated
sv_smoke_perf_test false reference
sv_smoke_volume_blind_start 0.200000 developmentonly clientdll
sv_snapshot_unlimited falseFor debugging, don't throw away old snapshots so that if you break in debugger (on remote client or server) it won't require an uncompressed update to resume. You may run out of memory of course... replicated release
sv_sniper_tracer_innacuracy 0.085000How inaccurate a sniper shot can be before we trip sv_sniper_tracer_mode behavior. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_sniper_tracer_innacuracy_length 200.000000How far should the tracer draw if we trip sv_sniper_tracer_mode behavior. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_sniper_tracer_mode 1Mode for sniper tracers. 0: legacy, 1: hide when more than sv_sniper_tracer_innacuracy inaccurate. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_spawn_afk_bomb_drop_time 15.000000Players that have never moved since they spawned will drop the bomb after this amount of time. gamedll replicated release
sv_spec_hear 1Determines who spectators can hear: 0: only spectators; 1: all players; 2: spectated team; 3: self only; 4: nobody gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_spec_use_tournament_content_standards false gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_specaccelerate 5.000000 gamedll clientdll archive notify replicated
sv_specnoclip true gamedll clientdll archive notify replicated
sv_specspeed 1200.000000 gamedll clientdll archive notify replicated
sv_staminajumpcost 0.080000Stamina penalty for jumping
Min: 0.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_staminalandcost 0.050000Stamina penalty for landing
Min: 0.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_staminamax 80.000000Maximum stamina penalty
Min: 0.000000

Max: 100.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_staminarecoveryrate 60.000000Rate at which stamina recovers (units/sec)
Min: 0.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_standable_normal 0.700000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release
sv_stats trueCollect CPU usage stats developmentonly defensive
sv_steamauth_enforce 2By default, player must maintain a reliable connection to Steam servers. When player Steam session drops, enforce it: 2 = instantly kick, 1 = kick at next spawn, 0 = do not kick. release
sv_steamauth_ignore_localhost trueIgnore VAC and auth errors for client connected via localhost address or in-engine loopback release
sv_steamgroup The ID of the steam group that this server belongs to. You can find your group's ID on the admin profile page in the steam community. notify release
sv_steamgroup_exclusive falseIf set, only members of Steam group will be able to join the server when it's empty, public people will be able to join the server only if it has players. release
sv_step_move_vel_min 64.000000Min velocity for step move. gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
sv_stepsize 18.000000 developmentonly gamedll clientdll notify replicated
sv_stopspeed 80.000000Minimum stopping speed when on ground. gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_strafing_inaccuracy_bias 0.500000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release
sv_strafing_inaccuracy_enabled false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release
sv_strafing_inaccuracy_scale 0.100000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release
sv_stressbots falseIf set to 1, the server calculates data and fills packets to bots. Used for perf testing. release
sv_strict_notarget falseIf set, notarget will cause entities to never think they are in the pvs developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_suppress_friendlyfire_decals true developmentonly gamedll
sv_suppress_viewpunch false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
sv_tags Server tags. Used to provide extra information to clients when they're browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma. notify release
sv_talk_after_dying_time 0.000000The number of seconds a player can continue talking after dying as if they were still alive gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_talk_enemy_dead falseDead players can hear all dead enemy communication (voice, chat) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_talk_enemy_living falseLiving players can hear all living enemy communication (voice, chat) gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_teamid_overhead trueShows teamID over player's heads. 0 = off, 1 = on gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_teamid_overhead_always_prohibit falseDetermines whether cl_teamid_overhead_always is prohibited. gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist 0If >0, server will override cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec 0If >0, server will override cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_temp_baseline_string_table_buffer_size 524288Buffer size for writing string table baselines developmentonly defensive
sv_timebetweenducks 0.400000Minimum time before recognizing consecutive duck key
Min: 0.000000

Max: 2.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_timeout 20.000000After this many seconds without a message from fully connected client, the client is dropped developmentonly defensive
sv_turbophysics falseTurns on turbo physics developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
sv_turning_inaccuracy_angle_min 4.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release
sv_turning_inaccuracy_decay 0.800000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release
sv_turning_inaccuracy_enabled false gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release
sv_unlag trueEnables player lag compensation developmentonly gamedll
sv_unlag_debug false developmentonly gamedll
sv_unlag_fixstuck falseDisallow backtracking a player for lag compensation if it will cause them to become stuck developmentonly gamedll
sv_unlockedchapters 1Highest unlocked game chapter. archive
sv_unpause_on_console_close false1 = Unpause the game when pressing ~ to close the console. 0 = Leave the game paused. archive
sv_update_animgraph_movement_in_finish trueWhether we should update animgraph movement in FinishMove. gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
sv_use_hi_pri_context_switch_time 1.000000+use search behaves as though high priority items are usable for this long after they become unusable to avoid players accidentally performing a different action. gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_use_pvs_cache false developmentonly gamedll
sv_usenetworkvars trueUse networkvar system. developmentonly defensive
sv_usercmd_custom_random_seed falseWhen enabled server will populate an additional random seed independent of the client gamedll release
sv_usercmd_execute_warning_ms 5.000000Emit a warning if we spend more than N ms executing user commands for a single player gamedll archive
sv_vac_webapi_auth_key Key for when posting to vac related webapis. gamedll release
sv_versus_screen_scene_id 0Determines which scene is used for the versus screen. gamedll release commandline_enforced
sv_visiblemaxplayers -1Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients release
sv_voice_proximity -1.000000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_voicecodec vaudio_speexSpecifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension. release
sv_voiceenable true archive notify release
sv_vote_allow_in_warmup falseAllow voting during warmup? gamedll release
sv_vote_allow_spectators falseAllow spectators to initiate votes? gamedll release
sv_vote_command_delay 2.000000How long after a vote passes until the action happens
Max: 4.500000
gamedll release
sv_vote_count_spectator_votes falseAllow spectators to vote on issues? gamedll release
sv_vote_creation_timer 120.000000How often someone can individually call a vote. gamedll release
sv_vote_disallow_kick_on_match_point falseDisallow vote kicking on the match point round. gamedll release
sv_vote_failure_timer 300.000000A vote that fails cannot be re-submitted for this long gamedll release
sv_vote_issue_changelevel_allowed trueCan people hold votes to change levels? developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed trueCan people hold votes to kick players from the server? gamedll notify replicated release
sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_allowed trueCan people hold votes to load match from backup? gamedll notify replicated release
sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_spec_authoritative falseWhen enabled, admins load match from backup without players vote gamedll release
sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_spec_only falseWhen enabled, only admins load match from backup gamedll notify replicated release
sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_spec_safe trueWhen enabled, admins load match from backup in safe time of the round only gamedll release
sv_vote_issue_matchready_allowed trueCan people hold votes to ready/unready the match? developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowed trueCan people hold votes to set the next level? developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowextend trueAllow players to extend the current map? developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode truePresent players with a list of lowest playtime maps to choose from? developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_prevent_change trueNot allowed to vote for a nextlevel if one has already been set. developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_vote_issue_pause_match_allowed trueCan people hold votes to pause/unpause the match? developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_vote_issue_pause_match_spec_only falseWhen enabled, only admins start technical pause gamedll notify replicated release
sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed falseCan people hold votes to restart the game? gamedll release
sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_allowed falseCan people hold votes to scramble the teams? developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_vote_issue_surrrender_allowed trueCan people hold votes to surrender? developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_vote_issue_swap_teams_allowed falseCan people hold votes to swap the teams? developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_vote_issue_timeout_allowed trueCan people hold votes to time out? developmentonly gamedll defensive
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 15.000000How long should a kick vote ban someone from the server? (in minutes) gamedll notify replicated release
sv_vote_quorum_ratio 0.501000The minimum ratio of players needed to vote on an issue to resolve it.
Min: 0.010000

Max: 1.000000
gamedll release
sv_vote_timer_duration 15.000000How long to allow voting on an issue gamedll release
sv_vote_to_changelevel_before_match_point falseRestricts vote to change level to rounds prior to match point (default 0, vote is never disallowed) gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_vote_to_changelevel_rndmin 0When non-zero, restricts vote to change level to this many first rounds or minutes of the match (default 0, vote is not disallowed) gamedll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_walkable_normal 0.700000 gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release
sv_warmup_to_freezetime_delay 4Delay between end of warmup and start of match.
Min: 3

Max: 20
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
sv_water_slow_amount 0.900000 gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_wateraccelerate 10.000000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_waterdist 12.000000Vertical view fixup when eyes are near water plane. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
sv_waterfriction 1.000000 gamedll clientdll notify replicated release
sv_watchtransmit -2Watch NetworkStateChanged info for this entity index. gamedll release
sv_weapon_require_use_grace_period 1.000000 gamedll release
sv_weapon_swap_difficulty_near_hi_pri 20 = Cone searches easily reach past high priority items to swap weapons. 1 = Cone searches are narrowed and require that the weapon is strictly closer. 2 = cone searches are disabled near high priority items gamedll clientdll replicated release
sv_workshop_allow_other_maps trueWhen hosting a workshop collection, users can play other workshop map on this server when it is empty and then mapcycle into this server collection. gamedll release
sys_minidumpexpandedspew true developmentonly defensive
sys_minidumpspewlines 2000Lines of crash dump console spew to keep. release
target_scan_use_query_cache true developmentonly gamedll defensive
teleport_trigger_debug false developmentonly gamedll
test_restoreonnewmodel 0 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
testscript_debug falseDebug test scripts. developmentonly defensive
think_limit 10.000000Maximum think time in milliseconds, warning is printed if this is exceeded. gamedll clientdll replicated release
thread_pool_option -1Thread pool option hidden release
throttle_expensive_ai false developmentonly gamedll defensive
timedemo_end -1Ends timedemo on given tick. developmentonly defensive
timedemo_start -1Starts timedemo on given tick. developmentonly defensive
tool_spawned_model_scales 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 developmentonly gamedll replicated
tools_stall_monitor_break_on_unknown_cause falseBreak on unknown stall cause developmentonly
trusted_launch 0Trusted launch status clientdll archive
tv_advertise_watchable falseGOTV advertises the match as watchable via game UI, clients watching via UI will not need to type password protected notify dontrecord release
tv_allow_autorecording_index -1When >=0 restricts autorecording only to the specified TV index gamedll release
tv_allow_camera_man trueAuto director allows spectators to become camera man developmentonly gamedll defensive
tv_allow_camera_man_steamid 0Allows tournament production cameraman to run csgo.exe -interactivecaster on SteamID 7650123456XXX and be the camera man. gamedll release
tv_allow_camera_man_steamid2 0Allows tournament production tv cameraman to run csgo.exe -interactivecaster on SteamID 7650123456XXX and be the tv camera man. gamedll release
tv_allow_static_shots trueAuto director uses fixed level cameras for shots gamedll release
tv_autorecord falseAutomatically records all games as SourceTV demos. release
tv_autoretry trueRelay proxies retry connection after network timeout release
tv_broadcast falseAutomatically broadcasts all games as GOTV demos through Steam. release
tv_broadcast_drop_fragments 0Drop every Nth fragment hidden release
tv_broadcast_keyframe_interval 3.000000The frequency, in seconds, of sending keyframes and delta fragments to the broadcast relay server release
tv_broadcast_keyframe_interval1 3.000000The frequency, in seconds, of sending keyframes and delta fragments to the broadcast1 relay server release
tv_broadcast_max_requests 20Max number of broadcast http requests in flight. If there is a network issue, the requests may start piling up, degrading server performance. If more than the specified number of requests are in flight, the new requests are dropped. release
tv_broadcast_max_requests1 20Max number of broadcast1 http requests in flight. If there is a network issue, the requests may start piling up, degrading server performance. If more than the specified number of requests are in flight, the new requests are dropped. release
tv_broadcast_origin_auth gocastauthX-Origin-Auth header of the broadcast POSTs hidden release
tv_broadcast_origin_auth1 gocastauthX-Origin-Auth header of the broadcast1 POSTs hidden release
tv_broadcast_origin_delay 0.000000Injection delay request for CDN rebroadcast frameworks, seconds hidden release
tv_broadcast_startup_resend_interval 10.000000The interval, in seconds, of re-sending startup data to the broadcast relay server (useful in case relay crashes, restarts or startup data http request fails) release
tv_broadcast_terminate trueTerminate every broadcast with a stop command hidden release
tv_broadcast_url http://localhost:8080URL of the broadcast relay release
tv_broadcast_url1 http://localhost:8080URL of the broadcast relay1 release
tv_broadcast1 falseAutomatically broadcasts all games as GOTV[1] demos through Steam. release
tv_debug 0SourceTV debug info. release
tv_delay 120SourceTV broadcast delay in seconds
Min: 0

Max: 960
gamedll release commandline_enforced
tv_delay1 15SourceTV[instance 1] broadcast delay in seconds
Min: 0

Max: 960
gamedll release commandline_enforced
tv_delaymapchange trueDelays map change until broadcast is complete gamedll release
tv_deltacache 2Enable delta entity bit stream cache release
tv_demo_starttick 0 developmentonly defensive
tv_dispatchmode 1Dispatch clients to relay proxies: 0=never, 1=if appropriate, 2=always release
tv_enable falseActivates SourceTV on server. notify release
tv_enable_delta_frames trueIndicates whether or not the tv should use delta frames for storage of intermediate frames. This takes more CPU but significantly less memory. release
tv_enable_dynamic falseWhen enabled, changes in tv_enable convars cause immediate startup or shutdown of hltv server notify release
tv_enable1 falseActivates SourceTV[1] on server. notify release
tv_extended_logging false developmentonly defensive
tv_grouprelaydatareliable falseWhen enabled, this will collect all information for relay sending into a single datagram to ensure that the data stays together through a potentially large number of relays developmentonly defensive
tv_grouprelaydataunreliable falseWhen enabled, this will collect all information for relay sending into a single datagram to ensure that the data stays together through a potentially large number of relays developmentonly defensive
tv_grouprelaydatavoice falseSimilar to tv_grouprelaydata, but controls whether or not the voice channels should be routed into the grouped data for the relays developmentonly defensive
tv_chatgroupsize 0Set the default chat group size release
tv_chattimelimit 0.200000Limits spectators to chat only every n seconds release
tv_include_usercommands trueHLTV streams will include player usercommands each tick gamedll release
tv_instant_replay_full_frame trueSend embedded full frames developmentonly defensive
tv_instant_replay_full_frame_build_threaded falseBuild the full frames on a seperate job thread developmentonly defensive
tv_instant_replay_full_frame_time 30Seconds between full frame embeddeds developmentonly defensive
tv_listen_voice_indices 0Bitfield of playerslots to listen to voice messages from when connected to SourceTV, default is none clientdll userinfo
tv_listen_voice_indices_h 0High 32 bits of bitfield of playerslots to listen to voice messages from when connected to SourceTV, default is none clientdll userinfo
tv_log_director_events falseLog game events being considered by the director developmentonly gamedll defensive
tv_maxclients 128Maximum client number on SourceTV server.
Min: 0

Max: 255
tv_maxclients_relayreserved 0This number of relay client connections are reserved for SourceTV relays.
Min: 0

Max: 255
tv_maxrate 0Max SourceTV spectator bandwidth rate allowed, 0 == unlimited release
tv_name SourceTVSourceTV host name release
tv_nochat falseDon't receive chat messages from other SourceTV spectators archive userinfo
tv_overridemaster falseOverrides the SourceTV master root address. release
tv_password SourceTV password for all clients of CSTV[0] protected notify dontrecord release
tv_password1 SourceTV password for all clients of CSTV[1]. If empty, tv_password is used protected notify dontrecord release
tv_playcast_delay_prediction true release
tv_playcast_delay_resync 0.000000To alleviate intermittent network connectivity problems, this is the number of seconds to wait before actually re-syncing the stream after failure release
tv_playcast_max_rcvage 15.000000 hidden release
tv_playcast_max_rtdelay 300.000000 hidden release
tv_playcast_origin_auth Get request X-Origin-Auth string hidden release
tv_playcast_retry_timeout 25.000000In case of intermittent network problems, how long should playcast retry fragment retrieval before resorting to resync release
tv_playcast_showerrors Set to display headers upon error (e.g. "CF-Ray,CF-Cache-Status,Body" ) hidden release
tv_port 27020Host SourceTV[0] port release
tv_port1 27021Host SourceTV[1] port release
tv_rate_multiplier 2.000000Multiply requested rate by this value to adjust Dota TV send rate developmentonly defensive
tv_record_immediate 0tv_record starting the moment tv_record was executed, not tv_delay earlier release
tv_relay_hard_shutdown false developmentonly defensive
tv_relay_quit_after_game trueQuit after a game has been relayed, do not hibernate developmentonly defensive
tv_relay_rate 500000default rate for relays developmentonly defensive
tv_relay_secret_code falseWhen enabled, this will use a uniquely generated server code to authenticate relay to relay connections. This code is coordinated via the GC or some external means rather than by clients directly developmentonly defensive
tv_relaypassword SourceTV password for relay proxies protected notify dontrecord release
tv_relayradio falseRelay team radio commands to TV: 0=off, 1=on gamedll release
tv_relayvoice trueRelay voice data: 0=off, 1=on release
tv_secret_code falseWhen enabled, this will use a uniquely generated server code to authenticate relay connections. This code is coordinated via the GC or some external means rather than by clients directly developmentonly defensive
tv_secure_bypass falseBypass secure challenge on TV port release
tv_show_allchat true gamedll release
tv_spectator_port_offset 0 clientdll release
tv_threaded_merge_entity_deltas trueEnable SourceTV threading of delta merging developmentonly defensive
tv_timeout 20.000000SourceTV connection timeout in seconds. release
tv_title SourceTVSet title for SourceTV spectator UI release
tv_transmitall falseTransmit all entities (not only director view) replicated release
tv_update_hibernation_enabled falseAllow SourceTV to control server hibernation state. developmentonly defensive
tv_window_size 16.000000Specifies the number of seconds worth of frames that the tv replay system should keep in memory. Increasing this greatly increases the amount of memory consumed by the TV system release
ui_deepstats_radio_heat_figurine 0 clientdll archive release
ui_deepstats_radio_heat_tab 0 clientdll archive release
ui_deepstats_radio_heat_team 0 clientdll archive release
ui_deepstats_toplevel_mode 0 clientdll archive release
ui_hud_dist 24.000000distance from the player to the hud developmentonly clientdll replicated defensive
ui_inspect_bkgnd_map_9CA40421 warehouseInspect background map clientdll archive release
ui_inventorysettings_recently_acknowledged clientdll archive release
ui_leaderboards_top_public_appid 730 clientdll hidden release
ui_lobby_draft_enabled false clientdll release
ui_mainmenu_bkgnd_movie_9CA40421 de_trainMain menu background movie clientdll archive release
ui_nearbylobbies_filter3 competitive clientdll archive release
ui_news_last_read_link clientdll archive release
ui_notification_tb_snooze clientdll archive release
ui_party_msg_sound_enabled trueWhen enabled, lobby messages will play a short sound clientdll release
ui_playsettings_custom_preset clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_directchallengekey clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_casual 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_competitive 16 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_cooperative 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_deathmatch 32 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_scrimcomp2v2 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_skirmish 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_survival 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_official_casual 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_official_competitive 16 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_official_cooperative 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_official_deathmatch 32 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_official_scrimcomp2v2 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_official_skirmish 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_flags_official_survival 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_listen_annotations 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_listen_grenades 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_listen_infammo 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_listen_infwarmup 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_maps_listen_casual mg_de_dust2 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_maps_listen_competitive mg_de_dust2 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_maps_listen_deathmatch mg_de_dust2 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_maps_listen_scrimcomp2v2 mg_de_inferno clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_maps_listen_skirmish mg_skirmish_armsrace clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_maps_official_casual mg_dust247 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_maps_official_deathmatch mg_dust247 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_maps_official_gungameprogressive mg_armsrace clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_maps_workshop clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_mode_listen deathmatch clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_mode_official_v20 deathmatch clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_survival_solo 0 clientdll archive release
ui_playsettings_warmup_map_name de_mirage clientdll archive release
ui_popup_weaponupdate_version 0 clientdll archive release
ui_render_task_clips_label dealt_damage clientdll release
ui_render_task_file rendertask clientdll release
ui_render_task_fps 60 clientdll release
ui_render_task_generate_clips false clientdll release
ui_setting_advertiseforhire_auto 1Whether users will automatically advertise for invites (0: off; 1: last; 2: auto) clientdll archive release
ui_setting_advertiseforhire_auto_last /competitiveWhich game mode users last used to advertise for invites clientdll archive release
ui_show_subscription_alert 0 clientdll archive release
ui_show_unlock_competitive_alert clientdll archive release
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position bottomleftSteam overlay notification position clientdll archive
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position_horz 0Steam overlay notification position horizontal offset
Min: 0

Max: 100
clientdll archive
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position_vert 0Steam overlay notification position vertical offset
Min: 0

Max: 100
clientdll archive
ui_vanitysetting_loadoutslot_ct clientdll archive release
ui_vanitysetting_loadoutslot_t clientdll archive release
ui_vanitysetting_team clientdll archive release
update_voices_low_priority false developmentonly defensive
use_fx_queue trueuse_fx_queue developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated
v8_jitless trueDisable runtime allocation of executable memory for V8. developmentonly
v8_maximum_heap_size_mb 512Hard limit for the v8 heap size (in mBytes) developmentonly
v8_stack_size 384Default size of stack region v8 is allowed to use (in kBytes) developmentonly
vconsole_rcon_server_details when non-empty allows for easy vconsole connection to the dedicated server. dontrecord release server_cannot_query
vehicle_debug_impact_damage false developmentonly gamedll
videocfg_ao_detail 0 developmentonly clientdll defensive
videocfg_fsr_detail 0 developmentonly clientdll defensive
videocfg_hdr_detail -1 developmentonly clientdll defensive
videocfg_particle_detail 1 developmentonly clientdll defensive
videocfg_shadow_quality 1 developmentonly clientdll defensive
videocfg_texture_detail 1 developmentonly clientdll defensive
view_punch_decay 18.000000Decay factor exponent for view punch gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release
viewmodel_fov 60.000000Viewmodel FOV
Min: 54.000000

Max: 68.000000
clientdll archive userinfo per_user
viewmodel_offset_x 1.000000viewmodel_offset_x
Min: -2.000000

Max: 2.500000
clientdll archive userinfo per_user
viewmodel_offset_y 1.000000viewmodel_offset_y
Min: -2.000000

Max: 2.000000
clientdll archive userinfo per_user
viewmodel_offset_z -1.000000viewmodel_offset_z
Min: -2.000000

Max: 2.000000
clientdll archive userinfo per_user
viewmodel_presetpos 11:"Desktop", 2:"Classic" clientdll archive
violence_ablood trueDraw alien blood archive
violence_agibs trueShow alien gib entities archive
violence_hblood trueDraw human blood archive
violence_hgibs trueShow human gib entities archive
vis_enable trueEnable precomputed visibility when true developmentonly defensive
vis_force false gamedll cheat
vis_sunlight_enable trueToggle whether to use sunlight PVS for sunlight views (0 = sky PVS, 1 = sunlight PVS) developmentonly cheat
vismon_poll_frequency 0.500000 gamedll cheat
vismon_trace_limit 12 gamedll cheat
vm_camera true developmentonly clientdll defensive
vm_camera_interp_speed 8.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
vm_camera_no_roll false developmentonly clientdll defensive
vm_camera_scale 1.000000 developmentonly clientdll defensive
vm_debug 0 developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
vm_draw_always false developmentonly clientdll defensive
voice_all_icons falseDraw all players' voice icons developmentonly clientdll defensive
voice_always_sample_mic falseWhen enabled, open the voip audio input stream when the application launches. archive
voice_bypass_noise_gate false developmentonly
voice_clientdebug 0 developmentonly clientdll defensive
voice_debugfeedbackfrom false developmentonly defensive
voice_device_override Default device used for voice capture. archive release
voice_fadeouttime 0.005000 developmentonly defensive
voice_in_process true developmentonly defensive
voice_initial_buffer_ms 200 developmentonly defensive
voice_input_stallout 2.000000Time before we consider a mic stalled out and need to reset it. userinfo
voice_loopback false userinfo
voice_loopback_no_networking false userinfo
voice_min_buffer_ms 100 developmentonly defensive
voice_modenable trueEnable/disable voice in this mod. clientdll archive release clientcmd_can_execute
voice_noise_supression false developmentonly defensive
voice_player_speaking_delay_threshold 0.500000 gamedll cheat
voice_sequence_maximum_wait_time 0.500000When receiving packets out of sequence, wait this many seconds for missing sequences to arrive developmentonly defensive
voice_serverdebug false developmentonly gamedll defensive
voice_stall_ms 250.000000 developmentonly defensive
voice_test_log_send false release
voice_threshold -120.000000decibel threshold for how loud the talker's input signal is before we think they are talking. clientdll archive
voice_threshold_attack 0.300000Amount of time we buffer outgoing audio to detect an onset. developmentonly
voice_threshold_delay 0.700000Amount of time the talker is silent before we infer that they are no longer talking. developmentonly
voice_threshold_hold 0.200000Amount of time after the talker starts talking we should keep listening regardless of how loud they are speaking. developmentonly
voice_threshold_ramp_min_db -60.000000A dB floor of when to stop transmitting packets, the volume between this and voice_threshold will still transmit packets to allow for volume ramping. developmentonly
voice_vox 0Voice chat uses a vox-style always on clientdll archive per_user
voice_vox_current_peak 0.000000Current peak value (out of 64k) of the incoming voice stream developmentonly clientdll defensive
volume 1.000000Sound volume
Min: 0.000000

Max: 1.000000
volume_fog_debug_volumes false cheat
volume_fog_density_scale 1.000000Scale global volume fog density developmentonly cheat
volume_fog_depth 128 developmentonly defensive
volume_fog_depth_warp 7.000000 developmentonly defensive
volume_fog_depth_warp_debug false developmentonly defensive
volume_fog_dither_scale 1.000000 cheat
volume_fog_enable_jitter true cheat
volume_fog_force_indirect_lpvs falseForce use of LPVs for indirect lighting in fog developmentonly cheat
volume_fog_height 160 developmentonly defensive
volume_fog_intermediate_textures_hdr true developmentonly defensive
volume_fog_shadow_penumbra_multiplier 3.000000Penumbra size multiplier for shadow sampling, reduces fog shadow aliasing developmentonly defensive
volume_fog_temporal_filter true developmentonly defensive
volume_fog_temporal_weight 0.900000Temporal filtering weight
Min: 0.100000

Max: 0.990000
developmentonly defensive
volume_fog_width 240 developmentonly defensive
vphys2_friction_factor 1.000000Change global friction factor cheat
vphys2_restitution_factor 1.000000Change global restitution factor cheat
vphysics_force_apply_magnitude 1.000000 developmentonly defensive
vphysics_return_implicit_velocity false developmentonly defensive
vprof_counters 0 developmentonly defensive
vprof_counters_show_minmax false developmentonly defensive
vprof_scope_entity_clientthink falseDoes nothing whatsoever. developmentonly clientdll hidden defensive
vprof_scope_entity_thinks false developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
vprof_think_limit false developmentonly gamedll defensive
weapon_accuracy_forcespread 0.000000Force spread to the specified value. gamedll clientdll replicated release
weapon_accuracy_logging false developmentonly gamedll clientdll archive replicated
weapon_accuracy_nospread falseDisable weapon inaccuracy spread gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
weapon_accuracy_reset_on_deploy falseOn deploy, forcibly reset weapon accuracy to zero. gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release
weapon_accuracy_shotgun_spread_patterns true gamedll clientdll replicated release
weapon_air_spread_scale 1.000000Scale factor for jumping inaccuracy, set to 0 to make jumping accuracy equal to standing
Min: 0.000000
gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
weapon_all_nametag false developmentonly clientdll
weapon_all_stattrak false developmentonly clientdll
weapon_auto_cleanup_time 0.000000If set to non-zero, weapons will delete themselves after the specified time (in seconds) if no players are near. gamedll clientdll replicated release
weapon_debug_inaccuracy_only_up falseForce weapon inaccuracy to be in exactly the up direction developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
weapon_debug_max_inaccuracy falseForce all shots to have maximum inaccuracy developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
weapon_debug_spread_gap 0.670000 clientdll cheat per_user
weapon_debug_spread_show 0Enables display of weapon accuracy; 1: show accuracy box, 3: show accuracy with dynamic crosshair clientdll cheat per_user
weapon_land_dip_amt 20.000000The amount the gun should dip when the player lands after a jump. developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
weapon_max_before_cleanup 0If set to non-zero, will remove the oldest dropped weapon to maintain the specified number of dropped weapons in the world. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
weapon_molotov_maxdetonateslope 30.000000Maximum angle of slope on which the molotov will detonate
Min: 0.000000

Max: 90.000000
developmentonly gamedll clientdll replicated defensive
weapon_near_empty_sound true gamedll clientdll replicated cheat
weapon_random_stickers false developmentonly clientdll
weapon_reticle_knife_show trueWhen enabled will show knife reticle on clients. Used for game modes requiring target id display when holding a knife. gamedll clientdll replicated release commandline_enforced
weapon_skin_force_legacy -1 developmentonly gamedll
weapon_skins true developmentonly clientdll
weapon_skins_on_default false developmentonly clientdll
weapon_sound_falloff_multiplier 1.000000Scaling for falloff of weapon firing sounds gamedll clientdll replicated cheat release commandline_enforced
webapi_values_init_buffer_size 65536Initial buffer size for buffers in the WebAPIValues buffer pool developmentonly clientdll defensive
webapi_values_max_pool_size_mb 400Maximum size in bytes of the WebAPIValues buffer pool developmentonly clientdll defensive
zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.000000Additional mouse sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in.
Min: 0.010000

Max: 3.000000
clientdll archive per_user